

Solid State Physics in a Nutshell

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist 

source: Solid State Physics in a Nutshell   2014年8月19日
CSM: Solid State Physics in a Nutshell

Topic 1-1: Covalent Bonding 10:06
Topic 1-2: Dipole Interactions 6:23
Topic 2-1: Lattice and Basis 9:18
Topic 2-3: Slices 4:32
Topic 2-2: Crystal Structure Types 4:59
Topic 2-4: Miller Indices 4:14
Topic 3-0: Fourier Series 4:21
Topic 3-1: General Theory of Diffraction 8:08
Topic 3-2: Scattering Density 7:21
Topic 3-4: Structure Factor 6:50
Topic 3-5: Centered Lattices 2:38
Topic 4-1: Ewald Sphere 3:43
Topic 4-2: Powder Diffraction 5:19
Topic 4-3: Omega Rocking Curves 4:18
Topic 4-4: Psi Scans 2:29
Topic 5-1: Introduction to Phonons 6:12
Topic 5-2: Nyquist Frequency and Group Velocity 7:31
Topic 5-3: Phonon Quantization 5:12
Topic 5-4: Phonon Density of States 8:56
Topic 6-1: Planck Distribution and Einstein Heat Capacity 4:35
Topic 6-2: Heat Capacity with the Debye Model 4:16
Topic 6-3: Thermal Conductivity 4:58
Topic 6-4: Phonon-Phonon Scattering 6:20
Topic 6-5: Thermal Conductivity & Temperature Dependence 6:36
Topic 7-1: Inelastic Scattering Theory 11:31
Topic 8-1: Free Electron Model 5:44
Topic 8-2: Density of States and Fermi Dirac Distribution 3:31
Topic 8-3: Heat Capacity 5:54
Topic 8-4: Screening 5:46
Topic 9-1: Bloch Theorem and the Central Equation 10:41
Topic 9-2: Vanishing Potential and Brillouin Zones 5:09
Topic 9-3: Band Structures of Metals and Insulators 7:02
Topic 10-1: Thermal & Optical Excitations 12:23
Topic 10.2: Effective mass and holes 7:53
Topic 10-3: Fermi Level 8:38

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