

Database Systems (Spring 2016) by Andy Pavlo at Carnegie Mellon University

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: CMU Database Group     2016年5月15日
15-721 Database Systems (Spring 2016)
Annotated Video: http://cmudb.io/15721-s16-lect01
Slides PDF: http://15721.courses.cs.cmu.edu/sprin...
Reading List: http://15721.courses.cs.cmu.edu/sprin...
Andy Pavlo (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~pavlo/)

Lecture #01 - Course Information & History of Databases 1:09:04
Lecture #02 - In-Memory Databases 1:11:53
Lecture #03 - Concurrency Control (Part I) 1:13:35
Lecture #04 - Concurrency Control (Part II) 1:11:03
Lecture #05 - Concurrency Control (Part III) 1:06:15
Lecture #06 - Indexing (Locking & Latching) 1:03:01
Lecture #07 - Indexing (OLTP) 1:03:13
Lecture #08 - Indexing (OLAP) 1:05:26
Lecture #09 - Storage Models & Data Layout 1:11:43
Lecture #10 - Query Execution & Scheduling 1:0
Lecture #12 - Join Algorithms (Sorting) 1:04:41
Lecture #13 - Logging & Recovery (Physical Logging) 1:15:40
Lecture #14 - Logging & Recovery (Alternative Methods) 1:09:41
Lecture #15 - Project Ideas & Extra Credit 45:50
Lecture #16 - Database Compression 1:11:35
Lecture #17 - Query Planning (Optimizer Implementation) 1:14:39
Lecture #18 - Query Planning (Cost Models) 53:55
Lecture #19 - Query Compilation 1:06:38
Lecture #20 - Scan Sharing 50:51
Lecture #21 - Vectorized Execution 1:05:43
Lecture #22 - Larger-than-Memory Databases 1:07:52
Lecture #23 - Non-Volatile Memory Database Systems 1:04:14
Lecture #24 - End-of-Semester + MemSQL Tech Talk 1:40:16

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