

Graduate Artificial Intelligence (Spring 2014) by Zico Kolter at Carnegie Mellon U

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source: Zico Kolter    2014年1月14日
Graduate Artificial Intelligence taught by Prof. Zico Kolter at Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science
Information about the course is available at http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~zkolter/course...

Lecture 1: Intro 1:18:19
Lecture 2: Intelligent agents and paradigms for AI 2:16:38
Lecture 3: Search 1:18:36
Lecture 4: Optimization 1 1:20:11
Lecture 5: Optimization 2 1:20:38
Lecture 6: Informed search 1:19:13
Lecture 7: Local Search 1:16:46
Lecture 8: Constraint satisfaction 1:19:04
Lecture 9: Mixed integer programming 1:17:37
Lecture 10: Machine Learning 1 1:20:14
Lecture 11: Machine learning 2 1:20:06
Lecture 13: Planning 2 1:17:28
Lecture 14: Probabilistic modeling 1:11:48
Lecture 15: Probabilistic inference 1:22:00
Lecture 16: Planning under uncertainty 1:02:04
Lecture 17: Reinforcement learning 1:19:57
Lecture 18: Computer vision 1 1:00:08
Lecture 19: Computer vision 2 1:21:55
Lecture 20: Scheduling 1:17:31
Lecture 21: Robotics 1 1:10:29
Lecture 22: Robotics 2 1:16:08
Lecture 23: Natural language processing 1:15:27
Lecture 25: Computational Game Theory 1:20:31

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