

Introduction to Molecular Biophysics by Paul Selvin (Illinois University)

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source: NanoBio Node     2015年9月17日
Biophysics 401: Introduction to Molecular Biophysics
Major concepts of physics inherent to biological systems. Basics of biology, including protein and DNA structure and their organization into cells with a focus on single molecule biophysics. Major experimental techniques including x-ray diffraction, optical and magnetic traps, and fluorescence microscopy, including new super-resolution techniques. Applications to cytoplasmic and nuclear molecular motors, bacterial motion, nerves, and vision.

1: Introduction, Dogma of Molecular Biology; Evolution 1:18:53
2: Boltzmann, Free Energy, Equilibrium Constant 1:16:14
3: The Origin of Life on Earth; Atomic Structure of the DNA Double-Helix 57:46
4: DNA & X-Ray Diffraction 1:08:17
5: How to make and use ATP 1:00:43
6: ATPase and Chromosome Sequencing 1:17:27
7: Sequencing DNA & PCR 1:17:14
8: Sequencing DNA 1:15:38
9: Protein Folding 1:19:08
10: A Glimpse of Computational Methods in Biological Physics 1:03:56
11: Magnetic Tweezers 1:21:18
12: Magnetic Tweezers II 1:18:50
13: Magnetic Tweezers III 1:17:27
14: Review for Midterm 1:16:12
15: Optical Traps 1:14:42
16: Optical Traps II 1:16:46
17: Optical Resolution 1:11:04
18: Fluorescence 1:15:08
19: Fluorescence Microscopy & Imaging 1:13:02
20: Diffusion I 1:22:10
21: Diffusion II 1:12:39
22: Ion Channels 1:16:14
23: Ion Channels II 1:12:32
24: Ion Channels III 1:11:54
25: Cool High Resolution Techniques 1:03:41
26: Semester Recap 1:12:55

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