

ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Zürcher Hochschule der Künste    2016年1月15日

CCAA | Chinese Contemporary Art Award - Preview Trailer - iversity.org 2:34
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture mit Uli Sigg: The Sigg Collection and its Public Intermediation 1:22:35
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture mit Lars Nittve: M+ – About Creating “The Museum Asia Does Not Have” 1:30:22
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture: Kulturpolitik in und aus der Schweiz: Phantom oder Möglichkeit? 25:40
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture: The Human Compass 1:41:41
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture: Culture and development cooperation … 1:32:05
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture: The Disappearance of Architecture 1:29:33
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture: The Globalization of Education 1:55:43
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture: Curating and Collecting in a Global Art Context 1:30:15
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture: Rem Koolhaas zur Venice Biennale 2014 1:31:46
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture: What can we learn from smart inner cities? 1:25:12
ZHDK Lectures On Global Culture: Soft Power der aufstrebenden Mächte China und Indien 1:40:14
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture: Between Dream and Reality 43:04
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture: The City as Real-Time Experience 1:24:44
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture: Das Unbehagen an der globalen Kultur 1:31:33
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture: Shaping Global Culture 1:43:42
ZHdK Lectures on Global Culture: Die Erzählung der chinesischen Gegenwartskunst 1:29:14

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