

EVENT | New Media in Education 2013: Bits to Breakthroughs

# automatic playing for the 10 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: ColumbiaLearn 2013年3月6日
The New Media in Education Conference (NME) is a one-day biennial event sponsored by the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) that brings together the Columbia community and colleagues in higher education technology for dialogue around technology in education and academic life.
Subtitled "Bits to Breakthroughs," NME 2013 focused on how new media can enhance educational initiatives for meaningful local and global impact. Speakers from Columbia and beyond addressed critical issues affecting education and technology today, such as online learning, digital publishing, and social media.
NME 2013 is the sixth biennial conference hosted by the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning. Since CCNMTL's first NME conference in 2001, these free events have brought together the Columbia community to explore how digital tools and emerging technologies can enhance teaching and learning. Past conferences have focused on new media in the classroom, global education, and CCNMTL's strategic initiatives.
For additional information on the New Media in Education conferences, please visit:http://ccnmtl.columbia.edu/nme2013/

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