

Electrical Engineering by Graig Jin (U of Sydney)

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source: Craig Jin     2015年3月1日
U of Sydney: ELEC1103

Lecture 1: Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Layers of Abstraction 11:18
Lecture 2: Units/Dimensions and Electrical Charge 10:29
Lecture 3: Voltage and Current 22:11
Lecture 4: Basic Elements of Circuit Theory 18:19
Lecture 5: Resistors and Ohm's Law 18:08
Lecture 6: Kirchhoff's Current Law 21:33
Lecture 7: Kirchhoff's Voltage Law 27:38
Lecture 8: Electrical Safety 14:03
Lecture 9: Equivalent Resistance 24:23
Lecture 10: Voltage Division 12:06
Lecture 11: Current Division 31:00
Lecture 12: V-I Measurements and Delta-Wye Transformation 31:02
Lecture 13: Introduction to Nodal Analysis 23:01
Lecture 14: Solving Systems of Linear Equations 16:07
Lecture 15: Basic Nodal Analysis Continued 25:55
Lecture 16: Nodal Analysis and Dependent Sources 24:34
Lecture 17: Nodal Analysis and Supernodes 27:12
Lecture 18: Mesh Analysis 29:14
Lecture 19: Circuit Simulations 19:38
Lecture 20: Mesh Analysis: Supermesh and Dependent Sources 29:13
Lecture 21: Mesh Analysis: More Examples 34:34
Lecture 22: Conclusion of Mesh and Nodal Analysis 21:53
Lecture 23: Linearity 23:18
Lecture 24: Superposition in Circuit Analysis 27:27
Lecture 25: Source Transformations 36:13
Lecture 26: Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits (Part 1) 13:15
Lecture 27: Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits (Part 2) 20:41
Lecture 28: Maximum Power Transfer 22:13
Lecture 29: Operational Amplifiers Part 1 24:07
Lecture 30: Operational Amplifiers Part 2 43:24
Lecture 31: Operational Amplifiers Part 3 41:30
Lecture 32: Capacitors Part 1 42:55
Lecture 33: Capacitors Part 2 32:33
Lecture 34: Capacitors Part 3 39:44
Lecture 35: Inductors Part 1 48:57
Lecture 36: Inductors Part 2 36:12
Lecture 37: Inductors Part 3 33:24
Lecture 38: FIrst-Order Circuit Part 1: RC Free-Response 33:49
Lecture 39: FIrst-Order Circuits (Part 2: RC Driven Response) 40:15
Lecture 40: First-Order Circuits (Part 3: RL Circuits) 27:48
Lecture 41: First-Order Circuits (Part 4: Example Problems) 30:42
Lecture 42 First-Order Circuits (Part 5: Example Problems) 31:08
Lecture 43: Review of Sinusoidal Signals 30:36
Lecture 44: Review of Complex Numbers 46:07
Lecture 45: Phasors 45:45
Lecture 46: Circuit Analysis using Phasors 53:58
Lecture 47: Instantaneous Sinusoidal Power 11:23
Lecture 48: Average Power 14:58
Lecture 49: RMS Signal Values 17:27
Lecture 50: Complex Power 28:03
Lecture 51: Maximum Power Transfer 11:53
Lecture 52: Power Factor Correction 9:04