

Dialogue: Homi Bhabha and Tu Weiming (杜维明) 2010-05-20

source: Marek Jeziorek    2011年10月25日
A dialogue between Prof. Tu Weiming (杜维明 教授) and Prof. Homi Bhabha was held at 2010 Beijing Forum at Peking University on May 20th, 2010. The dialogue was moderated by Prof. Wu Zhipan (吴志攀 教授). Prof. Tu Weiming (杜维明 教授) is the Director of Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies and a Lifetime Professor of Philosophy Peking University. He is also Research Professor and Senior Fellow of Asia Center at Harvard University. Prof. Homi Bhabha is the Director of the Humanities Center and the Anne F. Rothenberg Professor of English and American Literature and Language at Harvard University. The dialogue is held in English, while moderator communicates in both English and Chinese. Originally recorded in PAL.

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