

Aspects of Postmodernism (Prep for Derrida's Of Grammatology) by Benjamin Hagen

# automatic playing for the 20 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Benjamin Hagen    上次更新日期:2014年9月5日
ENG 378 (Fall 2013): Aspects of Postmodernism
01/07/2014: These video lectures supplemented my Fall 2013 course at the University of Rhode Island, ENG 378: Aspects of Postmodernism. During the semester we read six "postmodern" novels as well as chapters from Jacques Derrida's /Of Grammatology/. Because Derrida's work was a more daunting reading task than our novels, I decided to supplement our readings and discussions with these lectures in order to give students (especially those unfamiliar with continental philosophy or literary theory) a few in-roads to an otherwise overwhelming book.

The six novels we also studied were:
1). B.S. Johnson's /Christie Malry's Own Double-Entry/
2). Paula Fox's /Desperate Characters/
3). Carole Maso's /The Art Lover/
4). David Mitchell's /Cloud Atlas/
5). China Miéville's /The City & The City/
6). Sheila Heti's /How Should a Person Be?/

(Part 1.1): The Title 11:57
(Part 1.2): The Future... 7:22
(Part 1.3): The "Exergue" and Logocentrism 14:39
(Part 1.4): Beginning Chapter 1 14:58
(Part 2.1): Notes on Style and Syntax 14:02
(Part 2.2): Saussure, Signs, and "The Signifier of the Signifier" 15:44
(Part 2.3): Summarizing Chapter One (Sort of...) 30:27
(Part 3.1): What is this book about again... ? 23:35
(Part 3.2): Deconstruction 28:36
(Part 4): Rousseau, Lévi-Strauss, Structuralism 25:54
(Part 5): Tracing the Trace 33:46
(Part 6.1): Difference and Differance 18:53
(Part 6.2): The Problem of Origins 18:42
(Part 6.3): Origination and Articulation 36:06
(7.1): Reviewing Part I (Chapter 1) 14:59
(7.2): Reviewing Part I (Chapter 2) 19:04
(Part 7.3): Reviewing Part I (Chapter 3) 26:29
(8.1): Writing, Naming, and Violence 17:02
(8.2): Writing, Naming, Violence 16:24
(8.3): Writing, Naming, Violence 20:27

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