

Signal Processing on Databases (Fall 2012) by Jeremy Kepner at MIT

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source: MIT OpenCourseWare 2016年6月9日
RES.LL-005 D4M: Signal Processing on Databases, Fall 2012
View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/RESLL-005F12/
This course focused on the signal processing on databases, based on detection theory and linear algebra with databases. By bringing together the concepts of strings and searching, student applied the big data analysis skills to new domains.
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0. Introduction 50:28
0. Examples Demonstration 31:56
1. Using Associative Arrays 45:24
1. Examples Demonstration 24:57
2. Group Theory 1:11:42
2. Examples Demonstration 7:16
3. Entity Analysis in Unstructured Data 45:42
3. Examples Demonstration 32:57
4. Analysis of Structured Data 41:54
4. Examples Demonstration 24:00
5. Perfect Power Law Graphs -- Generation, Sampling, Construction, and Fitting 53:50
5. Examples Demonstration 24:05
6. Bio Sequence Cross Correlation 44:53
6. Examples Demonstration 22:22
Demonstration 7 1:23:22
7. Kronecker Graphs, Data Generation, and Performance 44:43
7. Examples Demonstration 13:18

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