

What is Psychoanalysis?

# automatic playing for the 4 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Freud Museum London   上次更新日期:2015年11月15日
'What is Psychoanalysis?' is a 4-part educational film series for students and teachers.
Primarily aimed at A-Level Psychology students studying the 'psychodynamic approach', these films are intended to facilitate first encounters with Freud's thought.

What is Psychoanalysis? Part 1: Is it Weird? 8:40
What is Psychoanalysis? Part 2: Sexuality 10:15
What is Psychoanalysis? Part 3: The Oedipus Complex 10:45
What is Psychoanalysis? Part 4: The Ego, the Id and the Superego 10:58

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