

Circuit Theory by S. C. Dutta Roy (IIT Delhi)

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source: nptelhrd     2008年4月27日
Electrical - Circuit Theory by Prof. S. C. Dutta Roy, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi. For more Courses visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in

Lecture - 1 Review of Signals and Systems 42:13
Lecture - 2 Review of Signals and Systems 50:38
Lecture - 3 Network Equations; Initial and Final Conditions 53:30
Lecture - 4 Problem Session1 54:15
Lecture - 5 Step, Impulse and Complete Responses 59:15
Lecture - 6 2nd Order Circuits:Magnetically Coupled Circuits 59:51
Lecture - 7 Transformer Transform Domain Analysis 55:08
Lecture - 8 Problem Session 2 : Step,Impulse 44:29
Lecture - 9 Network Theorams and Network Functions 55:30
Lecture - 10 Network Functions(Contd.) 51:32
Lecture - 11 Amplitude and Phase of Network Functions 49:46
Lecture - 12 Problem Session 3 : Network Theorems Transform 49:13
Lecture - 13 Poles, Zeros and Network Response 54:25
Lecture - 14 Single Tuned Circuits 55:47
Lecture - 15 Single Tuned Circuits (Contd.) 50:55
Lecture - 16 Double Tuned Circuits 44:57
Lecture - 17 Double Tuned Circuits (Contd.) 56:45
Lecture - 18 Problem Session 4 : Network Functions, Analysis 52:43
Lecture - 19 Double Tuned Circuits (Contd.) 53:09
Lecture - 20 Concept of Delay and Introduction 56:47
lecture - 21 Two-port Networks (Contd.) 53:53
Lecture - 22 Problem Session 5 53:51
Lecture - 23 Minor - 1 45:17
Lecture - 24 The Hybrid & Transmission Parameters of 2 ports 47:53
Lecture - 25 Problem Session 6: Two - port networks 58:22
Lecture - 26 Two - port Network parameters 54:30
Lecture - 27 Two-port Interconnections 55:58
Lecture - 28 Interconnection of Two-port Networks(Contd.) 54:36
Lecture - 29 Problem Session 7 : Two-port Networks(Contd.) 47:54
Lecture - 30 Scattering Matrix 56:02
Lecture - 31 Scattering Parameters of a Two-port 54:02
Lecture - 32 Problem Session 8 : Two- port Parameters 45:51
Lecture - 33 Solutions of Minor - 2 Problems 50:40
Lecture - 34 Insertion Loss 51:13
Lecture - 35 Example of Insertion Loss and Elements 53:58
Lecture - 36 Elements of Realizability Theory (Contd.) 54:40
Lecture - 37 Positive Real Functions 50:33
Lecture - 38 Testing of Positive Real Functions 51:35
Lecture - 39 Problem Session 9 54:11
Lecture - 40 More on PRF's and their Synthesis 56:59
Lecture - 41 LC Driving Point Functions 55:21
Lecture - 42 LC Driving Point Synthesis (Contd.) 55:50
Lecture - 43 RC and RL Driving Point Synthesis  50:17
Lecture - 44 Problem Session 10 : LC Driving Point Synthesis 46:39
Lecture - 45 RC & RL One-port Synthesis (Contd.) 53:02
Lecture - 46 Elementary RLC One-port Synthesis 53:54
Lecture - 47 Properties and Synthesis of Transfer Parameters 48:59
Lecture - 48 Resistance Terminated L C Ladder 50:47
Lecture - 49 Resistance Terminated LC Ladder ( Contd.) 47:29
Lecture - 50 Problem session 11: Two-port Synthesis 49:28
Lecture - 51 Network Transmission Criteria 49:09

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