

Weather Forecast in Agriculture and Agro-advisory by T. N. Balasubramanian

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source: nptelhrd     2016年5月18日
Agriculture - Weather Forecast in Agriculture and Agro-advisory by Dr.T.N.Balasubramanian (Rtd.), AgroClimate Research Centre, TNAU and ,Dr. R. Nagarajan, Co Faculty, Dept. of Agronomy, Tamil Nadu Agriculture University. For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

Lec-01 Introduction 6:06
Lec-02 Basic aspects of Atmosphere, Climate, Weather 12:51
Lec-03 Basic aspects of Rainfall and their application in crop production 15:56
Lec-04 Basic aspects of Temperature and their application in crop production 10:05
Lec-05 Basic aspects of Relative humidity, Cloud cover 11:35
Lec-06 Basic aspects of wind, wind direction and their application in crop production 10:07
Lec-07 Three weather codes and crop production 10:47
Lec-08 Crop production risks and their management 10:09
Lec-09 Weather sensitive crops, stages and farm operations 8:15
Lec-10 Crop-weather interactions and definition 10:03
Lec-11 Crop-Weather Interactions: Wheat, Rice and Maize 11:19
Lec-12 Crop-Weather Interactions: Sorghum , Groundnut and Pigeon pea 17:39
Lec-13 Crop-Weather Interactions: Cotton and Sugarcane 5:53
Lec-14 Crop-Weather Interactions: Sugarbeet and Chickpea 7:13
Lec-15 Crop-Weather Interactions: Sunflower and Mustard 5:06
Lec-16 Genesis of weather forecast in India and Abroad 8:07
Lec-17 Types of weather forecast and details 21:14
Lec-18 Types of weather forecast and details-contd. 8:28
Lec-19 Simple methods of verification of weather forecast with real event 7:32
Lec-20 Traditional knowledges on weather forecast and their validity 11:16
Lec-21 Weather thumb rules and their validity 10:28
Lec-22 Development and component of agro advisory for weather forecast 10:28
Lec-23 Development and component of agro advisory for weather forecast- contd. 15:01
Lec-24 Model agro advisories for selected five days weather forecast 13:46
Lec-25 Mass communication mode of agro advisories and their effectiveness 6:39
Lec-26 Discussion on weather forecast and agro advisory from different website 6:08
Lec-27 Role of climate manager on farm management decision based on weather forecast 12:12
Lec-28 Development of selected weather window for issuing agro advisory 10:07
Lec-29 Model of agro advisory for 54 selected weather window of Tamil Nadu for rice 8:16
Lec-30 Response farming 16:37
Lec-31 Case study in India on the adoption of weather based crop production - Crop management 8:22
Lec-32 Case study in India on the adoption of weather based crop production 10:20
Lec-33 Case study in India on the adoption of weather based animal production 8:31
Lec-34 Cost benefit analysis for the case study done on crop management 9:11
Lec-35 Cost benefit analysis for the case study done on animal management 6:50
Lec-36 Summary 7:09

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