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Why the octopus brain is so extraordinary - Cláudio L. Guerra
source: TED-Ed 2015年12月3日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-the-oct...
Octopuses have the ability to solve puzzles, learn through observation, and even use tools – just like humans. But what makes octopus intelligence so amazing is that it comes from a biological structure completely different from ours. Cláudio L. Guerra takes a look inside the amazing octopus brain.
Lesson by Cláudio L. Guerra, animation by Cinematic.
藝術與人生-與大師對話 (淡江大學)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 淡江大學開放式課程 2015年11月12日
書法藝術賞析 1:38:15
俄國東正教畫像的美學密碼 1:48:08
漫談動畫藝術 1:50:22
創作與人生 1:41:32
古典音樂任遨遊 1:50:17
談美化人生 1:30:01
藝術欣賞與收藏 1:49:05
歐洲建築賞析 1:31:12
雅砌音樂 1:33:27
視覺藝術創作之當代性 1:15:52
世紀油畫 1:45:12
如何從藝術家成為環保工作者 1:47:04
產業衝擊下的老雕刀 1:40:39
國界的消弭,從當代爵士樂看世界音樂 1:40:21
source: 淡江大學開放式課程 2015年11月12日
書法藝術賞析 1:38:15
俄國東正教畫像的美學密碼 1:48:08
漫談動畫藝術 1:50:22
創作與人生 1:41:32
古典音樂任遨遊 1:50:17
談美化人生 1:30:01
藝術欣賞與收藏 1:49:05
歐洲建築賞析 1:31:12
雅砌音樂 1:33:27
視覺藝術創作之當代性 1:15:52
世紀油畫 1:45:12
如何從藝術家成為環保工作者 1:47:04
產業衝擊下的老雕刀 1:40:39
國界的消弭,從當代爵士樂看世界音樂 1:40:21
Probability for Math Science (Fall 2008)--Herbert Enderton / UCLA
# automatic playing for the 28 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: UCLA Courses 上次更新日期:2014年6月28日
A math course for life science majors covering elementary probability, probability distributions, random variables, and limit theorems.
Lecturer: Herbert Enderton, Ph.D., Harvard University. Dr. Enderton is Logic Colloquim Chairman for the UCLA Logic Center -- http://www.logic.ucla.edu/.
UCLA course Probability for Life Science, Math 3C, Fall 2008
* See all UCLA Math 3C classes in this series: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list...
* See more courses from UCLA: http://www.youtube.com/uclacourses
* See more from UCLA's main channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ucla
The American Mathematical Society honored UCLA's math department and its "first-rate faculty of internationally recognized mathematicians" with the 2007 Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department.
UCLA's department is "an outstanding model of all that a mathematics department can be," the society declared, adding that "UCLA has become one of the biggest pipelines to mathematical careers in the United States."
More than 1,000 scholars a year participate in programs that bring together mathematicians and scientists from the fields of biology, the physical sciences, medicine, engineering and others, as well as from industry and national laboratories.
Lecture 1, Math 3C, UCLA 44:25
Lecture 2, Math 3C, UCLA 48:56
Lecture 3, Math 3C, UCLA 51:54
Lecture 4, Math 3C, UCLA 49:35
Lecture 5, Math 3C, UCLA 49:3
Lecture 6, Math 3C, UCLA 48:59
Lecture 7, Math 3C, UCLA 38:53
Lecture 8, Math 3C, UCLA 50:02
Lecture 9, Math 3C, UCLA 49:36
Lecture 10, Math 3C, UCLA 51:18
Lecture 11, Math 3C, UCLA 40:42
Lecture 12, Math 3C, UCLA 41:19
Lecture 13, Math 3C, UCLA 43:50
Lecture 14, Math 3C, UCLA 47:04
Lecture 15, Math 3C, UCLA 51:24
Lecture 16, Math 3C, UCLA 50:19
Lecture 17, Math 3C, UCLA 51:22
Lecture 18, Math 3C, UCLA 49:08
Lecture 19, Math 3C, UCLA 49:40
Lecture 20, Math 3C, UCLA 48:01
Lecture 21, Math 3C, UCLA 53:09
Lecture 22, Math 3C, UCLA 49:50
Lecture 23, Math 3C, UCLA 40:44
Lecture 24, Math 3C, UCLA 49:16
Lecture 25, Math 3C, UCLA 48:30
Lecture 26, Math 3C, UCLA 49:01
Lecture 27, Math 3C, UCLA 44:12
Lecture 28, Math 3C, UCLA 45:20
source: UCLA Courses 上次更新日期:2014年6月28日
A math course for life science majors covering elementary probability, probability distributions, random variables, and limit theorems.
