

Computer Algorithms - 2 by Shashank K. Mehta (IIT Kanpur)

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source: nptelhrd     2014年2月11日
Computer - Computer Algorithms - 2 by Prof. Shashank K. Mehta, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kanpur. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

01 Graph_Basics 58:16
02 Breadth_First_Search 52:57
03 Dijkstra_Algo 1:02:11
04 All Pair Shortest Path 1:01:16
05 Matriods 49:28
06 Minimum Spanning Tree 51:41
07 Edmond\\\'s Matching Algo I 52:13
08 Edmond\'s Matching Algo II 43:47
09 Flow Networks 54:11
10 Ford Fulkerson Method 47:26
11 Edmond Karp Algo 48:43
12 Matrix Inversion 54:12
13 Matrix Decomposition 53:19
14 Knuth Morris Pratt Algo 47:54
15 Rabin Karp Algo 44:06
16 NFA Simulation 43:41
17 Integer-Polynomial Ops I 49:53
18 Integer-Polynomial Ops II 47:35
19 Integer-Polynomial Ops III 49:49
20 Chinese Remainder I 55:35
21 Chinese Remainder II 52:30
22 Chinese Remainder III 52:07
23 Discrete Fourier Transform I 54:29
24 Discrete Fourier Transform II  52:37
25 Discrete Fourier Transform III 49:54
26 Schonhage Strassen Algo 49:03
27 Linear Programming I 55:13
28 Linear Programming II 46:13
29 Geometry I 47:39
30 Geometry II 53:19
31 Geometry III 50:50
32 Approximation Algo I 52:15
33 Approximation Algo II 49:49
34 Approximation Algo III 49:55
35 General: Dynamic Programming 45:47

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