

Ideas of the Twentieth Century (Fall 2013) by Daniel Bonevac at the U of Texas at Austin

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source: Daniel Bonevac  2013年9月3日

Lecture 1, The Problem of Normativity, of UGS 303 46:46
Lecture 2, Marx, of UGS 303 47:49
Lecture 3, Dostoevsky and Nietzsche, of UGS 303 48:06
Lecture 4, Russell, of UGS 303  28:49
Lecture 6, Art and Photography, of UGS 303   31:01
Lecture 8, World War I, of UGS 303
Lecture 8, Political Philosophy, of UGS 303  24:49
Lecture 8, Progressivism, of UGS 303  22:51
Lecture 9, Lenin, of UGS 303   46:59
Lecture 10, T. S. Eliot, of UGS 303  48:33
Lecture 11, Yeats, of UGS 303   10:49
Lecture 11, Wittgenstein, of UGS 303   34:00
Lecture 12, Modernity, of UGS 303   48:43
Lecture 13, Ortega y Gasset, of UGS 303   15:04
Lecture 13, Unamuno, of UGS 303  32:05
Lecture 14, Kipling, of UGS 303   41:20
E M Forster   46:56
Lecture 16, Freud, of UGS 303   48:57
Lecture 17, Pirandello, of UGS 303   46:25
Lecture 18, Dada, Surrealism, and Social Realism, of UGS 303   46:37
Lecture 19, F. Scott Fitzgerald, of UGS 303
1920s   13:06
Lecture 19, The Roaring Twenties, of UGS 303
Lecture 20, Fascism, of UGS 303  42:51
Lecture 21, The Great Depression, of UGS 303   48:08
Lecture 22, The Rise of Stalin, of UGS 303   43:11
Lecture 23, The Rise of Hitler, of UGS 303   45:16
Lecture 24, Paralysis, of UGS 303    48:40
1930s    45:17
Lecture 26, World War II: Europe, of UGS 303    45:04
Lecture 27, War in the Pacific, of UGS 303   39:16
Existentialism    45:51
Lecture 30, Jorge Luis Borges, of UGS 303    43:29
1940s    47:04
Lecture 32, The 1960s, of UGS 303    43:53
Lecture 33, The Great Society, of UGS 303   27:51
Lecture 34, John Rawls, of UGS 303    17:12
Lecture 35, Postmodernism, of UGS 303    46:52
Lecture 40, Convergences and Variations, of UGS 303   48:22
Kripke    44:27
Nozick    47:51
Lecture 43, Freedom, of UGS 303   48:57

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