Lecturer: Herbert Enderton, Ph.D., Harvard University. Dr. Enderton is Logic Colloquim Chairman for the UCLA Logic Center -- http://www.logic.ucla.edu/.
UCLA course Probability for Life Science, Math 3C, Fall 2008
* See all UCLA Math 3C classes in this series: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list...
* See more courses from UCLA: http://www.youtube.com/uclacourses
* See more from UCLA's main channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ucla
The American Mathematical Society honored UCLA's math department and its "first-rate faculty of internationally recognized mathematicians" with the 2007 Award for an Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department.
UCLA's department is "an outstanding model of all that a mathematics department can be," the society declared, adding that "UCLA has become one of the biggest pipelines to mathematical careers in the United States."
More than 1,000 scholars a year participate in programs that bring together mathematicians and scientists from the fields of biology, the physical sciences, medicine, engineering and others, as well as from industry and national laboratories.
Lecture 1, Math 3C, UCLA 44:25
Lecture 2, Math 3C, UCLA 48:56
Lecture 3, Math 3C, UCLA 51:54
Lecture 4, Math 3C, UCLA 49:35
Lecture 5, Math 3C, UCLA 49:3
Lecture 6, Math 3C, UCLA 48:59
Lecture 7, Math 3C, UCLA 38:53
Lecture 8, Math 3C, UCLA 50:02
Lecture 9, Math 3C, UCLA 49:36
Lecture 10, Math 3C, UCLA 51:18
Lecture 11, Math 3C, UCLA 40:42
Lecture 12, Math 3C, UCLA 41:19
Lecture 13, Math 3C, UCLA 43:50
Lecture 14, Math 3C, UCLA 47:04
Lecture 15, Math 3C, UCLA 51:24
Lecture 16, Math 3C, UCLA 50:19
Lecture 17, Math 3C, UCLA 51:22
Lecture 18, Math 3C, UCLA 49:08
Lecture 19, Math 3C, UCLA 49:40
Lecture 20, Math 3C, UCLA 48:01
Lecture 21, Math 3C, UCLA 53:09
Lecture 22, Math 3C, UCLA 49:50
Lecture 23, Math 3C, UCLA 40:44
Lecture 24, Math 3C, UCLA 49:16
Lecture 25, Math 3C, UCLA 48:30
Lecture 26, Math 3C, UCLA 49:01
Lecture 27, Math 3C, UCLA 44:12
Lecture 28, Math 3C, UCLA 45:20
Andrei Linde - How Did Our Universe Begin?
source: Closer To Truth 2015年12月1日
Beginnings are momentous, the beginning of the universe especially so. How did the beginning of our universe happen?
Click here to hear more about how our universe began http://bit.ly/1OtPMCp
Click here to watch more interviews with Andrei Lindei http://bit.ly/1SuwvQp
Click here to buy episodes or complete seasons of Closer To Truth http://bit.ly/1LUPlQS
For all of our video interviews please visit us at www.closertotruth.com
Roger Penrose - What Things Really Exist?
source: Closer To Truth 2013年1月25日
For more videos and information on Roger Penrose click here http://bit.ly/19Tyygc
For more videos on what things really exist click here http://bit.ly/1G9SEkx
To buy episodes and seasons of Closer To Truth click here http://bit.ly/1LUPlQS
What things really exist? What are the most general categories to understand the world?
