

How ancient art influenced modern art - Felipe Galindo

source: TED-Ed     2016年2月25日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-ancient...
The term modern art sounds like it means art that is popular now, but the style actually originated over 150 years ago and includes artists like Picasso, Matisse, and Gauguin. What’s more ironic is that this movement they pioneered – considered revolutionary at the time – was inspired largely by objects of traditional and ancient design. Felipe Galindo details ancient influences on modern art.
Lesson by Felipe Galindo, animation by TED-Ed.

Annual Freud memorial lecture 2012 at the University of Essex

source: University of Essex     2012年9月5日
A full recording of the 2012 Annual Freud Memorial Lecture introduced by Professor Roderick Main, from our Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, and delivered by Professor Jan Abram on 'Winnicott's last word on the death instinct' (clinical examples have been removed for confidentiality reasons). To find out more about the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies go to http://www.essex.ac.uk/cps

JNU Philosophy Colloquium: Anup Dhar on "Psychoanalysis: The Other Side ...

source: Babu Thaliath     2014年12月7日
Time and Date: 4. p.m.Friday 29th August, 2014
Venue: School of Language, Literature & Culture Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi
Abstract:Jacques Lacan's Seminar XVII, delivered at the Law Faculty, Place du Pantheon, in 1969-70 is titled The Other Side of Psychoanalysis. Lacan was undecided as to whether he should title this seminar (a) "Psychoanalysis upside down", i.e. "a revival of the Freudian project upside down, or (b) The Other Side of Psychoanalysis, i.e. "a revival from the other direction. Taking off from Foucault's take on 'philosophy' and ascesis (askesis) in Hermeneutics of the Subject this talk argues that psychoanalysis could be seen as the other side of philosophy; an 'other side' that is also somewhat closely related to the philosophy of the Other. Why however, would psychoanalysis be the other side of philosophy, other side of which philosophy, and which psychoanalysis would be the other side, would have to be examined, perhaps demonstrated. One will also have to see what is the other side? What does it mean to be on the other side or to not be on the other side? Turning away from psychoanalysis marked by 'The Repressive Hypothesis', Oedipalization and the interiority of the desiring subject, Lacan and Derrida in their respective ways develop the other side of psychoanalysis; which also happens to be the other side of philosophy. In their rewriting of psychoanalysis they thus rewrite philosophy; or perhaps in their rewriting of philosophy they rewrite psychoanalysis. The talk asks, does the Freudian turn to the akratic, the bodily ego, and the sexuated take psychoanalysis to the other side of philosophy, an other side Foucault inaugurates in History of Madness and Irigaray inaugurates in Speculum of the Other Woman? Between Lacan's rewriting of the 'philosophy of the subject' in Seminar on "The Purloined Letter", Remarks on Daniel Lagache's Presentation, and Logical Time and the Assertion of Anticipated Certainty and Derrida's rewriting of the 'philosophy of mind' and the topographical in Freud and the Scene of Writing and The Wolf Man's Magic Word: A Cryptonymy do we get a glimpse of psychoanalysis as the other side of philosophy? Is Heidegger’s critique of the Cartesian cogito an alter ego of the Freudian ‘decentring’ of the subject? Through the paradoxical and counterintuitive embrace of the cogito as the subject of the unconscious, does Lacan open the other side of (Cartesian) philosophy? What does the Lacanian Real do to (Kantian) philosophy? Does the psychoanalytic turn hollow out its own support tree: philosophy? Does the main trunk of psychoanalysis get hollowed out in turn and in the process? What remain are perhaps just prop roots! What we end up with is the Banyan Vine of a vast network of innumerable prop roots, of both psychoanalysis and philosophy.

The Myth of the "Clash of Civilizations". Edward Said

source: Palestine Diary    2011年5月13日
In 1993 Harvard Professor Samuel P. Huntington wrote an essay titled "The Clash of Civilizations?" and later he expanded into a book with the same title, but without the question mark. Edward Said, late Columbia professor rips Huntington's thesis to shreds.

WAPPP Seminar: A Transatlantic Perspective on the Strauss Kahn Affair, F...

source: Harvard University      2012年3月22日
Muriel Rouyer, Visiting Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School. This talk examines how the Dominique Strauss Kahn affair exposed the ongoing struggles of feminism in France. Rouyer suggests that although French feminism is diverse, it can be developed further by creating a "culture of rights" inspired by both the United States and the European Union.
Date: March 1, 2012

表演藝術 (2015)--淡江大學

# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)

source: 淡江大學開放式課程     2015年11月25日

表演藝術-104.02.25 1:34:43
表演藝術-104.03.04 1:19:44
表演藝術-104.03.11 1:06:11
表演藝術-104.03.18 55:59
表演藝術.104.03.25 23:29
表演藝術-104.04.08 39:37
表演藝術-104.04.15 1:10:26
表演藝術.104.05.20 36:57
表演藝術-104.05.27 34:18
表演藝術-104.06.03 21:23
表演藝術-104.06.10 1:29:01
表演藝術-104.06.17 1:17:44


Manthia Diawara. On Edouard Glissant's film One World In Relation. 2012

source: European Graduate School Video Lectures    2016年2月24日
http://www.egs.edu Manthia Diawara, Malian writer, cultural theorist and filmmaker, talking about the philosophy of relation in Edouard Glissants film One World In Relation. In this lecture, Manthia Diawara discusses post-slavery African diaspora, Black culture in the New World, liberation through work, identity politics, democracy, multiculturalism, the figure of the poet in relation to philosophy and crossing frontiers in relating to others focusing on the unconscious, imagination, memory, the philosophical concept of trace, anxiety, open identities, the role of intuition and opacity. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe. 2012. Manthia Diawara.

Manthia Diawara, Ph.D., (born 1953 Bamako, West Africa) is a writer, cultural theorist, film director and professor of comparative literature of Malian origin. After studying in Bamako, he went on to pursue studies in literature in France but completing his doctorate in 1985 at Indiana University in the United States, where he currently resides. Having taught at the University of California at Santa Barbara the University of Pennsylvania, Manthia Diawara went on to become a professor of comparative literature and cinema at New York University where he also heads the Department of African Studies and the Institute of African American Affairs. He teaches summer intensive courses at the European Graduate School and is the founder of the publishing house "Black Renaissance".

