

Metallurgy - Materials Characterization by S. Sankaran (IIT Madras)

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source: nptelhrd    2016年5月2日
Materials Characterization by Dr. S. Sankaran
Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, IIT Madras.
For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in

Lec-01 Properties of light, Image formation 1:08:44
Lec-02 Magnification and resolution 51:06
Lec-03 Depth of field,focus and field of view 49:41
Lec-04 Lens defects,filters and light microscopy introduction 50:15
Lec-05 Optical microscope demo., Bright field imaging, opaque specimen illumination 44:55
Lec-06 Opaque stop microscopy, Phase contrast microscopy 48:22
Lec-07 Dark field microscopy, Polarization microscopy 35:12
Lec-08 Differential interference contrast and fluorescence microscopy 45:23
Lec-09 Sample preparation techniques for optical microscopy 50:35
Lec-10A Tutorial problems 43:38
Lec-10B continuation Tutorial problems 25:33
Lec-11 Introduction to scanning electron Microscopy 43:47
Lec-12 Lens aberrations, Object resolution, Image quality 48:11
Lec-13 Interaction between electrons and sample, Imaging capabilities, Structuralanalysis 50:23
Lec-14 SEM and its mode of operation, Effect of aperture size,Working distance 42:47
Lec-15 SEM and its mode of operation continuation, Relation between probe currentandprobe 43:00
Lec-16 Factors affecting Interaction volume, Demonstration of SEM 31:40
Lec-17 Image formation and interpretation 43:25
Lec-18 Image formation and interpretation continued, EDS, WDS 39:48
Lec-19 Special contrast mechanisms, Monte Carlo simulations of Interaction volume 48:09
Lec-20 Electron channeling contrast imaging (ECCI), Electron back scattered diffraction(EBSD) 45:00
Lec-21 Tutorial Problems on SEM 47:40
Lec-22 Basics of X-ray emission from source, electron excitation and X-ray interaction 44:14
Lec-23 Properties of X-rays 46:07
Lec-24 Bragg's Law Derivation 38:04
Lec-25 Diffraction relationship with reciprocal space 47:09
Lec-26 X-ray scattering 45:02
Lec-27 Factors affecting intensities of X-ray peaks 50:49
Lec-28 Factors affecting intensities of X-ray peaks- continuation 51:03
Lec-29 Effect of crystallite size and strain on intensity of X-rays 48:18
Lec-30 Profile fit, Factors affecting peak brodening 42:47
Lec-31 Indexing of diffraction pattern, Quantitative analysis 50:05
Lec-32 Indexing, Quantitative analysis-continuation, Residual stress measurements 57:01
Lec-33 XRD and Residual stress measurement- lab demonstration 38:37
Lec-34 Introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 46:05
Lec-35 Fundementals of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 48:14
Lec-36 Basics of Diffraction-1 47:54
Lec-37 Basics of Diffraction-2 44:25
Lec-38 TEM imaging-1 51:10
Lec-39 TEM imaging-2 28:01
Lec-40 TEM instrument demonstration 30:37
Lec-41 TEM sample preparation-1 52:40
Lec-42 TEM sample preparation-2 40:32

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