Sir Roger Penrose, Aeons before the Big Bang (Copernicus Center Lecture ...
source: Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies 2011年11月18日
The second Copernicus Center Lecture was delivered by Professor Roger Penrose, a famous physicist and philosopher of science. Professor Penrose titled his speech "Aeons before the Big Bang". Like the year before, the Copernicus Center Lecture was part of the Kraków Methodological Conference - "Physics and Philosophy", which was co-organized by the Copenicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies.
Photos of the conference: http://adamwalanus.pl/penrose_k.html
Science, Magic, and Religion--Courtenay Raia / UCLA
# automatic playing for the 20 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: UCLA Courses 上次更新日期:2014年7月2日
Professor Courtenay Raia lectures on science and religion as historical phenomena that have evolved over time. Examines the earlier mind-set before 1700 when into science fitted elements that came eventually to be seen as magical. The course also question how Western cosmologies became "disenchanted." Magical tradition transformed into modern mysticisms is also examined as well as the political implications of these movements. Includes discussion concerning science in totalitarian settings as well as "big science" during the Cold War.
Some clips and images may have been blurred or removed to avoid copyright infringement.
* See all the UCLA History 2D: Science, Magic, and Religion classes in this series: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list...
* See more courses from UCLA: http://www.youtube.com/uclacourses
* See more from UCLA's main channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ucla
Lecture 1, UCLA 1:07:54
Lecture 2, UCLA 1:08:47
Lecture 3, UCLA 1:11:27
Lecture 4, UCLA 1:06:42
Lecture 5, UCLA 1:08:32
Lecture 6, UCLA 1:01:12
Lecture 7, UCLA 1:07:38
Lecture 8, UCLA 1:06:00
Lecture 9, UCLA 1:04:22
Lecture 10, UCLA 0:11
Lecture 11, UCLA 59:55
Lecture 12, UCLA 1:06:51
Lecture 13, UCLA 1:05:37
Lecture 14, UCLA 1:05:14
Lecture 15, UCLA 1:07:27
Lecture 16, UCLA 1:08:34
Lecture 17, UCLA 1:07:30
Lecture 18, UCLA 1:02:49
Lecture 19, UCLA 1:08:11
Lecture 20, UCLA 1:04:22
source: UCLA Courses 上次更新日期:2014年7月2日
Professor Courtenay Raia lectures on science and religion as historical phenomena that have evolved over time. Examines the earlier mind-set before 1700 when into science fitted elements that came eventually to be seen as magical. The course also question how Western cosmologies became "disenchanted." Magical tradition transformed into modern mysticisms is also examined as well as the political implications of these movements. Includes discussion concerning science in totalitarian settings as well as "big science" during the Cold War.
Some clips and images may have been blurred or removed to avoid copyright infringement.
* See all the UCLA History 2D: Science, Magic, and Religion classes in this series: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list...
* See more courses from UCLA: http://www.youtube.com/uclacourses
* See more from UCLA's main channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ucla
Lecture 1, UCLA 1:07:54
Lecture 2, UCLA 1:08:47
Lecture 3, UCLA 1:11:27
Lecture 4, UCLA 1:06:42
Lecture 5, UCLA 1:08:32
Lecture 6, UCLA 1:01:12
Lecture 7, UCLA 1:07:38
Lecture 8, UCLA 1:06:00
Lecture 9, UCLA 1:04:22
Lecture 10, UCLA 0:11
Lecture 11, UCLA 59:55
Lecture 12, UCLA 1:06:51
Lecture 13, UCLA 1:05:37
Lecture 14, UCLA 1:05:14
Lecture 15, UCLA 1:07:27
Lecture 16, UCLA 1:08:34
Lecture 17, UCLA 1:07:30
Lecture 18, UCLA 1:02:49
Lecture 19, UCLA 1:08:11
Lecture 20, UCLA 1:04:22
(2013下-商專) 企業個案研討--張旭華 / 空中進修學院 (1-19)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月2日
更多企業個案研討請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=823
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2014年7月2日
更多企業個案研討請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=823
(2014下-商專) 企業個案研討--閻瑞彥 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)
# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2015年7月14日
更多企業個案研討(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...
source: 華視教學頻道 上次更新日期:2015年7月14日
更多企業個案研討(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...