Manthia Diawara has produced and directed several documentaries, among them "Sembène Ousmane: The Making of African Cinema" (1994, in collaboration with Kenyan writer Ngûgî wa Thiong'o), "Rouch in Reverse" (1995) and Bamako Sigi-Kan (2003), an intimate look at his hometown. He has also written extensively on film and literature of the Black Diaspora. Some of his writings include African Cinema: Politics and Culture (1992), Black American Cinema: Aesthetics and Spectatorship (1993), In Search of Africa (1998), We Won't Budge: An African Exile in the World (2004), Bamako-Paris-New York (2007) and African Film: New Forms of Aesthetics and Politics (2010).

(Edward Said) Memory, Inequality and Power: Palestine and the... (2003)

source: UC Berkeley Events    2007年8月21日
Edward Said, author of the groundbreaking work "Orientalism" and a professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, was one of the most prominent literary and cultural critics in the United States. His writings about the Middle East and its relationship to the West have had a major influence on both scholarship and public opinion. [events] [glopubaffairs] Credits: producer:UC Berkeley Educational Technology Services, speaker:Edward Said

Simon Critchley. Humour, Psychoanalysis, and Philosophy.

source: European Graduate School    2011年3月31日
http://www.egs.edu Simon Critchley, philosopher and professor, talking about philosophy, comedy, humor, wit, Freud, Superego, and laughter. In this lecture, Simon Critchley discusses eccentricity, conscience, melancholia, ethical demand, Foucault, discipline, and self love, in relationship to jouissance, Lacan, desire, sexuation, finitude, Badiou, and jokes. Public open lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication Studies department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe 2010 Simon Critchley.
Simon Critchley, Ph.D., is Chair and Professor of Philosophy at The New School, as well as a professor at the European Graduate School. Simon Critchley was born on February 27, 1960 in Hertfordshire, England. He is a world renowned scholar of Continental Philosophy and phenomenology. Much of his work examines the crucial relationship between the ethical and political within philosophy.
Simon Critchley's published work deals largely with disappointment and it's relationship to philosophy; chiefly, religious or political disappointment. Simon Critchley's published works include: Ethics-Politics-Subjectivity: Essays on Derrida(1999), Levinas, and Contemporary French Thought (1999) , Continental Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction(2001), On Humour (2002), and The Book of Dead Philosophers (2008).

Jacques Lacan in Theory (2009) by Paul Fry at Yale University

source: YaleCourses    2009年9月1日
Lecture 13 from Introduction to Theory of Literature (ENGL 300)
In this lecture on psychoanalytic criticism, Professor Paul Fry explores the work of Jacques Lacan. Lacan's interest in Freud and distaste for post-Freudian "ego psychologists" are briefly mentioned, and his clinical work on "the mirror stage" is discussed in depth. The relationship in Lacanian thought, between metaphor and metonymy is explored through the image of the point de capiton. The correlation between language and the unconscious, and the distinction between desire and need, are also explained, with reference to Hugo's "Boaz Asleep."

00:00 - Chapter 1. Peter Brooks and Lacan
09:03 - Chapter 2. Lacan and Freudian Scholarship
15:51 - Chapter 3. The Mirror Stage
22:18 - Chapter 4. Language and the Unconscious
30:25 - Chapter 5. Metonymy, Metaphor, and Desire
37:03 - Chapter 6. What Is Desire?
46:50 - Chapter 7. Slavoj Žižek
Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: http://open.yale.edu/courses
This course was recorded in Spring 2009.

Postcolonial Feminism in Asia and Africa, Rey Ty & Maimouna Konate

source: Raj Altee    2007年12月14日
Post-Colonial Feminism in Asia and Africa -- Rey Ty & Maimouna Konate
Case Studies: Philippines and Mali
Adult education, Gender, Women

Postcolonial Feminism in Asia, Africa & Latin America

source: Raj Altee    2008年4月27日
Critical Postcolonial Feminism in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, Gender, Women, Feminism
by Rey Ty, Maimouna Konate, and Flavia Carvalho

Imperialist Feminism: A Historical Overview by Deepa Kumar

source: Deepa Kumar    2013年7月31日
In this talk at UC, Berkeley (March, 2013), Dr. Kumar argues that the West has often used the liberation of brown women as an excuse for empire. She debunks this rescue narrative starting with the Afghan war and then going back to 19th century colonial narratives in regard to Muslim women.

Minding the Body: the body in psychoanalysis and beyond (2015 Freud Memorial Lecture)

source: University of Essex    2015年6月23日
A full recording of the 2015 Freud Memorial Lecture introduced by Mrs Sue Kegerreis, from our Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, and delivered by Professor Alessandra Lemma on 'Minding the Body: the body in psychoanalysis and beyond'.
Centre of Psychoanalytic Studies: essex.ac.uk/cps/default.aspx
Undergraduate Courses: essex.ac.uk/cps/ug/courses.aspx
Postgraduate Courses: essex.ac.uk/cps/pg/default.aspx


The psychology of narcissism - W. Keith Campbell

source: TED-Ed     2016年2月23日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-psychol...
Narcissism isn’t just a personality type that shows up in advice columns; it’s actually a set of traits classified and studied by psychologists. But what causes it? And can narcissists improve on their negative traits? W. Keith Campbell describes the psychology behind the elevated and sometimes detrimental self-involvement of narcissists.
Lesson by W. Keith Campbell, animation by TOGETHER.

