

Art History of Games 2010

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: Georgia Tech       Last updated on 2014年6月24日
Games, a creative form "older than culture," have served humanity in such diverse ways as entertainment, education, exercise, conflict resolution, ritual and self-expression. But not until the 20th century did games and the play experiences they provide start to be perceived as an art form as well. With nods to the past and future, and with an open acknowledgment of all the awkwardness, bravado and measured successes thus far, The Art History of Games seeks to more clearly articulate the importance of games as a form of art.

The Art History of Games was a three-day public symposium organized by Georgia Tech Digital Media and SCAD Atlanta, where members of the fields of game studies, art history and related areas of cultural studies gathered to investigate games as an art form. Leading game theorists and historians from around the world gathered in the High Museum of Art's Rich Auditorium on the campus of the Woodruff Arts Center, in midtown Atlanta in February 2010.

What is an Art History of Games? 55:48
Masters Among Us 55:22
Play's the Thing: Games as Fine Art 43:44
Art History of Games Panel Discussion with Jesper Juul, Frank Lantz and John Sharp 47:29
Art History of Games Panel Discussion with Jay David Bolter, Celia Pearce and Henry Lowood 46:53
Players are Artists Too 42:20
Videogames & the Two Avant-Gardes 50:10
The Pure Game: A Short History of Video Game Aesthetics 46:08
Doorknobs and Butterflies: Games After Art 44:35
The Art History of Games 49:19
Keynote Panel Discussion: John Romero, Christiane Paul, Harvey Smith, Richard Lemarchand 55:32
Image Games 47:07
One Falls for Each of Us: The Prototyping of Tragedy 41:02
Over Games 35:42
Interactive Storytelling is our Project Xanadu 44:57
Sixteen Tons 44:42
Art History of Games Panel Discussion (see description for details) 42:32

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