

Advanced Organic Chemistry (Spring 2016) by James S. Nowick at UC Irvine

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source: UCI Open      2016年4月4日
UCI Chem 125 Advanced Organic Chemistry (Spring 2016), a 28-lecture junior/senior-level undergraduate-level course taught at UC Irvine by Professor James S. Nowick.
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_125_a...
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Description: The course builds upon the concepts and skills learned in a typical yearlong sophomore-level organic chemistry class. Topics include: The Chemical Literature and Databases; Stereochemistry and Structural Organic Chemistry; Synthetic Organic Chemistry; Mechanistic and Physical Organic Chemistry; NMR Spectroscopy.

1. Nomenclature: Bicyclic Compounds 52:36
2. Spirocyclic, Polycyclic, & Heterocyclic Compounds. 55:06
3. Databases and the Chemical Literature. 52:06
4. Stereochemistry: Properties of Stereoisomers. 52:38
5. Concepts in Stereochemistry. 53:05
6. Stereoselectivity in the Aldol Reaction. 53:27
7. Organic Reaction Mechanisms. 53:05
8. Reaction Kinetics. 52:16
9. Reaction Rates and the Eyring Equation. 53:06
10. Linear Free-Energy Relationships. 53:11
11. Molecular Orbitals and Aromaticity. 51:46
12. Introduction to Pericyclic Reactions. 52:33
13. Cycloadditions and Sigmatropic Rearrangments. 53:02
14. Functional Group Transformation & Oxidation State. 53:33
15. Oxidation & Reduction: Alcohols & Carbonyl Compounds. 53:17
16. Stereoselective Reduct.; Mitsunobu & Barton-McCombie Rxns. 53:35
17. The Carbonyl Group in Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation. 53:56
18. Claisen Condensation and Michael Addition. 51:39
19. Acid-Catalyzed Aldol Reactions and the Mannich Reaction. 52:49
20. Enamines, the Wittig Reaction, and Cyclopropanation. 55:01
21. Benzoin & Acyloin Condensations. Acyl Anion Equivalents. 53:41
22. Retrosynthetic Analysis. Diels-Alder; Robinson Annulation. 53:26
23. How Concentration, Stoichiometry, & Solvent Affect Rxns. 50:29
24. How Temperature and Other Conditions Affect Reactions. 52:04
25. NMR Spectroscopy: How NMR Works. Chemical Shifts. 54:12
26. Spin-Spin Coupling in 1H NMR Spectroscopy. 54:46
27. Determining Stereochemistry and Regiochemistry by NMR. 55:22
28. 13C NMR Spectroscopy. Introduction to 2D NMR. COSY & HMQC. 52:12

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