

Circuits and Electronics (Spring 2007) by Anant Agarwal & Jeffrey H. Lang at MIT

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source: MIT OpenCourseWare     2008年1月16日
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-002S07
6.002 is designed to serve as a first course in an undergraduate electrical engineering (EE), or electrical engineering and computer science (EECS) curriculum. At MIT, 6.002 is in the core of department subjects required for all undergraduates in EECS.
The course introduces the fundamentals of the lumped circuit abstraction. Topics covered include: resistive elements and networks; independent and dependent sources; switches and MOS transistors; digital abstraction; amplifiers; energy storage elements; dynamics of first- and second-order networks; design in the time and frequency domains; and analog and digital circuits and applications. Design and lab exercises are also significant components of the course. 6.002 is worth 4 Engineering Design Points.
The 6.002 content was created collaboratively by Profs. Anant Agarwal and Jeffrey H. Lang.
The course uses the required textbook Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits.
For lecture notes, study materials, and more courses, visit http://ocw.mit.edu

Lec 1 Introduction and Lumped Circuit Abstraction  41:10
Lec 2 Basic Circuit Analysis Method KVL and KCL Methods  49:10
Lec 3 Superposition, Théven and Norton  51:13
Lec 4 The Digital Abstraction  49:07
Lec 5 Inside the Digital Gate  51:08
Lec 6 Nonlinear Analysis  44:51
Lec 7 Incremental Analysis  50:12
Lec 8 Dependent Sources and Amplifiers  52:26
Lec 9 MOSFET Amplifier Large Signal Analysis pt1  50:34
Lec 9B MOSFET Amplifier Large Signal Analysis pt2  50:36
Lec 10 Amplifiers Small Signal Model  50:30
Lec 11 Small Signal Circuits  50:05
Lec 12 Capacitors and First Order Systems  49:12
Lec 13 Digital Circuit Speed  52:52
Lec 14 State and Memory  48:00
Lec 15 Second Order Systems pt1  50:12
Lec 15b Second Order Systems pt2  50:12
Lec 16 Sinusoidal Steady State  52:08
Lec 17 The Impedance Model  49:32
Lec 18 Filters  48:00
Lec 19 The Operational Amplifier Abstraction  52:32
Lec 20 Operational Amplifier Circuits 49:52
Lec 21 Op Amps Positive Feedback  51:14
Lec 22 Energy and Power  51:43
Lec 23 Energy, CMOS 40:12
Lec 25 Violating the Abstraction Barrier 46:38