

Introduction to Introductory Psychology (East Tennessee State University)

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source: East Tennessee State University    上次更新日期:2015年5月11日
OpenBUCS PSYC 1310
An introduction to the basic concepts, principles, and theories of the science of psychology. Topics included are biological and developmental processes, perception and awareness, learning and thinking, motivation and emotion, personality and individuality, adjustment and mental health, and social behavior.
ETSU Online Programs - http://www.etsu.edu/online

Introduction to Introductory Psychology 4:54
Foundations of Psychology: Discipline, Origins, and Structuralism 18:20
Foundations of Psychology: Structuralism and Functionalism 9:40
Foundations of Psychology: Psychodynamics and Behaviorism 17:24
Foundations of Psychology: Humanism and Three Other Major Views 11:57
Methods and Statistics: The Scientific Method 21:22
Methods and Statistics: Sampling and the Experimental Method 21:29
Methods and Statistics: Distributions and Descriptive Statistics Part I 12:16
Methods and Statistics: Distributions and Descriptive Statistics Part II 18:26
Methods and Statistics: Correlations and Statistical Significance 17:54
Biological Foundations of Behavior: Models of Reality and Neurons 11:41
Biological Foundations of Behavior: Glial Cells and Action Potentials 19:51
Biological Foundations of Behavior: Neurotransmitters, Synapses, and Postsynapti 11:54
Biological Foundations of Behavior: Neurotransmitters and Psychoactive Drugs 9:08
Biological Foundations of Behavior: Peripheral Nervous System 16:54
Biological Foundations of Behavior: Central Nervous System Part I 16:06
Biological Foundations of Behavior: Central Nervous System Part II 12:27
Biological Foundations of Behavior: Central Nervous System Part III 11:14
Biological Foundations of Behavior: Endocrine System 5:06
Human Development: Genetics 19:51
Human Development: Prenatal and Perinatal Periods Part I 16:18
Human Development: Prenatal and Perinatal Periods Part II 14:08
Human Development: Norms and Temperament 12:42
Human Development: Attachment, Ainsworth, Bowlby, and Harlow 18:19
Human Development: Puberty, Gender, and Adolescence 13:29
Human Development: Piaget's Cognitive Theory 25:49
Human Development: Vygotsky's Social Cognitive Theory 7:36
Human Development: Parenting Styles 9:24
Human Development: Erikson's Life Stages 13:18
Human Development: Kohlberg's Morality Theory 9:38
Learning: Classical Conditioning Part I 16:07
Learning: Classical Conditioning Part II 18:35
Learning: Classical Conditioning Part III 17:22
Learning: Classical Conditioning Part IV 10:20
Learning: Operant Conditioning Part I 11:34
Learning: Operant Conditioning Part II 11:05
Learning: Operant Conditioning Part III 12:31
Learning: Operant Conditioning Part IV 24:11
Learning: Observational Learning 7:46
Memory: Encoding, Storage, and Retrieval 7:07
Memory: Sensory, Short Term, and Long Term Memory Part I 17:31
Memory: Sensory, Short Term, and Long Term Memory Part II 5:25
Memory: Long Term Memory 11:17
Memory: Schemas and Scripts 9:06
Memory: Connectionism and Semantic Networks 9:26
Memory: Levels of Processing and Elaboration 8:38
Memory: Mnemonics and Multicoding 8:32
Memory: Retrieval Issues 11:25
Memory: Hippocampus, Amygdala, and Consolidation Potentiation 4:13
Memory: Forgetting Curve and Serial Position Effect 14:19
Memory: Decay Theory, Ineffective Encoding, and Interference 8:49
Memory: Tip Of The Tongue and Flashbulb Memory 6:04
Memory: Biological Mechanisms of Forgetting 11:08
Thinking and Intelligence: Thinking as Problem Solving 11:26
Thinking and Intelligence: Problem Solving Strategies and Probabilities 8:23
Thinking and Intelligence: Heuristics and Fallacies 9:19
Thinking and Intelligence: Cognitive Biases 7:12
Thinking and Intelligence: Intelligence Testing Part I 7:59
Thinking and Intelligence: Intelligence Testing Part II 12:47
Thinking and Intelligence: Intelligence Testing Part III 7:40
Thinking and Intelligence: Intelligence Theories Part I 8:09
Thinking and Intelligence: Intelligence Theories Part II 12:35
Thinking and Intelligence: Nature versus Nurture and Reaction Range 13:01
Personality: Freudian Psychoanalysis Part I 14:06
Personality: Freudian Psychoanalysis Part II 14:16
Personality: Freudian Psychoanalysis Part III 13:09
Personality: Freudian Psychoanalysis Part IV 5:48
Personality: Freudian Psychoanalysis Part V 11:01
Personality: Freudian Psychoanalysis Part VI 10:40
Personality: Carl Jung and Karen Horney 14:50
Personality: Albert Bandura, Social Learning, and Self-Efficacy 14:38
Personality: Humanism, Carl Rogers, Person-Centered Theory, and Self-Esteem 16:37
Personality: Abraham Maslow, Hierarchy of Needs, and Self-Actualization 7:00
Personality: Trait Theory Part I 12:33
Personality: Trait Theory Part II 7:23
Personality: Testing Part I, Objective Tests 13:26
Personality: Testing Part II, Projective Tests 10:22
Social Psychology: Cognitive Misers, Schemas, and Social Cognition 6:49
Social Psychology: Cognitive Biases: Fundamental Attribution Error, Actor-Observer Effect, and... 13:09
Social Psychology: Stereotype, Prejudice, Discrimination, and Just World Hypothesis/Belief 16:13
Social Psychology: Attitudes 15:10
Social Psychology: Cognitive Dissonance and Study of Insufficient Justification 15:55
Social Psychology: Self Perception Theory and Impression Management 11:29
Social Psychology: Social Influence Factors Part I 19:18
Social Psychology: Social Influence Factors Part II 13:36
Social Psychology: Social Influence Factors Part III 20:29
Social Psychology: Compliance and Group Effects on Performance 9:55
Social Psychology: Group Information Processing, Deindividuation, Altruism, Bystander Effect, and... 11:10
Abnormal Psychology: Disorders: Criteria for Abnormality 14:34
Abnormal Psychology: Disorders: The Diagnostic Statistical Manual 4:46
Abnormal Psychology: Disorders: Insanity, Labels, Normality, and Disorders 14:26
Abnormal Psychology: Disorders: Phobic Disorder and Panic Disorder 10:43
Abnormal Psychology: Disorders: Traumatic Stress Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 10:47
Abnormal Psychology: Disorders: Dissociative Disorders 6:23
Abnormal Psychology: Disorders: Depressive Disorders and Bipolar Disorder 12:25
Abnormal Psychology: Disorders: Cognitive Perspective, Aaron Beck, and Possible Causes of Depression 5:02
Abnormal Psychology: Disorders: Suicide, Risks, Statistics, Myths, and Help for Suicidal People 15:46
Abnormal Psychology: Disorders: Schizophrenia Part I 10:14
Abnormal Psychology: Disorders: Schizophrenia Part II 14:34
Abnormal Psychology: Disorders: Personality Disorders Part I 8:41

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