Post Colonialism by Anand Prakash at the University of Delhi

source: Cec Ugc    2014年9月30日
This Lecture talks about Post Colonialism

Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series - Eric Calderwood on Postcolonial ...

source: Unit Fellows    2015年10月29日
The Unit for Criticism & Interpretive Theory at UIUC presents Eric Calderwood on Postcolonial Theory, from the Fall 2015 Modern Critical Theory Lecture Series. The lecture was presented on October 15th at Lincoln Hall, at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

We should all be feminists | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | TEDxEuston

source: TEDx Talks     2013年4月12日
http://www.tedxeuston.com Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie a renowned Nigerian novelist was born in Nigeria in 1977. She grew up in the university town of Nsukka, Enugu State where she attended primary and secondary schools, and briefly studied Medicine and Pharmacy. She then moved to the United States to attend college, graduating summa cum laude from Eastern Connecticut State University with a major in Communication and a minor in Political Science. She holds a Masters degree in Creative Writing from Johns Hopkins and a Masters degree in African Studies from Yale University. She was a 2005-2006 Hodder Fellow at Princeton, where she taught introductory fiction. Chimamanda is the author of Half of a Yellow Sun, which won the 2007 Orange Prize For Fiction; and Purple Hibiscus, which won the 2005 Best First Book Commonwealth Writers' Prize and the 2004 Debut Fiction Hurston/Wright Legacy Award. In 2009, her collection of short stories, The Thing around Your Neck was published. She was named one of the twenty most important fiction writers today under 40 years old by The New Yorker and was recently the guest speaker at the 2012 annual commonwealth lecture. She featured in the April 2012 edition of Time Magazine, celebrated as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World. She currently divides her time between the United States and Nigeria.

Intro and Outro music by Kadialy Kouyate performed at TEDxEuston 2011. You can view the full performance here: http://youtu.be/KUfD5WGL3hw.

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.

Differences Between Freud and Erikson's Approach to Psychoanalytic Theor...

source: Study.com     2013年12月31日
Visit http://www.education-portal.com for thousands more videos like this one. You'll get full access to our interactive quizzes and transcripts and can find out how to use our videos to earn real college credit.
YouTube hosts only the first few lessons in each course. The rest are at Education-Portal.com. Take the next step in your educational future and graduate with less debt and in less time.
Making Education Accessible

The unconscious in psychoanalysis and cognitive science - 06 - Sandler C...

source: SigmundFreudInstitut Frankfurt     2014年3月8日
Mark Solms, Cape Town
Consciousness by surprise: The unconscious in psychoanalysis and cognitive science
A bridge between psychoanalysis and cognitive science
Researchers and clinicians in dialogue
Eine Brücke zwischen Psychoanalyse und Cognitive Science
Forscher und Praktiker im Dialog
Friday, February 28 to Sunday, March 2, 2014
Goethe-Universität, Campus Westend, Casino
Grüneburgplatz 1, 60323 Frankfurt am Main

You are invited to the Joseph Sandler Research Conference 2014 taking place in Frankfurt for the 7th time. Joseph Sandler initiated this conference -- together with other leading psychoanalytic clinicians and researchers. His aim was to build bridges between psychoanalysts working mainly in their private offices and those engaged in various forms of extra-clinical research in academic institutions. Joseph Sandler was President of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), Freud Memorial Professor at University College London (UCL) and at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He was also senior scientist at the Sigmund Freud Institute in Frankfurt between 1986 and 1990.

The conference this year is devoted to a central topic of the interdisciplinary dialogue between contemporary psychoanalysis and other scientific disciplines: the Unconscious. As is well-known, in Freud´s time psychoanalysis was characterized as "the science of the unconscious mind". In the last hundred years many other disciplines, among them cognitive science, have studied non conscious mental functions. What are the differences between the conceptualisation of "the unconscious" in psychoanalysis and cognitive science? Is the core thesis of psychoanalysis still plausible, namely that unbearable impulses and ideas from the past and present are banished into the unconscious, from where they continue to determine feelings, thoughts and behaviours in unknown ways? And is such an understanding of the unconscious still central for helping patients in contemporary psychotherapy?

These sorts of questions will be discussed by interdisciplinary researchers and practising psychoanalysts and psychotherapists.

We are pleased that such prominent international speakers have accepted our invitations and that we were able to organize this international conference in cooperation with the Sigmund Freud Institute and the IDeA Centre of the LOEWE 'excellence initiative' in the state of Hessen.

We expect a most interesting exchange of psychoanalysts and psychotherapists in dialogue with their interdisciplinary scientific colleagues, as well as with other professionals and the broader public.

Ricardo Bernardi
Rober Galatzer-Levy
Marcus Hasselhorn
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber
Anne-Marie Sandler and
Mark Solms

Psychoanalysis on the Far Side of the 20th Century

source: SPI — The Society for Psychoanalytic Inquiry    2014年1月10日
Each generation inherits a new past. Today, psychoanalysis is fading fast. Classroom instructors savage it; the latest scientific psychologies reject it; analysts themselves struggle to attract new patients and trainees. Freud remains universally hailed as one of the defining minds of the 20th century, yet nobody knows exactly what this means. Since psychoanalysis defines who we have come to be, how are we to define it? A revolutionary science of mind; a new basis for critical thinking about history and society; a form of therapeutic practice; a new sexual morality; a general theory of human nature; a practice of self-understanding; a dominant medical paradigm; a hermeneutic key to culture; a tendentious, pseudo-scientific, and dangerous ideology. How can psychoanalysis make sense of its tangled history? What made psychoanalysis a powerful articulation of self and society? Was it bound to historical configurations that have since passed? How does psychoanalysis appear the self, society, science, and psychology of today? Can psychoanalytic ideas have comprehensive range and force in the new century? Why should they?
Prudence Gourguechon, Katie Jenness, Thomas Svolos and Gary Walls, Jeremy Cohan (moderator)
Educational Objectives: At the conclusion of the program, participants will be able to: 1) Describe how present day perceptions of the history of psychoanalysis bear on the present and future directions of the field; 2) Analyze contemporary trends within psychoanalysis and their implications for possible future development; 3) Plan for ways to address problematic aspects of contemporary psychoanalytic theory and practice.


