

Goethe's Faust by Tim Nance

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist

source: Tim Nance    2015年9月2日

Goethe's Faust: Introduction and prologue 14:06
2: Night 21:05
3: Outside the City Gate 12:35
4: Study 24:46
5: Second "Study" scene 24:06
6: Auerbach's Tavern in Liepzig 8:27
7: "Witch's Kitchen" and "Street" 15:19
8: Clean Little Room and On a Walk 13:29
9: Neighbor's House through Garden Pavilion 22:05
10: "Forest and Cave" and "Gretchen's Chamber" 9:42
11: Marthe's Garden 13:08
12: "At the Well" through "Night" 16:18
13: Walpurgis Night 13:37
14: Dungeon 18:58
15: The Second Part 23:54
Faust: The Parody Musical 11:23

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