

Can you solve "Einstein’s Riddle"? - Dan Van der Vieren

source: TED-Ed      2015年11月30日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/can-you-sol...
View all the clues here: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/can-you-sol...
Before he turned physics upside down, a young Albert Einstein supposedly showed off his genius by devising a complex riddle involving a stolen exotic fish and a long list of suspects. Can you resist tackling a brain teaser written by one of the smartest people in history? Dan Van der Vieren shows how.
Lesson by Dan Van der Vieren, animation by Artrake Studio.

The Physics of Information: From Entanglement to Black Holes

source: mrtp       2014年9月1日
Public lecture series hosted by Perimeter Institute for theoretical physics in Waterloo Ontario, Wednesday Dec 05, 2007.
Speaker(s): Leonard Susskind, Sir Anthony Leggett, Christopher Fuchs, Seth Lloyd, Bob McDonald

Do ideas about information and reality inspire fruitful new approaches to the hardest problems of modern physics? What can we learn about the paradoxes of quantum mechanics, the beginning of the universe and our understanding of black holes by thinking about the very essence of information? The answers to these questions are surprising and enlightening, but also controversial. The topic of information within physics has involved some of the 20th century\'s greatest scientists in long-running intellectual battles that continue to the present day. In this special debate, hosted by the CBC\'s Bob McDonald of \'Quirks and Quarks\', you will enjoy a lively discussion between four prominent physicists who have thought long and hard about these questions. information, quantum mechanics, quantum cryptology, entropy, everything computes, properties equals information, uncertainty principle, quantum computer, hologram, black hole, event horizon, coherence, Schrodinger, interference and predictability, quantum state, teleportation, entanglement

Leonard Susskind - Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life and Mind?

source: Closer To Truth     2013年1月8日
For more videos and information from Leonard Susskind click here http://bit.ly/1xAleZd
For more videos on whether the universe is fine-tuned for life and mind click here http://bit.ly/1F9IiM0
To buy episodes and seasons of Closer To Truth click here http://bit.ly/1LUPlQS
If the deep laws of the universe had been ever so slightly different human beings wouldn't, and couldn't, exist. All explanations of this exquisite fine-tuning, obvious and not-so-obvious, have problems or complexities.

Science and Cooking (Harvard University)

# automatic playing for the 45 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Harvard University     上次更新日期:2015年5月21日
This public lecture series discusses concepts from the physical sciences that underpin both everyday cooking and haute cuisine. Each lecture features a world-class chef who visited and presented their remarkable culinary designs:
Ferran Adria presented spherification; Jose Andres discussed both the basic components of food and gelation; Joan Roca demonstrated sous vide; Enric Rovira showed his chocolate delicacies; Wylie Dufresne presented inventions
with transglutaminase.
The lectures then use these culinary creations as inspiration to delve into understanding how and why cooking techniques and recipes work, focusing on the physical transformations of foods and material properties.
Enroll in Science & Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science from HarvardX athttps://www.edx.org/course/science-co...
Top chefs and Harvard researchers explore how everyday cooking and haute cuisine can illuminate basic principles in physics and engineering, and vice versa.

Martin Breslin: The History of Culinary Thickeners, Science and Cooking Public Lecture Series 2014 36:27
Christina Tosi: Emulsions and Foams, Science and Cooking Public Lecture Series 2:03:18
Joanne Chang: The Science of Sugar 48:54
Where is the Acid?, Science and Cooking Public Lecture Series 2014 55:51
Jody Adams: Fermentation, an Ancient Trend, Science and Cooking Public Lecture Series 2014 1:01:35
Mark Ladner: Al Dente: When Plastic Meets Elastic, Science and Cooking Public Lecture Series 2014 49:42
Unquiet meals make ill digestions 1:46:25
Food and Science | Lecture 2 (2012) 1:29:36
How Phase Changes Cause: Deliciousness | Lecture 3 (2012) 1:33:23
Explorations of Chocolate Textures | Lecture 4 (2012) 1:53:52
Working with Modern Thickeners | Lecture 5 (2012) 1:56:34
The Science of Paella | Lecture 6 (2012) 1:43:20
Gelation & Heat Transfer | Lecture 7 (2012) 1:52:52
Water, water everywhere: A Study in Texture | Lecture 8 (2012) 1:35:05
Bakistry: The Science of Sweets | Lecture 9 (2012) 1:19:53
The Science of Good Cooking | Lecture 10 (2012) 1:41:05
Modernist Cuisine at Home | Lecture 11 (2012) 1:21:29
Microbes, Misos, and Olives | Lecture 12 (2012) 1:16:42
The Finale | Lecture 13 (2012) 2:07:49
Historical Context and Demos Illustrating the Relationship of Food and Science | Lecture 1 (2011) 1:49:03
Precision cooking: enabling new textures and flavors | Lecture 2 (2011) 1:52:19
The Many Faces of Chocolate | Lecture 3 (2011) 1:49:47
Exploring thickeners to manipulate mouthfeel | Lecture 4 (2011) 1:44:06
Food Texture and Mouth Feel | Lecture 5 (2011) 1:33:54
Gelation | Lecture 6 (2011) 1:44:04
Mixing the Unmixable | Lecture 7 (2011) 2:00:50
Proteins & Enzymes: Transglutaminase | Lecture 8 (2011) 1:38:34
Playing with Taste through Browning | Lecture 9 (2011) 1:34:58
Molecular Differences Between Production Methods | Lecture 10 (2011) 1:54:23
Food Microbiology: An Overlooked Frontier | Lecture 11 (2011) 59:18
Science in the Kitchen | Lecture 12 (2011) 1:30:17
Lip Smackin' Science: Crystals, Emulsions, Foams, and Pink Vanilla Cupcakes | Lecture 13 (2011) 1:32:37
The New Culinary Think Tank - el bulli 2.0 | Lecture 14 (2011) 1:50:56
Science and Cooking: A Dialogue | Lecture 1 (2010) 2:06:11
Sous-vide Cooking: a State of Matter | Lecture 2 (2010) 1:55:54
Brain Candy: How Desserts Slow the Passage of Time | Lecture 3 (2010) 1:42:53
Olive Oil and Viscosity | Lecture 4 (2010) 1:16:47
Heat, Temperature and Chocolate | Lecture 5 (2010) 1:30:04
Reinventing Food Texture & Flavor | Lecture 6 (2010) 1:32:30
Emulsions: Concept of Stabilizing Oil & Water | Lecture 7 (2010) 1:22:33
Gelation | Lecture 8 (2010) 1:50:10
Browning & Oxidations | Lecture 9 (2010) 1:32:45
Meat Glue Mania | Lecture 10 (2010) 1:06:31
Cultivating Flavor: A Recipe for the Recipe | Lecture 11 (2010) 1:35:21
Creative Ceilings | Lecture 12 (2010) 1:22:40

(2013上-學院) 組織行為--周素娥 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)

# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)

source: 華視教學頻道       上次更新日期:2014年1月2日
更多組織行為(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=651

(2014上-學院) 組織行為 (1-18) 周素娥

# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)

source: 華視教學頻道     2014年8月27日
第1講 更多組織行為(學院)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=905

(103下-商專) 組織行為--王維民 / 空中進修學院

# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)

source: 華視教學頻道       上次更新日期:2015年7月13日
更多組織行為(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...