How miscommunication happens (and how to avoid it) - Katherine Hampsten

source: TED-Ed     2016年2月22日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-to-avoi...
Have you ever talked with a friend about a problem, only to realize that he just doesn’t seem to grasp why the issue is so important to you? Have you ever presented an idea to a group, and it’s met with utter confusion? What’s going on here? Katherine Hampsten describes why miscommunication occurs so frequently, and how we can minimize frustration while expressing ourselves better.
Lesson by Katherine Hampsten, animation by Andrew Foerster.

Perennial Empire: Postcolonial, Transnational, and Literary Perspectives

source: villanovauniversity    2011年11月29日
Please join us on Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 3:00 pm in Falvey Memorial Library's first floor lounge as Silvia Nagy-Zekmi, PhD, department of Romance Languages and Literatures, talks about her newly published book, Perennial Empire: Postcolonial, Transnational, and Literary Perspectives, which is co-edited by Chantal Zabus. The book presents new scholarship on the subject of empire building from a postcolonial and transnational perspective, using literary texts and cultural practices to focus on the exchange of ideologies and the intricacies of nation building, state-power, democracy, and anti-democracy, up to the recent "war on Terror."

Wendy McElroy: Feminist History Revisited

source: Libertarianism.org    2012年6月1日
Wendy McElroy is an individualist feminist author who co-founded The Voluntaryist with Carl Watner and George H. Smith in 1982. In this lecture, given at Dagny's Freedom Festival in Englewood, California in 1985, McElroy gives a history of feminism beginning with its modern roots in the American abolitionist movement in the early and mid-1800s. She also explains why she believes that libertarianism and feminism are incongruous when it comes to their respective goals related to social change.
Download the .mp3 version of this lecture here: http://bit.ly/KNuBsx

Neurosciences and Psychoanalysis: From Early Freud to Contemporary Practice (Part 2)

source: NYS PA    2015年10月23日
NYSPA Psychoanalysis Conference Video Part 2
The New York State Psychological Association's Division of Psychoanalysis Fall Conference: Neurosciences and Psychoanalysis: From Early Freud to Contemporary Practice

Neurosciences and Psychoanalysis: From Early Freud to Contemporary Practice (Part 1)

source: NYS PA     2015年10月24日
NYSPA Psychoanalysis Conference Video Part 1
The New York State Psychological Association's Division of Psychoanalysis Fall Conference: Neurosciences and Psychoanalysis: From Early Freud to Contemporary Practice held on October 4, 2015


Vivek Chibber: Postcolonial Theory (2014)

source: Sandra Zink    2014年2月27日
Public Lecture: Dr. Vivek Chibber - New York Univ.
"The Problems and Perils of PostColonial Theory"
January 30, 2014

Personality: Freudian Psychoanalysis (1-6) by Chris Dula at ETSU

# automatic playing for the 6 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: East Tennessee State University    2014年9月9日
ETSU Online Programs - http://www.etsu.edu/online
PSYC1310 - Introduction to Psychology

Resuscitating Freud's First Paradigm of Psychoanalysis

source:The New School    2013年10月15日
This event was co-sponsored by the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis and the Psychology Department in the School of Undergraduate Studies at The New School for Public Engagement (http://www.newschool.edu/public-engag...).
The Remarkable View of the World as Seen Through the Lens of an Evolutionary / Adaptive Approach.
Featuring Robert J. Langs, MD with an introduction given by Arthur Pomponio, PhD, President, NPAP Training Institute,
Dr. Langs will present clinical and theoretical evidence for two distinctive paradigms of psychoanalysis. Both were developed by Sigmund Freud who renounced his trauma-centered position in favor of one that focused on inner needs. Differences between the two approaches will be stressed as they pertain to clinical understanding and practice, as well as to the links between psychoanalysis, biology, and human history. The biographical underpinnings of the thinking of both Freud and the presenter will be considered: Freud traveled from death to sex, while the presenter traveled in the opposite direction.
Robert J. Langs is a psychiatrist and a psychoanalyst who has developed an adaptation-centered paradigm of psychoanalysis in which trauma, death anxiety, and universal archetypes play a central role. His recent books are Beyond Yahweh and Jesus: Bringing Death's Wisdom to Faith, Spirituality, and Psychoanalysis (2008) and Freud on a Precipice: How Freud's Fate Pushed Psychoanalysis Over the Edge (2010). He is in private practice in New York City.
Location:Theresa Lang Community and Student Center (Room I202), Arnhold Hall, Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, 55 West 13th Street. Friday, October 11, 2013 at 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

