

K. Ramamurthi: An Introduction to Explosions and Explosion Safety (IIT Madras)

# playlist of the 40 videos (click the up-left corner of the video)

source: nptelhrd     2014年3月19日
Mechanical - An Introduction to Explosions and Explosion Safety by Prof. K. Ramamurthi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

Lec-01 Loud Bang and Disruption 51:08
02 Blast Wave in an Explosion: Predictions from Dimensional Considerations 58:15
03 Typical Examples of Explosions and Classification 58:51
04 Shock Hugoniot and Rayleigh Line 1:07:04
05 Properties behind a Constant Velocity Shock 54:21
06 Blast waves:Concentration of Mass at the Front,Snow Plow Approximation 48:53
07 Blast waves: Decay of a strong Blast wave,Explosion Length, Sach's Scaling 59:40
08 Blast Waves: Overpressure and Impulse in the Near and Far Field, Examples 56:56
09 Blast Waves: Non-dimensional Impulse, Cranz Hopkinson Scaling, Missiles 59:37
10 Blast Waves: Interaction with Objects, Reflection and Transmission of Blast Waves 53:31
11 Blast Waves: Amplification of Reflected Blast Waves; Role of Impedance, Spalling, 52:42
12 Blast Waves: Damage from Blast Waves, Examples, Multiple Spikes in an Impulse 1:01:09
13 Energy Release in a Chemical Reaction: Moles, Internal Chemical Energy 55:59
14 Energy Release: Stoichiometry, Equivalence Ratio and Heat Release in Fuel Rich 54:10
15 Energy Release: Examples of Energy Release Calculations, Higher and Lower Calorific 53:32
16 Rate of Energy Release: Concentration, Activation Energy, Energy Release Profile 55:04
17 Thermal Theory of Explosion: Lumped Mass Assumption, Heat Release and Loss 56:21
18 Thermal Theory: Characteristic Heat Release and Heat Transfer Times 1:01:25
19 Role of Chain Carriers in an Explosion:  53:51
20 Combustion: Combustion Waves Involving Flames, Flame Structure, Pressure drop 51:14
21 Combustion: Ignition Kernel, Quenching Distance, Minimum Ignition Energy 56:22
22 Case Histories of Explosions involving Volatile Liquids, Minimum Oxygen Concentration 49:40
23 Detonation: Introduction to Detonations, Initiation of a Detonation 54:14
24 Detonations: Multi-head Shock Front in a Detonation 53:08
25 Detonations: Realizable States in a Reaction Hugonipot 53:27
26 Detonations: Calculation of Chapman Jouguet Velocities, ZND Structure 55:38
27 Case Histories of Explosions involving Detonation or Quasi-Detonation 49:58
28 Explosions in Closed Vessels: Explosions in Confined and Unconfined Geometries 55:21
29 Dust Explosions: Sizing of Vents, Dust Explosion, Estimation of Concentration 56:56
30 Dust Explosions: Parameters of Dust Explosions, Ignition Energy, Violence, Kst Values 56:05
31 Physical Explosions: Physical Explosions from Flash Vaporization, Metastable Liquid 51:48
32 Rupture of Cryogenic Storage Vessels and Pressure Vessels 53:41
33 Condensed Phased Explosives Based on Hydrocarbons 50:52
34 Condensed Phase Explosions: Inorganic Explosive and Characteristics 55:31
35 TNT Equivalence and Yield of an Explosion: Non Ideal Explosions 56:24
36 Atmospheric Dispersion: Insolation, Temperature Inversion, Atmospheric Stability 57:46
37 Atmospheric Dispersion: Dispersion of a Given Mass Release and a Steady State Mass 56:16
38 Atmospheric Dispersion: Examples of Explosions Involving Atmospheric 56:02
39 Quantification of Damages in an Explosion: Dose Response Curves 53:19
40 Risk Analysis for an Explosion 57:52

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