

Not Yet Over the Rainbow: contemporary barriers to LGBT+ equality in the legal profession

source: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) 2016年2月3日
Date: Tuesday 2 February 2016
Time: 6.30-8pm
Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House
Speakers: Claire Fox, Sarah Hannett, Daniel Winterfeldt
Chair: Dr Chris Thomas

Drawing on a mix of personal experience and professional insight, speakers from the City, the bar and the bench will discuss contemporary barriers to the advancement of LGBT+ people in the legal profession and how those barriers may be overcome.
Claire Fox is a family practitioner at Pump Court Chambers, Co Chair of the Bar Lesbian and Gay Group and sits on the Equality and Diversity Committee of the Bar Council.
Sarah Hannett (@SarahHannett) is a Barrister at Matrix Chambers.
Daniel Winterfeldt is Head of International Capital Markets at CMS Cameron McKenna LLP and is founder and Co-Chair of the InterLaw Diversity Forum.
Chris Thomas is Assistant Professor of Law at LSE.
LSE Law (@lselaw) is an integral part of the School's mission, plays a major role in policy debates & in the education of lawyers and law teachers from around the world.

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