

Invisible Man Got the Whole World Watching: A Round Table with Mychal Denzel Smith

source: The New School    2016年9月22日
Join Nation Institute Knobler fellow and New York Times bestseller Mychal Denzel Smith at The New School (http://www.newschool.edu) for a panel discussion on the themes of his new book: How do you learn to be a black man in America? This is the question at the heart of the Nation writer’s celebrated new memoir, Invisible Man, Got the Whole World Watching: A Young Black Man's Education.
​With power and poignancy, Smith chronicles his own personal and political education in America​, describing his efforts to come into his own in a world that has denied his humanity. Smith will moderate a roundtable discussion of the book's themes with activists Alexis Coe, Tatyana Fazlalizadeh, and Rembert Browne.
This event is co-sponsored by The Nation Institute, Nation Books, and The New School.
Location: The Auditorium, Alvin Johnson/J.M. Kaplan Hall
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

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