Feminist theories

# automatic playing for the 139 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

# list compiled by Eva Silverman       上次更新日期:2015年11月24日

Judith Butler and Cornel West, Honoring Edward Said 1:21:48
A Public Dialogue Between bell hooks and Cornel West 1:27:02
bell hooks and Laverne Cox in a Public Dialogue at The New School 1:36:09
Angela Davis and Toni Morrison Literacy, Libraries and Liberation 1:45:00
A conversation with Angela Davis 56:41
Assata Shakur documentary 55:13
Toni Morrison and Junot Díaz 1:22:21
TPP2014 : Judith Butler, When gesture becomes event 59:07
Pussy Riot meets Judith Butler and Rosi Braidotti 40:54
In Conversation: Astra Taylor & Katie Alice Greer 36:47
Chris Kraus at Texas A&M Architecture Lecture Series 33:28
Chris Kraus. Video, the Female, and the Universal Eye 2009 1/8 9:35
Audre Lorde reads Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power 18:01
James Baldwin Speaks at UC Berkeley in 1974 1:02:34
Civil Rights - James Baldwin - Interview - Mavis on Four 19:50
Dr Vaginal Davis and Professor Jose Munoz(NYU) in a serious discusion on ART and Beauty 56:46
2013 Feminist Theory Workshop Keynote Speaker José Esteban Muñoz 36:35
José Muñoz: Queer Utopianism and Cruel Optimism 9:38
Examined Life - Judith Butler & Sunaura Taylor 720p.avi 14:24
An Evening with Anne Carson 1:40:42
bell hooks - Are You Still a Slave? Liberating the Black Female Body | Eugene Lang College 1:55:33
What's Pretty in Paris? - "Pretty" Episode 1 5:40
Dean Spade and Laura Whitehorn on The Prison Industrial Complex 1:00:54
Junot Diaz and Hilton Als 1:10:03
Astra Taylor on the Unschooled Life 1:15:25
re:publica 2014 - Laurie Penny: Networked Consent: Drea... 57:16
Inspiration porn and the objectification of disability: Stella Young at TEDxSydney 2014 9:27
Kate Zambreno and Jenny Offill 27:16
#dwf15 x The Lifted Brow: Zoe Dzunko Interviews Chelsea Hodson 42:51
In Conversation: Tavi Gevinson & Anna Holmes 1:14:15
Arabelle Sicardi for StyleLikeU 4:23
Dynasty Ogun & Arabelle Sicardi: Second Skin with StyleLikeU 24:13
Emily Gould "Friendship" 35:41
Jim Zirin-What Does Friendship Mean in the Digital Age?-Emily Gould 26:36
Sheila Heti - January 13, 2015 1:15:38
Punk Isn’t a Consumerist Item, It’s What’s Underneath: Meredith Graves 8:22
Why Pussy Riot Matters 41:56
Is There Still Alternative Culture in New York? 1:23:47
The Communist Horizon 1:01:37
Tavi Gevinson: INFORUM’s 21st Century Visionary Award 1:03:09
TtW14 Keynote: Race and Social Media 1:24:43
Sex Work and the Web 1:08:35
Stoya on Gender Roles and More: VICE Podcast 005 1:00:22
a/s/l: Identity and Self-Performance 1:13:07
Pics: Sex and the Selfie 1:14:35
The New Flesh: Bodies and Biopolitics 1:15:45
Remix: Refashioning the Web Through Art 1:10:29
Nathalie Magnan Cyberfeminism 41:53
Cyberfeminism, Cyberspace and Feminist Activism in the 21st Century 1:20:26
Kathy Acker on Bookworm 28:24
Zadie Smith on Bookworm [2000] 28:36
Eileen Myles on Alice Notley 44:04
Eileen Myles Lecture 1:16:20
Bernadette Mayer on writing traditional forms 7:58
Free Verse: Bernadette Mayer 1:47:26
Avital Ronell and Judith Butler. Freud and non-violence. 2013 1:00:39
Helene Cixous: The Flying Manuscript 1:39:55
CeCe McDonald, Reina Gossett, and Dean Spade: Police + Prisons Don't Keep Us Safe 4:58
Amalia Ulman & Dr Cadence Kinsey - in Conversation, 2013 1:11:51
flâner | ep 1 | black french culture, "bande de filles", afrofuturism, fatou, sisterhood & more 17:48
Enter the Pink Void: Bestfriend Grrlfriend and Wizard Apprentice Summer 2014 U.S. Tour 28:35
Panel Discussion: "I Will Resist with Every Inch and Every Breath: Punk and the Art of Feminism" 1:46:28
Meet Me at the Race Riot: People of Color in Zines from 1990 - Today 1:58:34
Multimedia Artist Talk: Kehinde Wiley and DJ Spooky 2:07:23
"Unshackled: Women Speak Out on Mass Incarceration and Reproductive Justice" 2:05:38
Talk: "Prison, Women, and Change: A Conversation with Nkechi Taifa and Susan Rosenberg" 1:52:49
Artists Roundtable: Art, Activism, and the Black Body 1:37:12
Triple Consciousness: "Mythologies of the Diva" 1:51:55
Triple Consciousness: "Body Rock" 1:47:10
Triple Consciousness: "Beyond Binaries and Boxes" 2:03:56
Mass Incarceration's Impact on Black and Latino Women & Children 1:54:35
Judy Chicago with Elizabeth Sackler: Changing Institutions 1:22:52
Fashioning Personae: Collage, Gender, and Feminism 1:48:05
Art, Sex, and Power: Tattooed Women Today 1:24:39
Eva Hesse 1965 2:06:22
Women Shaping Our World: Gender, Architecture, and Space 1:35:45
In Conversation: Acts of Resistance and Inclusion in African American Art 1:34:56
In Conversation: Gentrification and Globalization 1:29:51
What Is Feminist Art? 1:29:52
In Conversation: Mickalene Thomas and Carrie Mae Weems 1:20:51
Roundtable Discussion: Sexuality and the Museum 1:16:35
Laverne Cox, Janet Mock Talk Stigma of Loving Transgender Women 30:17
Harlo Holmes :: Deep Lab Lecture Series 16:45
Negotiating Sex and Agency in Selfie Culture - A. Muller 14:38
Cyberfeminism and Postmodern Technological Discourse - E. Kerr 12:43
Catherine Malabou: Post-Gender Theory and the Feminine 1:31:12
Teaching to Transgress Today: Theory and Practice In and Outside the Classroom 1:56:59
Addie Wagenknecht :: Deep Lab Lecture Series 6:36
Runa Sandvik :: Deep Lab Lecture Series 13:00
Queering Fashion | First Person #3 | PBS Digital Studios 9:03
BEYOND 'MEET ME AT THE RACE RIOT': People of Color in Zines (1990-Today) 1:20:35
Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring Physical Disability in American Cultural and Literature 1:06:25
Reproductive Justice in the Shadow of Empire: Lecture by Mytheli Sreenivas 1:06:01
Anne Tamar-Mattis: Protecting the Civil Rights of Intersex Children 37:04
Re-envisioning the Revolutionary Body by Mia Mingus 1:41:23
Classism in the Black Community- Stanford- The Dialogue 46:09
A Feminist Guide to Gay Male Misogyny 25:57
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: 2015 Wellesley College Commencement Speaker 20:49
We are nothing (and that is beautiful): Alok Vaid-Menon at TEDxMiddlebury 18:00
Oppressed Muslim Women? Evaluating Feminist Criticisms of Islam - Lecture by Zara Faris 1:15:49
Penn Symposium on Race, Poverty & Change in America - Bryan Stevenson KEYNOTE 1:50:16
Superscript 2015: Ayesha Siddiqi 24:59
Superscript 2015 Panel: Artists as Cultural First Responders 50:59
Superscript 2015: Claire Evans 15:51
Superscript 2015 Panel: Connectivity and Community 45:29
Superscript 2015: Claudia La Rocco 18:34
Superscript 2015 Panel: Credibility, Criticism, Collusion 1:11:34
The Poet’s Voice: Bhanu Kapil & Fred Moten | Woodberry Poetry Room 1:12:35
What's So Queer About Non-Monogamy? | First Person #7 | PBS Digital Studios 8:03
Tavi Gevinson at Vulture Festival 2015 1:09:07
[LIVE] Young Media Weekend 2014 1:15:51
Beauty and Aging: A panel discussion 1:07:31
Hannah Wilke: Sculptor and Sculpture 1:01:26
Junot Diaz - Art, Race and Capitalism 1:04:27
Silent Barn Public Meeting XII: The Personal Experience of Surveillance part 1 13:31
Silent Barn Public Meeting XII: The Personal Experience of Surveillance part 3 - Ryan Devereaux 39:46
Silent Barn Public Meeting X: Safer Spaces 1:13:45
St Vincent with Jessica Hopper discussing David Bowie Is at the MCA 2 of 6 7:49
Imogen Binnie Interview - Bodies Of Work Magazine 1:00:37
Trans Women Writers | Talks at Google 1:01:52
Sophia Rossi, Tavi Gevinson 'Girls Online/Girls IRL' at BookCon 2015 (Full Panel) 57:02
A Conversation with Zadie Smith and Chris Ware 1:53:43
John Berger and Susan Sontag / To Tell A Story (1983) 1:03:54

