

Philosophy and Anger by Gregory B. Sadler

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist

source:  Gregory B. Sadler   2014年2月17日/上次更新:2015年10月31日
Videos discussing philosophical perspectives upon anger, and in some cases philosophical resources for anger management.
If you are interested in Philosophical Counseling, you can find information about that here:https://reasonio.wordpress.com/philosophical-counseling/

Philosophical Resources for Understanding and Dealing with Anger 32:12
Understanding Anger Lecture 3 - "Don't Get Mad Socrates": Anger in Plato's Dialogues 1:35:51
Aristotle's Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Anger 1:14:16
Understanding Anger Lecture 4 - The First Scientific Examination: Aristotle on Anger 1:43:42 Virtuous and Vicious Anger: What Aristotle Has To Teach Us 1:11:12
Philosophy Core Concepts: Virtue of Mildness in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics 26:58
Aristotle, Anger, and Akrasia (Lack of Self-Control) 1:10:37
"Sweeter Than Honey" - An Aristotelian Account of Anger's Seduction of Practical Rationality 1:48:59
Understanding Anger Lecture 5 - Emperors and Slaves Above the Passions: Stoic Philosophers on Anger 1:40:15
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 5: Epictetus, Discourses - Rightly Understanding Anger 28:53
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 3: Lucius Annaeus Seneca, On Anger 42:00
Stoicism Week 2014- Day 6: Marcus Aurelius, Meditations - Rightly Understanding Anger 35:06
Understanding Anger Lecture 7 -- Another Platonic View: Plutarch on Controlling Anger 1:38:50
Dynamics of Anger and the Difficult Good: Implications for Organizations and Leadership 1:28:22

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