

Sedimentary Petrology by Doug Haywick (University of South Alabama: GY 402)

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source: worldethq    2013年10月31日
University of South Alabama: GY 402--Sedimentary Petrology

Introduction to Sedimentary Petrology. Origin of sediment. 1:06:11
Grain size parameters Lecture 2: Grain Size and Descriptive Parameters  52:52
Sedimentary rock classification Lecture 3: Fluid Flow and Sediment Entrainment  1:35:57
Fluid Flow and Sediment Entrainment Lecture 4: Sedimentary Rock Classification  34:05
Bedform Development (Flume Studies) Lecture 5  1:20:26
Primary and Diagnostic Sedimentary Structures Lecture 6 50:37
Sedimentary Facies Lecture 8 21:47
Walther's Law Lecture 9 30:57
Mature Siliciclastic Environments Lecture 12 49:00
Immature Siliciclastic Sedimentary Environments Alluvial Fans, Braided Streams Lecture 14 57:27
Siliciclastic Diagenesis Lecture 16  35:39
Sandy Fluvial Depositional Environments Lecture 17 33:51
Volcaniclastic Petrography Lecture 18  35:46
Non-skeletal Allochems Lecture 21 22:45
Shelves Lecture 23  1:06:47
Sea Level Change and Sedimentation, A trip to New Zealand Lecture 25 54:01

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