Gender Theory in Film

source: Donald Lo So    2015年3月11日
Lecture on Feminist Film Theory


管理學--任維廉 / 交大

# 播放清單 (請按影片的右上角選取影片)

source: nctuocw    Last updated on 2014年6月19日
本課程是由交通大學 管理學院 運輸科技與管理學系提供。
授權條款:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
更多課程:http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/ 本課程同時收錄至國立交通大學機構典藏,詳情請見:http://ir.nctu.edu.tw/handle/11536/10...

Lec01 管理學 第一週課程Introduction to Management and Organizations 1:34:09
Lec02 管理學 第二週課程Management History 1:43:41
Lec03 管理學 第三週課程Organizational Culture and Environment 1:57:02
Lec04 管理學 第四週課程Managing in a Global Environment 2:10:39
Lec05 管理學 第七週課程Managers as Decision Makers 2:21:12
Lec06 管理學 第八週課程Introduction to Planning 2:09:34
Lec07 管理學 第九週課程Strategic Management  2:02:37
Lec08 管理學 第十週課程Organizational Structure and Design 1:48:54
Lec09 管理學 第十二週課程Managing Change and Innovation 2:13:57
Lec10 管理學 第十三週課程Managers and Communication 1:49:41
Lec11 管理學 第十四週課程Motivating Employees 2:13:03
Lec12 管理學 第十五週課程Managers as Leaders 2:06:17
Lec13 管理學 第十六週課程Introduction to Controlling 2:16:58
Lec14 管理學 第十七週課程Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics 1:26:46

行銷管理--唐瓔璋 / 交大

# 播放清單 (請按影片的右上角選取影片)

source: nctuocw      Last updated on 2014年6月19日
授權條款:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
更多課程:http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/ 本課程同時收錄至國立交通大學機構典藏,詳情請見:http://ir.nctu.edu.tw/handle/11536/10...

Lec02 行銷管理 第二週課程 全方位行銷管理 Introduction, Holistic Marketing (1, 22) 2:14:43
Lec03 行銷管理 第三週課程 戰略市場管理 Marketing Strategy & Plan (2, 3,11) 2:11:33
Lec01 行銷管理 第一週課程 課程簡介 Mechanics & Set up 1:33:44
Lec09 行銷管理 第九週課程 產品策略 Product and Service strategy (12, 13): service quality, e-service, self-service 1:55:53
Lec15 行銷管理 第十五週課程 營銷革命與未來挑戰 Long-term Growth (21, 22): holistic marketing and cause-related marketing, Course Review 1:42:45
Lec08 行銷管理 第八週課程 品牌策略 Brand Equity (9): brand value chain  2:11:31
Lec07 行銷管理 第七週課程 E-Start導論 E-Strat Overview 1:51:44
Lec12 行銷管理 第十二週課程 行銷傳播 Integrated Marketing Communication (17) 2:10:38
Lec10 行銷管理 第十週課程 價格策略 Price Strategy (14): dynamic (smart) pricing 2:01:13
Lec06 行銷管理 第六週課程 STP策略/市場定位 STP & Positioning Strategy (8, 10) 2:19:20
Lec14 行銷管理 第十四週課程 新行銷手法 New Marketing Offering (20) 2:07:45
Lec13 行銷管理 第十三週課程 客戶關係管理 Promotional Mix Management (18, 19) 2:15:09
Lec04 行銷管理 第四週課程 市場研究 Marketing Research (4, 5) 2:10:29
Lec05 行銷管理 第五週課程 顧客行為 Buyer Behavior (6, 7) 2:28:16
Lec11 行銷管理 第十一週課程 渠道零售管理 Channel & Retailing strategy (15, 16): retailing trends 2:02:12

微積分(一)--白啟光 / 交大

# 播放清單 (請按影片的右上角選取)

source: nctuocw    Last updated on 2014年6月6日
授權條款:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
更多課程:http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/ 本課程同時收錄至國立交通大學機構典藏,詳情請見:http://ir.nctu.edu.tw/handle/11536/10...

