

Strings 2007 ( Talks held at the Instituto de Física Teórica UAM/CSIC, Madrid)

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source: GraduatePhysics     2014年3月30日
Talks held at the Instituto de Física Teórica UAM/CSIC, Madrid, June 25-29, 2007.
Event website: http://gesalerico.ft.uam.es/strings07/

Niklas Beisert - Strong/Weak Interpolation in the Spectrum of AdS/CFT 36:09
Melanie Becker - Runaway in the Landscape 35:17
Nathan Berkovits - Recent Applications of the Pure Spinor Formalism 31:37
Jan de Boer - Resolving black holes using AdS:CFT 30:19
Roberto Emparan - Phases of higher-dimensional black holes 34:02
Renata Kallosh - Testing String Theory with CMB 33:19
Raphael Bousso - Cosmological Predictions in the Landscape 36:26
Ralph Blumenhagen - D-brane Instantons in Supersymmetric 4D String Vacua 30:37
Pavel Kovtun - Quantum critical transport, duality and M theory 29:20
Michael Douglas - Exploring the Kähler potential 32:19
David Gross - Perspectives (Strings 2007) 38:45
Albrecht Klemm - Black Holes and Large Order Quantum Geometry 28:17
Zvi Bern - Evidence for ultraviolet finiteness of N=8 supergravity 37:22
Urs Wiedemann - Jet quenching in string theory and heavy ion collisions 30:46
Licia Verde - Observational cosmology: why should you care? 34:43
Konstantin Zarembo - Worldsheet scattering in AdS_5xS^5 29:52
Cumrun Vafa - Geometric Metastability 32:34
Barton Zwiebach - Analytic progress in open string field theory 30:59
Mario Trigiante - Mirror covariant formulation of N=2 supergravity 34:58
Angel Uranga - Dimers and orientifolds 26:03
Shigeki Sugimoto - Baryons from Instantons in Holographic QCD 32:27
Sandip Trivedi - Non supersymmetric Attractors 37:34
Edward Witten - Three-Dimensional Gravity Revisited 39:02
Eva Silverstein - Dimensional Duality 35:39
Andrew Strominger - Search for the Holographic Dual of N Heterotic Strings 37:55
Soo-Jong Rey - Quantum Phase Transitions from String Theory 30:37
Nathan Seiberg - Beyond the MSSM 34:08
Jorge Russo - The structure of type II effective action and UV behaviour of maximal supergravity 33:11
Gigi Rolandi - Status and prospects of the LHC machine and experiments 36:29
Fabio Riccioni - E11 and M theory 33:39
Bert Schellekens - The RCFT orientifold landscape 36:09
Ashoke Sen - Marginal Stability and N=4 Dyon Spectrum 37:17
Lisa Randall - Black Holes and Quantum Gravity at the LHC 34:05
Fernando Quevedo - String Theory Scenarios Confront Experiments 33:51
Michela Petrini - Generalised N=1 vacua: geometry and non-geometry 33:07
Joseph Polchinski - The Cosmic String Inverse Problem 34:26
George Papadopoulos - Type I and II supersymmetric backgrounds 31:05
Hiroshi Ooguri - On the ubiquity of meta stable vacua 23:36
Juan Maldacena - Super Yang-Mills scattering amplitudes at strong coupling 30:30
Greg Moore - Wall Crossing and an Entropy Enigma 31:50
David Mateos - String theory and RHIC physics: the fundamental story 26:29
Andrei Linde - Eternal Inflation and String Theory Landscape 33:20
Shamit Kachru - Comments on Anti-branes 33:23

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