

Modeling Deconstruction and New Historicism--Benjamin Hagen

source: Benjamin Hagen    2014年9月28日
ENG 201 (Fall 2014): Lecture 3.3—Modeling Deconstruction and New Historicism
In this video, I wrap up this lecture series by modeling an "ideal" deconstructive reading of Mary Robinson's "A London Summer Morning" and by anticipating a new historicist account of the poem. I end the video by summarizing the different accounts that each mode of criticism made possible.
In this video, I allude to a lecture I posted last year on the "Tendencies of Deconstructive Criticism." Here's a link to that video: http://youtu.be/9GZ2ZNnm2DU?list=PLFl....
I also mention several histories at the end of this video. Here are links to those books:
Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain: http://goo.gl/kl7TK5
Hanoverian London, 1714-1808: http://goo.gl/gvYPnP
A New Historical Geography of England After 1600: http://goo.gl/4F61a6
An Essay on the Principle of Population: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/4239/4...

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