

Medieval Philosophy: Anselm by Gregory B. Sadler

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source: Gregory B. Sadler      上次更新:2016年5月11日
Videos dealing with the great Medieval philosopher and theologian, Anselm of Canterbury -- some of them invited or conference presentations I've given, some of them course lectures, and some of them shorter Core Concept videos. At the end of the playlist, you'll also find a more personal video, where I discuss how I became a scholar who works on St. Anselm's thought

In this presentation from the 6th Annual Felician Ethics Conference, held at Felician College, Dr. Gregory B. Sadler raises and explores the question: What kind of moral theory does St. Anselm hold? Is it a deontological theory? A Divine Command theory? Something more like Natural Law Theory? Or is it really a Virtue Ethics? We engage in some pointed Q&A after the main presentation.

What Kind of Moral Theory Does St. Anselm Hold? Conference Presentation  47:21
An Anselmian Account of the Grounding of Morality Conference Presentation 34:33
An Overlooked Medieval Occasion: Anselm on Moral Inquiry, Justice, Virtues and Vices 57:08
Intro to Philosophy: Anselm of Canterbury, On Truth Anselm's work, On Truth 1:00:48
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, On Truth, ch. 12: The Nature of Justice specifically on ch. 12 of On Truth 33:08
Intro to Philosophy: Anselm, Proslogion, ch. 2-4 Anselm's work, The Proslogion 1:03:11
Intro to Philosophy: Anselm's Proslogion, ch. 1, 5-end Anselm's work, The Proslogion 1:03:10
Philosophical Development and Committments: How I Became an Anselm Scholar 58:25
St. Anselm on Marriage, Congugal Love, and Sexual Desire 35:52
Justice as a Degree of Ontological Dignity: An Anselmian Investigation 39:52
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, The Doctrine of Participation in the Monologion 14:49
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, Degrees of Being in the Monologion 14:21
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, Arguing to the Supreme Good in the Monologion 14:19
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, Arguing to the Supreme Being in the Monologion 10:23
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, The Supreme Being's Existence Per Se 16:01
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, Creation Ex Nihilo in the Monologion 13:53
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, Things Existing in the Divine Word in the Monologion 13:36
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, Three Kinds of Expression in the Monologion 12:01
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, What Can Be Affirmed of the Divine in the Monologion 18:36
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, Divine Simplicity in the Monologion 10:21
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, Divine Eternity in the Monologion 23:12
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, Divine Ubiquity in the Monologion 16:02
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, Divine Substance and Other Substances in the Monologion 12:18
Philosophy Core Concepts: Anselm, Divine Word as Utterance and Essence in the Monologion 14:38

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