

Bryan Franklin & Michael Ellsberg: "The Last Safe Investment" | Talks at...

source: Talks at Google    2016年9月1日
Authors Bryan Franklin and Michael Ellsberg visited Google's office in Cambridge, MA to discuss their book, "The Last Safe Investment".
In this provocative book, the authors make a well-reasoned case that the traditional wealth accumulation model (save for decades and invest in 401(k)s, IRAs, and a home) no longer works. They propose instead a blueprint for building “true wealth”: the ability to generate not just financial value but also the experiences you cherish most—security, freedom, creative ex­pression, and love.

Bryan Franklin is an expert on rapid scaling in business and has helped seven com­panies grow to more than $1 billion in sales or valuation by coaching their CEOs on business strategy and leadership. Michael Ellsberg is the author of "The Education of Millionaires: Everything You Won’t Learn in College About How to Be Successful". He writes a blog on entrepreneurialism, career development, and education at Forbes.com.
Get the book here: http://goo.gl/zIx7Y6

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