

Bhim Singh Dahiya: English (New Delhi, India)

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist 

source: Cec Ugc     2016年4月8日

The Pre Romantics and Blake 55:53
The Age of Johnson 58:09
The Age of Pope 57:33
The Age of Dryden 59:27
The Shakespearean Stage 58:59
Lecture 6 : The Sonneteers (Sidney, Spencer) 1:01:06
Multiculturalism 52:45
William Congreve : The way of the World 55:58
Aphra Behn The Rover 56:04
John Dryden : Mac Flecknoe 53:15
John Milton : Paradise Lost Book -III 59:07
John Milton : Paradise Lost Book -II 54:52
John Webster : The Duchess of Malfi 54:39
John Milton : Paradise lost book - I 54:33
Meta Physical Poets : Andrew Marvell 55:16
Meta Physical Poets : John Donne 56:15
Shakespeare's Summing :up 54:11
Shakespeare's Sonnets 57:01
Shakespeare's The Tempest 54:13
Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice 55:36
Shakespeare's Othello 58:43
Shakespeare's Macbeth 54:56
Shakespeare's King Lear 55:43
Shakespeare's Hamlet 45:21
Shakespeare's Henry IV -I 56:33
"Shakespeare's History Play : Realism" 55:18
" As You Like It : Shakespeare's Romantic Vision" 53:46
The Shakespearean Text 54:32
Classics of American Fiction -II 55:11
Classics of American Fiction 55:38
Wyatt and Surrey 56:31
Thomas More's Utopia - Part 2 51:10
Thomas More's Utopia - I 47:56
Classics of American Literature : Drama -II 52:04
Classics of American Literature : Drama - I 49:03
Role of Women Writers in the Present-Day World 56:50
Premchand's Afterlife : Growing Relevance 57:04
Post Independence Hindi Short Fiction 56:52
Post Independence Hindi Novel 59:54
Classics of American Literature : Poetry 53:58
Classics of American Literature : Poetry 45:50
Contemporary Hindi Writing 58:00
Muktibodh as a Poet of Commitment 1:00:17
Hungarian Romanticism : Freedom and Love 39:52
Reading English Literature 55:12
Early Modern English Literature - Part 1 57:33
18th and 19th Century English Literature - Part 2 57:15
English Literature - Part 5 9:31
Post-Modern English Literature 1:01:39
20th Century English Literature 59:48
21st Century English Literature 59:10
Literary Theory 57:43
English : Literary Theory 58:14
English : Literary Theory 57:12
Literary Theory : Base and Superstructure 58:41
Beginning of American English - Part 2 56:32
Beginning of American English 58:02
Poststructuralism and Deconstruction 1:00:22
Later 19th Century American Literature 57:46
Early 20th Century American Literature 58:15
Women Writers of America 51:42
Feminism 1:00:10
Black American Literature 42:36
Postmodernism 1:00:25
Post Colonialism 59:29
Summing Up : Literary Theory 52:34
Writing in India : An Introduction 58:51
A View of Kabir 58:04
Women Bhakti Poets : Mira 51:25
Progressive Hindi Poetry 58:27
Hungarian Romanticism 52:15
Premchand's Short Stories 56:40
Premchand's Novels 56:05
Premchand : An Introduction 57:00
Black Drama - Part 2 58:51
Black Drama 46:06
Life and Literature 43:07
Black American Literature : Poetry 58:14
Tagore's Poetry 58:47
Black American Literature : Fiction 58:39
Iqbal as a Poet 57:20
Tagore's Fiction and other Prose Writing 56:52
20th Century Indian Writing : A Perspective - Part 2 54:46
A view of Lal Ded's Poetry - Part 2 57:04
Black American Drama 47:43
Women Bhakti Poets : Lal Ded 52:13
20th Century Indian Writing : A Perspective 56:39
Ghalib as a Humanist 57:16
Ghalib's Letters : A View 52:42
19th Century : The period of Indian Renaissance 59:00
Diaspora Writing 59:51
Classic American Literature 58:59
Beginnings of American Literature 59:50
English : Literary Theory 52:48
English : Literary Theory 58:45
English : Literary Theory 57:58
English : Literary Theory 59:24
English : Literary Theory 59:01
English : Literary Theory 59:44
English : Literary Theory 1:00:39
Literary Theory 1:00:48
20th Century English Literature 1:00:09
Early 20th Century English Literature - Part 2 59:40
Early 20th Century English Literature - Part 1 58:55
English Literature - Part 4 59:53
English Literature - Part 3 54:12
19th Century English Literature - Part 2 52:42
An Overview of 19th Century English Literature - Part 1 56:28
18th and 19th Century English Literature - Part 1 1:02:06
Early Modern English Literature - Part 4 57:34
Early Modern English Literature - Part 3 56:30
Early Modern English Literature - Part 2 59:24
Reading English Literature 1:00:28

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