

Data Structures and Algorithms by Naveen Garg (IIT Delhi)

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source: nptelhrd    2008年9月24日
Computer Sc - Data Structures and Algorithms by Dr. Naveen Garg, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Delhi.

Lecture - 1 Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms 53:31
Lecture - 2 Stacks 1:04:10
Lecture - 3 Queues and Linked Lists 1:00:36
Lecture - 4 Dictionaries 53:43
Lecture - 5 Hashing 1:01:23
Lecture - 6 Trees 43:14
Lecture - 7 Tree Walks / Traversals 51:11
Lecture - 8 Ordered Dictionaries 56:17
Lecture - 9 Deletion 58:32
Lecture - 10 Quick Sort 58:44
Lecture - 11 AVL Trees 53:42
Lecture - 12 AVL Trees 1:00:19
Lecture - 13 Trees 49:11
Lecture - 14 Red Black Trees 1:04:33
Lecture - 15 Insertion in Red Black Trees 48:34
Lecture - 16 Disk Based Data Structures 42:37
Lecture - 17 Case Study: Searching for Patterns 1:02:02
Lecture - 18 Tries 1:01:35
Lecture - 19 Data Compression 45:47
Lecture - 20 Priority Queues 49:46
Lecture - 21 Binary Heaps 41:52
Lecture - 22 Why Sorting 48:27
Lecture - 23 More Sorting 58:00
Lecture - 24 Graphs 56:45
Lecture - 25 Data Structures for Graphs 57:48
Lecture - 26 Two Applications of Breadth First Search 53:24
Lecture - 27 Depth First Search 53:46
Lecture - 28 Applications of DFS 59:32
Lecture - 29 DFS in Directed Graphs 53:08
Lecture - 30 Applications of DFS in Directed Graphs 38:46
Lecture - 31 Minimum Spanning Trees 58:51
Lecture - 32 The Union 55:14
Lecture - 33 Prims Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Trees 1:01:15
Lecture - 34 Single Source Shortest Paths 58:58
Lecture - 35 Correctness of Dijkstras Algorithm 55:59
Lecture - 36 Single Source Shortest Paths 57:42

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