

Developing iOS 9 Apps with Swift (2016) by Paul Hegarty at Stanford U

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist 

source: Stanford iOS    2016年4月23日
Swift classes with Paul Hegarty at Stanford University. This course covers the latest mobile operating system by Apple as of 2016 and also uses Swift language version 2
The lecture slides pdfs and reading assignments can be found here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?i...
The lecture slides from last years lectures can be found here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByQ...

1. Course Overview and iOS9 introduction 1:17:45
2. Applying MVC 1:21:13
3. More Swift and Foundation Framework 1:16:17
4. Views 1:19:46
5.IBuilder, Face View Controller, Gestures, Multiple MVCs 1:16:29
6. Multiple MVCs, Segues, FaceIt, and View Controller Lifecycle 1:16:14
7. Closures, Extensions, Protocols, Delegation, and ScrollView 1:18:01
8. Multithreading and Text Field 1:17:52
9. Table View 1:19:35
10. Core Data 1:14:28
11. Core Data Demo 1:17:23
12. Autolayout 41:59
13 NSTimer and Animation 1:16:20
14 Animation and Core Motion 1:15:26
15 Application Lifecycle, Alerts, CloudKit 1:21:14
16 Notifications and CloudKit 1:09:26
17 Segues, Core Location, and MapKit 1:19:25
18 Persistence 1:16:36

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