

Algorithms and Programming II (2009-2010, Bilkent U) by Özcan Öztürk

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Bilkent Online Courses     2014年8月20日
CS 102 Algorithms and Programming II  (2009-2010- Summer)
Enhanced Object-Oriented Programming with Java. Inheritance and polymorphism, abstract classes and interfaces, graphical-user-interfaces, exceptions. Abstract data structures: lists, stacks, queues and trees. Recursion. Files. Searching and sorting. Hashing. Time and space considerations. Students undertake a large design project involving teamwork, independent learning, writing and presenting of requirements, user-interface design, and project documentation.

Lecture 01 Introduction 48:23
Lecture 02 45:59
Lecture 03 47:53
Lecture 04 44:42
Lecture 05 45:10
Lecture 06 45:44
Lecture 07 46:14
Lecture 08 43:32
Lecture 09 45:57
Lecture 10 33:41
Lecture 11 49:31
Lecture 12 42:28
Lecture 13 45:50
Lecture 14 40:36
Lecture 15 46:07
Lecture 16 47:06
Lecture 17 47:10
Lecture 18 44:31
Lecture 19 45:59
Lecture 20 20:54
Lecture 21 42:20
Lecture 22 46:38
Lecture 23 46:40
Lecture 24 45:59
Lecture 25 50:19
Lecture 26 48:06
Lecture 27 46:12
Lecture 28 49:17
Lecture 29 49:26
Lecture 30 50:54
Lecture 31 11:59
Lecture 32 43:55
Lecture 33 24:32
Lecture 34 47:19
Lecture 35 36:10
Lecture 36 49:56
Lecture 37 41:42