Lec01 微積分(一) 課程介紹 45:56
Lec02 微積分(一) 第一週課程 (1/4)1.5 Exponential Functions 41:39
Lec03 微積分(一) 第一週課程 (2/4)1.6 Inverse Functions and Logarithms  27:04
Lec04 微積分(一) 第一週課程 (3/4)2.2 The Limit of a Function 1:05:46
Lec05 微積分(一) 第一週課程 (4/4)2.3 Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws  44:41
Lec06 微積分(一) 第二週課程 (1/2)The Concept of limit --- revisit 23:27
Lec07 微積分(一) 第二週課程 (2/2)2.4 The Precise Definition of a Limit  56:36
Lec08 微積分(一) 第三週課程 (1/3)2.5.1 Continuity 55:27
Lec09 微積分(一) 第三週課程 (2/3)2.5.2 Concept on limit and continuity 27:16
Lec10 微積分(一) 第三週課程 (3/3)2.6 Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes  1:33:28
Lec11 微積分(一) 第四週課程 (1/5)2.7 The Derivative of a Function 23:43
Lec12 微積分(一) 第四週課程 (2/5)2.7.1 Derivatives and the Tangent Lines 19:59
Lec13 微積分(一) 第四週課程 (3/5)3.10 Linear Approximations and Differentials 22:13
Lec14 微積分(一) 第四週課程 (4/5)3.2 The Product and Quotient Rules 45:53
Lec15 微積分(一) 第四週課程 (5/5)3.1 Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponential Functions、3.3 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions 38:18
Lec16 微積分(一) 第五週課程 (1/2)Revisit on differentiability 36:44
Lec17 微積分(一) 第五週課程 (2/2)3.4 The Chain Rule 41:34
Lec18 微積分(一) 第六週課程 (1/3)3.5 Implicit Differentiation 1:06:41
Lec19 微積分(一) 第六週課程 (2/3)3.6 Derivatives of Inverse trigonometric Functions、3.6 (continue) Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions 1:03:19
Lec20 微積分(一) 第六週課程 (3/3)3.9 Related Rates 9:31
Lec21 微積分(一) 第七週課程 (1/2)4.1 Maximum and Minimum Values  1:01:42
Lec22 微積分(一) 第七週課程 (2/2)4.2 The Mean Value Theorem 48:28
Lec23 微積分(一) 第八週課程 (1/3)4.3 How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph  1:37:31
Lec24 微積分(一) 第八週課程 (2/3)4.4-1 Indeterminate Forms and L'Hospital's Rule 36:23
Lec25 微積分(一) 第八週課程 (3/3)4.4-2 Indeterminate Forms and L'Hospital's Rule 1:13:39
Lec26 微積分(一) 第九週課程4.9 Antiderivatives 44:09
Lec27 微積分(一) 第十週課程 (1/45.1 Areas and Distances) 40:47
Lec28 微積分(一) 第十週課程 (2/4)5.2 The Definite Integral  31:40
Lec29 微積分(一) 第十週課程 (3/4)5.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 1:04:20
Lec30 微積分(一) 第十週課程 (4/4)5.4 Indefinite Integrals and the Total Change Theorem 40:45
Lec31 微積分(一) 第十一週課程 (1/3)5.5 The Substitution Rule 30:50
Lec32 微積分(一) 第十一週課程 (2/3)6.1 Areas between Curves 37:42
Lec33 微積分(一) 第十一週課程 (3/3)補充 :Logarithm Defined as an integral  23:29
Lec34 微積分(一) 第十二週課程 (1/5)6.2 Volumes 1:06:35
Lec35 微積分(一) 第十二週課程 (2/5)6.3 Volumes be Cylindrical Shells 16:19
Lec36 微積分(一) 第十二週課程 (3/5)6.5 Average Value of a Function
Lec37 微積分(一) 第十二週課程 (4/5)7.1 Integration by Parts 52:06
Lec38 微積分(一) 第十二週課程 (5/5)7.2 Trigonometric Integrals  1:06:03
Lec39 微積分(一) 第十三週課程 (1/2)7.3 Trigonometric Substitution 1:38:46
Lec40 微積分(一) 第十三週課程 (2/2)7.4 Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions 46:14
Lec41 微積分(一) 第十四週課程 (1/4)7.7 Approximate Integration 43:09
Lec42 微積分(一) 第十四週課程 (2/4)7.8 Improper Integrals 1:38:18
Lec43 微積分(一) 第十四週課程 (3/4)8.1 Further Applications of Integration 47:04
Lec44 微積分(一) 第十四週課程 (4/4)8.2 Area of a Surface of Revolution 1:05:38
Lec45 微積分(一) 第十五週課程 (1/2)10.3 Polar Coordinates 1:09:19
Lec46 微積分(一) 第十五週課程 (2/2)10.1 Curves Defined by Parametric Equations 1:58:40
Lec47 微積分(一) 第十六週課程 (1/3)10.2 Calculus with Parametric Curves 1:14:27
Lec48 微積分(一) 第十六週課程 (2/3)10.4 Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates 1:02:08
Lec49 微積分(一) 第十六週課程 (3/3)極座標圖形的交點與面積  13:46

作業研究(二)--王晉元 / 交大

# 播放清單 (請按影片的右上角選取)

source: nctuocw    Last updated on 2014年5月26日
This is the second course that introduces deterministic and probabilistic optimization models such as dynamic programming, integer programming, nonlinear programming, Markov chain and queueing theory. This course focuses on modeling approaches, fundamental solution methodologies and their applications to the real world.
授課教師:運輸科技與管理學系 王晉元老師
授權條款:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
更多課程:http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/ 本課程同時收錄至國立交通大學機構典藏,詳情請見:http://ir.nctu.edu.tw/handle/11536/10...

