

Ancient Philosophy: Aristotle by Gregory B. Sadler

# click the up-left corner to select videos from the playlist

source: Gregory B. Sadler    2013年4月25日 / 上次更新:2015年3月3日
Videos of my talks, course lecture videos, and core concept videos, focused on Aristotle's philosophy.
At present, mostly drawn from the Nicomachean Ethics, but will be expanded to include several other works -- Metaphysics, On the Soul, Politics, Rhetoric, Poetics

This lecture, discussing the nature of "moral choice" or "deliberate choice" in Aristotle's moral theory, was delivered during the 7th Felician Ethics Conference at Felician College (Rutherford, NJ). In it, I discuss what I label the "Standard Interpretation" of prohairesis, which ties it explicitly to deliberation about means towards ends -- an interpretation stemming from focusing on Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics book 3 discussion of prohairesis. I then discuss a number of passages from across Aristotle's body of work which provide a broader context for understanding what prohairesis could be. I conclude by arguing that the Standard Interpretation, while correct in what it asserts, is far too restrictive to account for these other passages, so that prohairesis must be understood as a complex and more fundamental concept in Aristotelian moral theory.
To book me for a talk, workshop, or consultation, email info@reasonio.com
You can access my articles, presentations and talks, and teaching documents on my Academia
My mini-courses in philosophy are available on Learnist: http://learni.st/users/gbsadler
and on Curious: http://curious.com/19862
If you'd like to donate to support my work, you can do that through PayPal here: http://bit.ly/1gscmbA

What Is Aristotelian Prohairesis?
talk at 7th Felician Ethics conference 39:47
Aristotle Meets Escoffier: Purposes, Production, Practice
talk given in a Culinary Institute of America class 1:57:00
Aristotle's Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Anger
talk given at Marist College, Dept of Philosophy Speaker series 1:14:16
Virtuous and Vicious Anger: What Aristotle Has To Teach Us
talk at Green Mountain College 1:11:12
Aristotle, Anger, and Akrasia (Lack of Self-Control)
Invited talk at Felician College, Socratic Discussion Series 1:10:37
Motive, Moral Discourse, and Conflict in the Song of Ice and Fire
talk at MAPACA conference 24:01
Views on Happiness (Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics bk.1)
course video on Nichomachean Ethics book 1  1:45:18
Philosophy Core Concepts: Aristotle, Activities, Arts, and Purposes (Nichomachean Ethics bk. 1)
shorter video working off the first sentence of Nicomachean Ethics  25:46
Philosophy Core Concepts: Happiness and the Function of a Human Being (Nicomachean Ethics bk. 1)
shorter video working from the distinctive function of human being to the nature of happiness  18:52
Philosophy Core Concepts: Aristotle, What is Happiness? (Nichomachean Ethics bk. 1)
shorter video on views about happiness and which are right  18:35
What is Virtue? (Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics bk.2)
course video on Nichomachean Ethics book 2 1:07:12
Philosophy Core Concepts: Aristotle, Virtue as Habitual Dispositions (Nichomachean Ethics bk. 2)
shorter video about virtue as habitual disposition  20:24
Philosophy Core Concepts: Aristotle, Virtue as the Mean (Nichomachean Ethics bk. 2)
shorter video about virtue as a mean or middle state  18:46
When are We Responsible? (Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics, bk 3)
course video on Nichomachean Ethics book 3 1:45:12
Philosophy Core Concepts: Aristotle, Ignorance and the Voluntary (Nic. Eth. bk.3)
shorter video about ignorance and voluntaryness 28:15
Philosophy Core Concepts: Aristotle, Compulsion and the Involuntary (Nic. Ethics, bks. 3 and 7)
shorter video about compulsion and voluntaryness 23:34
Particular Virtues and Vices (Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics bk 3 and 4)
course video on Nichomachean Ethics book 3 and 4 2:17:10
Philosophy Core Concepts: Virtue of Courage in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics 28:44
Philosophy Core Concepts: Virtue of Temperance in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
shorter video about temperance or moderation 19:47
Philosophy Core Concepts: Virtue of Magnificence in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
shorter video about magnificence 24:07
Philosophy Core Concepts: Virtue of Generosity in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
shorter video about liberality or generosity 23:38
Philosophy Core Concepts: Virtue of Magnanimity in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics 23:15
Philosophy Core Concepts: Virtue of Right Ambition in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
shorter video about the right amount of ambition 15:23
Philosophy Core Concepts: Virtue of Mildness in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics 26:58
Philosophy Core Concepts: Virtue of Good Humor (or Wit) in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics 16:56
Philosophy Core Concepts: Virtue of Friendliness in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics 13:02
Philosophy Core Concepts: Virtue of Truthfulness in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics 12:52
Kinds of Justice (Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics bk. 5)
course video on Nichomachean Ethics book 5 1:45:31
Philosophy Core Concepts: Aristotle on 6 Types of Justice (Nic. Ethics. bk 5) 25:34
Philosophy Core Concepts: Unjust Actions vs. Injustice as a Vice (Nic. Ethics. bk 5) 18:33
Philosophy Core Concepts: Justice as Complete Virtue - Aristotle, N.E. bk. 5 15:15
Philosophy Core Concepts: Legal Justice - Aristotle, N.E. bk. 5 11:08
Philosophy Core Concepts: Justice as Equity - Aristotle, N.E. bk. 5 14:31
Philosophy Core Concepts: Can One Do Injustice To Oneself? Aristotle, N.E. bk. 5 17:08
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics book 6
course video on Nicomachean Ethics book 6  53:04
Self-Control, Akrasia, and Brutality (Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics, bk. 7)
course video on Nichomachean Ethics book 7  1:28:23
Philosophy Core Concepts: Aristotle, Six Moral States or Conditions (Nic. Eth., bk. 7)
shorter video about moral states 20:17
Philosophy Core Concepts: Aristotle, Akrasia or Lack of Self-Control (Nicomachean Ethics bk.7)
a shorter video about akrasia (lack of self control) 16:46
Three Kinds of Friendship (Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics bk 8-9)
course video on Nichomachean Ethics book 8 and 9 1:59:06
Intro To Philosophy: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, bk 8-9 1:08:59
Philosophy Core Concepts: Aristotle, What is Friendship? (Nic. Ethics. bk. 8)
shorter video about the nature of friendship 17:10
Philosophy Core Concepts: Aristotle on Three Types of Friendship (Nic. Ethics. bk. 8)
shorter video about Aristotle's classic distinction between kinds of friends 29:26
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics book 10 1:09:19
Aristotle, The Categories, chapters 1-4
course video on one of Aristotle's logical works 55:11
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle, Topics, book 1
course video on dialectical philosophy 59:55
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle, Metaphysics, book 1
course video on Metaphysics book 1  56:53
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle, Metaphysics, book 1 [continued]
a second course video on Metaphysics book 1  58:17
Intro to Philosophy: Aristotle, Metaphysics (selections) 1:04:07
"Sweeter Than Honey" - An Aristotelian Account of Anger's Seduction of Practical Rationality 1:48:59

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