

Walter Lewin: 8.03 Physics III: Vibrations and Waves (Fall 2004)

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source: Lectures by Walter Lewin.    2015年2月10日
Walter Lewin: 8.03 Physics III: Vibrations and Waves
Assignments Lecture 1, 2 and 3: http://freepdfhosting.com/63073d984e.pdf
Solutions Lecture 1, 2 and 3: http://freepdfhosting.com/58521402f3.pdf

1 - Periodic Phenomena, SHO, Complex Notation, Physical Pendulum Periodic Phenomena (oscillations waves) - Simple Harmonic Oscillations - Complex Notation - Differential Equations - Physical Pendulum 1:17:56
2 - Beats, Damped Free Oscillations, Quality Q 1:20:52
3 - Driven Oscillations With Damping, Steady State Solutions, Resonance 1:09:05
4 - Forced Oscillations, Power, Resonance, Transient Solutions 1:17:22
5 - Coupled Oscillators, Resonance Frequencies, Superposition of Modes 1:18:19
6 - Coupled Oscillators, Steady State & Transient Solutions, Initial Conditions 1:20:24
7 - Many Coupled Oscillators, Wave Equation, Transverse Traveling Waves 1:18:31
8 - Traveling Waves, Standing Waves, Longitudinal Waves, Energy in Waves 1:16:28
9 - Sound Cavities, Resonance Frequencies, Musical Instruments 1:20:25
10 - First Exam Review, Breaking Wine Glass with Sound 1:17:20
11 - Fourier Analysis, Time Evolution of Pulses on Strings 1:14:22
12 - Dispersion, Phase Velocity, Group Velocity 1:18:42
13 - Electromagnetic Waves, Solutions to Maxwell's Equations, Polarization 1:15:11
14 - Accelerated Charges, Poynting Vector, Power, Rayleigh Scattering 1:17:03
15 - Doppler Effect, Big Bang Cosmology, Neutron Stars & Black Holes 1:17:32
16 - Standing EM Waves, Reflection, Transmission Lines, Rad. Pressure 1:15:51
17 - Wave Guides, Resonance Cavities, Great Sound Demo in Closed Box 1:16:48
18 - Index of Refraction, Reflection, Fresnel Equations, Brewster Angle 1:21:33
19 - Second Exam Review 1:20:11
20 - Interference, Huygen's Principle, Thin Films, Double Slit Demo 1:16:43
21 - Diffraction, Gratings, Spectral & Angular Resolution, Human Eye 1:23:38
22 - Rainbows, Coronae, Glories, Glass Bow, Great Demos 1:23:09
23 - Farewell Special, My Early Years at MIT, Balloon Astrophysics 1:18:03

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