

Introduction to Materials Science & Engineering (Patrick Shamberger / Texas A&M University, College Station, TX)

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source: Patrick Shamberger     2015年1月5日
Video lectures for Introduction to Materials Science & Engineering (MSEN 201/MEEN 222), Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

Quantum Mechanics Brief overview of quantum mechanics for materials scientists. What is the significance of the Schroedinger equation? How do the "principle quantum numbers" lead to the organization of the periodic table of elements? 23:06
Orbital Filling 16:24
Atomic Bonding 20:13
Interatomic Forces & Energy Curves 15:05
Single Crystal, Polycrystalline, Amorphous 13:49
Families of directions/planes 7:56
Crystallographic Points 6:35
Crystallographic Planes 9:55
Crystallographic Directions 6:31
Atomic densities and Packing Factors 14:54
FCC structure 8:50
Ionic crystal structures 9:31
Interstitial Sites 8:44
Structures of polymers 7:25
Polymers: Geometric Isomer 3:29
Polymers: Stereoisomers 4:50
Intro to Phase Diagrams 14:24
Phase Diagrams: The Lever Rule 14:02
Point Defects 8:09
Edge Dislocations 9:24
Screw Dislocations 7:09
Diffusion: Fick's first law 8:25
Diffusion: Steady state 5:42
Diffusion: Mechanisms 6:39
Diffussion: Activated Process 12:42
Macroscopic Stress Strain Behavior 8:26
Mechanical Properties Definitions 12:17
Macroscopic elastic and plastic deformation 8:37
Elastic and plastic deformation at the atomic scale 7:17
Electrical Properties: Formation of electronic bands 9:58
Electrical Properties: Types of Band Structures 11:32
Electrical properties: Temperature and resistivity 7:13
Electrical properties: Dopants/Alloying 10:01
Thermal Expansion 9:47
Heat Capacity 7:17
Thermal Conductivity 8:53
Atomic Origins of Magnetization 10:23
Magnetic Domains 10:13
Optical Absorption in Materials 8:39
Optical Emission 6:17

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