

Ways with Words | Big Data || Radcliffe Institute

source: Harvard University    2016年4月6日
The Internet, social media, and data mining have changed language and our ability to analyze usage, and increased sensitivities to the power of the words we use. This panel will explore how these new forms of discourse and analysis expand our understanding of the interplay of gender, personal narrative, and language, as well as data scraping that enables a statistical study of language usage by demographics.

Ben Hookway (7:43), Chief Executive Officer, Relative Insight
Lyle Ungar (20:53), Professor and Graduate Group Chair, Computer and Information Science, University of Pennsylvania
Alice E. Marwick (36:19), Assistant Professor, Department of Communication and Media Studies, and Director, McGannon Center for Communication Research, Fordham University
Moderator: Rebecca Lemov, Associate Professor of the History of Science, Harvard University
Q&A (52:02)

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