

Scientific Realism by Kane B

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source: Kane B    2016年6月23日
This series explores scientific realism, the view that our best scientific theories accurately describe the world and that we should believe in the entities and properties postulated by them. In the video, I first define scientific realism more precisely; then I outline various alternatives to realism; and I finally I briefly discuss two popular variations on realism, entity realism and structural realism.

1 - Introduction 28:42
2 - The No-Miracles Argument 43:14
3 - Pessimistic Induction 45:06
4 - Underdetermination 53:36
5 - Unconceived Alternatives 29:04
6 - Observation 48:59
7 - Entity Realism 46:55
8 - Structural Realism 50:08
9 - The Natural Ontological Attitude 45:22
10 38:19 Perspectivism
11 43:05 Models and Fictions

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