

Integrability in Gauge and String Theory 2016 (held at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Aug 22-26, 2016)

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source: GraduatePhysics     2016年9月9日
Event website: http://igst2016.physik.hu-berlin.de/

1. Tadashi Takayanagi - Quantum Entanglement and Tensor Network Description of AdS/CFT 56:16
2. Nima Arkani-Hamed - Scattering Forms as Binary Code 1:06:58
3. Ines Aniceto - Massless Luscher corrections and AdS_3 Integrability 44:10
4. Asger Ipsen - One loop one point functions in AdS/dCFT 48:50
5. Arkady Tseytlin - Deformed sigma models and generalized supergravity equations 54:34
6. Zohar Komargodski - Correlation Functions of Coulomb Branch Operators 46:48
7. Cristian Vergu - Smooth Wilson loops in N=4 super Yang Mills, integrability and kinematics 51:27
8. Vladimir Kazakov - New integrable QFTs from strongly twisted N=4 SYM 53:01
9. Alessandro Torrielli - Massless modes in AdS_3/CFT_2: algebraic and geometric aspects 46:53
10. Olof Ohlsson Sax - Massless modes in AdS_3/CFT_2: Symmetries, Bethe equations and dressing phases 51:11
11. Amit Sever - Factorization at Finite Coupling 43:14
12. Song He - Scattering Amplitudes, Riemann Spheres and Twistor Strings 53:06
13. Konstantin Zarembo - N=2* theory at strong coupling 53:24
14. Leonardo Rastelli - Mellin amplitudes for AdS_5 x S_5 54:30
15. Nikolay Gromov - Quark-anti quark potential in N=4 SYM 50:47
16. Aleksander Garus - Yangian Symmetry of the planar N=4 SYM 38:23
17. Benjamin Basso - Structure constants at wrapping order 54:41
18. Burkhard Eden - Structure constants from the OPE and from the hexagon 54:57
19. Didina Serban - Semiclassical limit of the three point function in N=4 SYM 49:59
20. Volker Schomerus - Integrability and the Conformal Bootstrap 53:42
21. Matthias Wilhelm - Form factors in N=4 SYM theory and beyond 51:46
22. Rafael Nepomechie - Non diagonal boundaries and AdS/CFT 51:45
23. Valentina Forini - Worldsheet superstring on the lattice and AdS/CFT 52:52
24. Victor Gorbenko - On the Worldsheet Theory of QCD Flux Tubes 53:19
25. Zoltan Bajnok - Three point functions and form factors 46:08

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