

Introduction to Philosophy by Mark Thorsby

# automatic playing for the 23 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Mark Thorsby   上次更新日期:2014年6月18日

1. The Taxonomy of Philosophy 1:02:58
2. The Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living 1:10:51
3. From Mythos to Logos: The Pre-Socratics 54:26
4. All is One: Parmenides & Zeno on Being and Nothingness 45:46
5. Being vs. Becoming: Plato's Theory of the Forms 1:03:27
6. Aristotle's Unmoved Mover 1:12:48
7. What is Reason 41:11
8. What Logic is Not. 47:47
9. Anselm's Ontological Argument 48:19
10. Aquinas' 5 Arguments for God's Existence 35:17
11. The Discovery of the Cogito: Descartes' Meditations 1:03:30
12. The Self: British Empiricism & The Problem of Identity 1:00:11
13. Can Machines Think? 50:20
14. What Is This That I Am? (What is it like to be a bat?) 45:59
15. Kant's Copernican Turn 42:39
16. The Duty to Act: Kant's Deontology 56:54
17. Do the Ends Justify the Means: Utilitarian Ethics 59:15
18. The Problem of Evil 48:45
19. The Problem of Moral Relativism 54:31
20. Happiness as Freedom From 1:03:11
21. Happiness as Eudaimonia: Aristotle's Virtue Ethics 1:11:16
12. Introduction to Karl Marx 1:32:55
23. The Philosophy of Existence: Nietzsche 1:11:08

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