

(2013下-商專) 資料庫系統--李賜郎 / 空中進修學院 (1-19)

# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)

source: 華視教學頻道     上次更新日期:2014年7月5日
更多資料庫系統請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/educ.php?pid=869

Teaching a Growth Mindset - Carol Dweck

source: Stanford      2015年11月3日
Carol Dweck, professor of psychology at Stanford University and a leading researcher in the field of motivation, examines the mindsets people use to understand themselves, guide their behavior and affect their achievement.
Stanford University 125th Anniversary: http://125.stanford.edu
Stanford University Department of Psychology: https://psychology.stanford.edu

Lamb Shift and Sub-Compton Electron Dynamics: Dirac Hydrogen Wavefunctio...

source: GoogleTechTalks    2015年11月6日
October 16, 2015         Presented by Lloyd Watts
The Schrodinger Hydrogen Atom does not explain spin or fine structure, and has wavefunctions with cusps at the origin. The Dirac Hydrogen Atom explains spin and fine structure, but does not explain Lamb Shift, and has wavefunctions that are singular at the origin. Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) explains Lamb Shift but appears to be silent on how the wavefunctions are affected and whether the wavefunction singularities are removed. In this work, we use perturbation analysis to show that the Lamb Shift is consistent with electron charge spreading inside the half-reduced Compton Wavelength, and we develop a novel numerical technique for solving the Dirac Hydrogen problem with a modified Coulomb potential, and use it to find the form of the modified Dirac Hydrogen wavefunctions. We show that the singularity at the origin of the Dirac Hydrogen wavefunction is eliminated, with a small amount of charge density near the origin displaced radially outward. The near-constant behavior of the Bethe Logarithm out to its asymptotic limit leads to a novel suggestion that this charge spreading for a bound electron in a Hydrogen Atom may also occur for a free electron. We also show novel 3D visualizations of numerical Dirac equation simulations. And finally, we show a novel physical demonstration of Spin ½ that illustrates the four Dirac Bi-spinor basis functions.
Lloyd Watts, founder of Audience, Inc., Caltech C.S. Ph.D., has been doing some physics recently.

(2014下-商專) 資料庫系統--李賜郎 / 空中進修學院 (1-18)

# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)

source: 華視教學頻道       上次更新日期:2015年7月13日
更多資料庫系統(商專)請見 http://vod.cts.com.tw/?type=education...