

How a few scientists transformed the way we think about disease - Tien N...

source: TED-Ed       2015年10月20日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-a-few-s...
For several centuries, people though diseases were caused by wandering clouds of poisonous vapor. We now know that this theory is pretty ridiculous, and that diseases are caused by specific bacteria. But how did we get to this new idea of germ theory? Tien Nguyen describes the work of several scientists who discredited a widely accepted theory in a way that was beneficial to human health.
This video was made in collaboration with U.S. Office of Research Integrity: http://ori.hhs.gov.
Lesson by Tien Nguyen, animation by Brandon Denmark.

Design of Empirical Studies and Traffic Safety Analysis--Cinzia Cirillo / 交大

# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)

source:  nctuocw     2015年10月12日
本課程是由交通大學 管理學院 運輸與物流管理學系提供。
為培養國內交控人才及研發本土化交通控制技術,以提升國內交通控制技術水準,辦理「交通控制人才培育講座計畫」,特邀請國際專業­講座來臺講授交通控制系列課程,本課程由美國馬里蘭大學Dr. Cinzia Cirillo教授講授。
授課教師:美國馬里蘭大學Dr. Cinzia Cirillo教授 應邀授課
授權條款:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0

Lec01-第一講 Behavioral Models Multinomial Logit: Power and limitations 2:35:46
Lec02-第二講 Nested Logit Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) Probit 2:27:00
Lec03-第三講 Mixed Logit 2:27:03
Lec04-第四講 Mixed Logit Simulated Assisted Estimation 2:16:57
Lec05-第五講 Integrated Discrete Continuous Choice Models & Dynamic Discrete Choice Models 2:34:53
Lec06-第六講 Travel Surveys National Household Travel Survey 2:35:59
Lec07-第七講 Stated Preference Methods 2:28:03
Lec08-第八講 BIOGEME TUTORIAL1:51:14

RSA Replay: Closing the Opportunity Gap--Robert Putnam

source: The RSA        2015年10月14日
The annual RSA Chairman’s lecture is delivered by the distinguished political scientist and founding father of social capital theory, Professor Robert Putnam.
Robert Putnam is Professor of Public Policy at Harvard University and has been called “the most influential academic in the world today”.
The recipient of many international scholarly honours, and an adviser to presidents, prime ministers and public leaders world-wide, his books include the best-selling Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, and Making Democracy Work, which are among the most cited publications in the social sciences in the last half century.
Since 2010, Professor Putnam has been focused on one major empirical project – ‘Inequality and opportunity: the growing class gap among American young people and the implications for social mobility’. His book on this subject, Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis was published earlier this year.
In his 2015 RSA Chairman’s Lecture, Professor Putnam shares the key insights from this work, explores the cultural and economic factors that are contributing to the persistence of inequality, and considers what practically can be done to address the widening ‘opportunity gap’.
Follow the RSA on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RSAEvents
Like the RSA on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theRSAorg

Raymond Laflamme - Embrace the Quantum Revolution - Open House KeynoteLe...

source: Institute for Quantum Computing      2015年10月13日
Raymond Laflamme, Executive Director of IQC sits down with Mike Farwell and discusses Canada’s next great technological revolution.
Recorded at IQC's Open House - October 3rd, 2015

Alain Badiou. Questions and Answers (Part I). 2010.

source: European Graduate School       2011年5月3日
http://www.egs.edu/ Alain Badiou, French philosopher and author, answers students' questions. The questions concern: the universality of philosophy, anthropology of philosophy, the concept of event, philosophy and its conditions, dialectics in physical as opposed to human sciences, particularity, universality and singularity, and the possibility of an event in contemporary society. Public lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe 2010 Alain Badiou.

Alain Badiou. Questions and Answers (part II). 2010.

source: European Graduate School       2011年5月3日
http://www.egs.edu/ Alain Badiou, French philosopher and author, answers students' questions. The questions concern: immanent exception, event, the ethical implications of an event, fidelity, Jacques Lacan, analytic discourse and truth procedure, generic set, place, force, dialectics, the 'we', the avant garde, and the possibility and requirements of a different future. Public lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe 2010 Alain Badiou.

Alain Badiou. What is Philosophy? (Part II). 2010.

source: European Graduate School       2011年5月2日
http://www.egs.edu/ Alain Badiou, French philosopher and author, lectures on the nature and essence of philosophy. In this lecture, Alain Badiou discusses the question 'what is philosophy'. He begins with three concrete problems, namely: philosophy and language, philosophy and duty and dialectical versus analytic philosophy. In Part II, of 'What is Philosophy', Badiou focuses on the paradoxical relationship between philosophy and time, specifically discussing the problem of transmission, the non-reducibility of philosophy to the present, philosophy as symptom, and the relationship between past, present and future. Public lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe 2010 Alain Badiou.

Alain Badiou. The Process of Philosophy. 2010.

source: European Graduate School       2011年5月3日
http://www.egs.edu/ Alain Badiou, French philosopher and author, lectures on the process of philosophy. In this lecture, Alain Badiou, describes the beginning of the philosophical process as the purely subjective choice between being qua being and existence. Badiou discusses this problem in relation to two of his 'great' works: 'Being and Event' and 'Logics of Worlds'; and in relation to the works of Plato, G.W.F. Hegel, and Martin Heidegger. In the lecture, Badiou discusses the concept of ontological difference, being qua being, existence and truth, along with a firm distinction between the figure of the philosopher and other figures, such as that of a scientist. Public lecture for the students and faculty of the European Graduate School EGS Media and Communication department program Saas-Fee Switzerland Europe 2010 Alain Badiou.

Graduate Seminar in Public Health 2012-2013 (UC Irvine)

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: UCIrvineOCW         上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
For more information and access to courses, lectures, and teaching material, please visit the official UC Irvine OpenCourseWare website at: http://www.ocw.uci.edu

UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Reproductive Choices & Challenges for PLHIV: Client & Provider Perspectives from South Africa 46:22
Aligning Public Health Prevention Research & Theory with Actual Prevention Practice 55:19
Pain Management In Pediatric Oncology Patients 50:40
The Health Consequences of Asian Immigrant Integration 1:21:28
Designing Electronic Medical Record System to Support Clinical Work Practices 47:50
Epidemiologic Methods Are Useless- They Can Only Give You Answers 1:16:27
Teams and Teamwork in Healthcare: Using Evidence to Inform Policy 1:07:03
Influenza Surveillance in California and The United States 1:01:49
Environmental Contributions to Risk for Autism- State-of-the-Science in 2013 1:05:28
Behavioral Interventions in Support of HIV/AIDS Prevention in the Philippines 1:19:03
Obesity Paradox and Reverse Epidemiology: The Role of Nutritional Status 56:57
HIV Prevention Trials Network 57:02
Virtual Global Health: Computational Modeling and Simulation 1:08:31
Air Quality in the Urban Environment 54:51
Partner violence among methamphetamine-using women at risk for HIV 59:08
Imperative Research in Health-Related Water Microbiology 1:01:27