Lec01 作業研究(二) 第一週課程Chapter 10 Dynamic Programming 40:42
Lec02 作業研究(二) 第二週課程(1/2)Chapter 10 Dynamic Programming 1:38:19
Lec03 作業研究(二) 第二週課程(2/2)Chapter 10 Dynamic Programming 48:42
Lec04 作業研究(二) 第三週課程(1/2)Chapter 10 Dynamic Programming 1:36:30
Lec05 作業研究(二) 第三週課程(2/2)Chapter 11 Integer Programming 35:03
Lec06 作業研究(二) 第四週課程(1/2)Chapter 11 Integer Programming 1:36:23
Lec07 作業研究(二) 第四週課程(2/2)Chapter 11 Integer Programming 38:15
Lec08 作業研究(二) 第五週課程(1/2)Chapter 11 Integer Programming 1:38:35
Lec09 作業研究(二) 第五週課程(2/2)Chapter 11 Integer Programming 27:28
Lec10 作業研究(二) 第六週課程Chapter 12 Nonlinear Programming  1:37:46
Lec11 作業研究(二) 第七週課程Chapter 12 Nonlinear Programming  39:00
Lec12 作業研究(二) 第八週課程(1/2)Chapter 12 Nonlinear Programming  1:27:37
Lec13 作業研究(二) 第八週課程(2/2)Chapter 12 Nonlinear Programming  49:37
Lec14 作業研究(二) 第九週課程(1/2)Chapter 16 Markov Chain  1:29:21
Lec15 作業研究(二) 第九週課程(2/2)Chapter 16 Markov Chain  39:01
Lec16 作業研究(二) 第十週課程(1/2)Chapter 16 Markov Chain  1:40:23
Lec17 作業研究(二) 第十週課程(2/2)Chapter 16 Markov Chain  23:46
Lec18 作業研究(二) 第十一週課程(1/2)Chapter 16 Markov Chain  1:41:34
Lec19 作業研究(二) 第十一週課程(2/2)Chapter 16 Markov Chain  54:38
Lec20 作業研究(二) 第十三週課程(1/2)Chapter 17 Queueing Theory 1:34:49
Lec21 作業研究(二) 第十三週課程(2/2)Chapter 17 Queueing Theory 34:36
Lec22 作業研究(二) 第十四週課程Chapter 17 Queueing Theory 1:37:15
Lec23 作業研究(二) 第十五週課程(1/2)Chapter 17 Queueing Theory 1:31:19
Lec24 作業研究(二) 第十五週課程(2/2)Chapter 17 Queueing Theory 38:54
Lec25 作業研究(二) 第十六週課程(1/2)Chapter 20 Simulation 1:26:19
Lec26 作業研究(二) 第十六週課程(2/2)Chapter 20 Simulation 29:34
Lec27 作業研究(二) 第十七週課程Chapter 20 Simulation 1:37:57

作業研究(一)--王晉元 / 交大

# 播放清單 (請按影片的右上角選取)

source: nctuocw    Last updated on 2014年7月2日
授課教師:運輸科技與管理學系 王晉元老師
授權條款:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
更多課程:http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/ 本課程同時收錄至國立交通大學機構典藏,詳情請見:http://ir.nctu.edu.tw/handle/11536/10...

Lec01 作業研究(一) 第一週課程(1/2) Introduction, Modeling、Linear programming model、Graphical solution 1:14:43
Lec02 作業研究(一) 第一週課程(2/2) Introduction, Modeling、Linear programming model、Graphical solution 47:38
Lec03 作業研究(一) 第二週課程(1/2) Linear programming model、Assumptions of LP、Additional examples 1:30:31
Lec04 作業研究(一) 第二週課程(2/2)  Linear programming model、Assumptions of LP、Additional examples 47:07
Lec05 作業研究(一) 第三週課程(1/2) Linear algebra、Simplex method 1:25:08
Lec06 作業研究(一) 第三週課程(2/2) Linear algebra、Simplex method 29:27
Lec07 作業研究(一) 第四週課程(1/2) Other forms、Postoptimality analysis、The theory of simplex method 1:33:38
Lec08 作業研究(一) 第四週課程(2/2)  Other forms、Postoptimality analysis、The theory of simplex method 47:12
Lec09 作業研究(一) 第五週課程(1/2) The theory of simplex method 1:28:04
Lec10 作業研究(一) 第五週課程(2/2) The theory of simplex method 44:36
Lec11 作業研究(一) 第七週課程(1/2) The Revised Simplex Method 1:24:43
Lec12 作業研究(一) 第七週課程(2/2) The Revised Simplex Method 34:31
Lec13 作業研究(一) 第八週課程(1/2) Fundamental Insight、Duality Theory 1:27:44
Lec14 作業研究(一) 第八週課程(2/2) Fundamental Insight、Duality Theory 22:34
Lec15 作業研究(一) 第九週課程(1/2) Duality Theory 1:29:05
Lec16 作業研究(一) 第九週課程(2/2) Duality Theory 38:22
Lec17 作業研究(一) 第十週課程(1/2) Sensitivity Analysis 1:34:16
Lec18 作業研究(一) 第十週課程(2/2) Sensitivity Analysis 33:43
Lec19 作業研究(一) 第十一週課程(1/2) Applying Sensitivity Analysis 1:35:28
Lec20 作業研究(一) 第十一週課程(2/2) Applying Sensitivity Analysis 35:26
Lec21 作業研究(一) 第十二週課程(1/2) Dual simplex method、Parametric programming、Transportation 1:31:18
Lec22 作業研究(一) 第十二週課程(2/2)  Dual simplex method、Parametric programming、Transportation 1:17:50
Lec23 作業研究(一) 第十四週課程(1/2) Transportation problem、Assignment problem 1:36:24
Lec24 作業研究(一) 第十四週課程(2/2) Transportation problem、Assignment problem 34:45
Lec25 作業研究(一) 第十五週課程(1/2) Network optimization models:、Shortest path problem、Minimum spanning tree problem、Maximum flow problem 1:04:03
Lec26 作業研究(一) 第十五週課程(2/2) Network optimization models:、Shortest path problem、Minimum spanning tree problem、Maximum flow problem 42:42
Lec27 作業研究(一) 第十六週課程  PERT/CPM、Game theory 1:35:42
Lec28 作業研究(一) 第十七週課程(1/2) Game theory 1:33:16
Lec29 作業研究(一) 第十七週課程(2/2) Game theory 58:00