

人文經典閱讀(一)--蔣淑貞 / 交大

# 播放清單 (請按影片的左上角選取)

source:  nctuocw       2015年10月11日
授權條款:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0

Lec01 人文經典閱讀(一)課程簡介《浪漫主義》 42:28
Lec02 人文經典閱讀(一)浪漫主義思想家─盧梭 42:28
Lec03 人文經典閱讀(一)〈古水手之歌〉 39:37
Lec04 人文經典閱讀(一)《唐璜》 52:24
Lec05 人文經典閱讀(一)《浮士德》 (1/2) 42:12
Lec06 人文經典閱讀(一)《浮士德》 (2/2) 1:06:16
Lec07 人文經典閱讀(一)〈沉淪〉 52:43
Lec09 人文經典閱讀(一)「魔幻現實」介紹;《意識流/魔幻現實主義》(1/2) 1:24:55
Lec10 人文經典閱讀(一)「魔幻現實」介紹;《意識流/魔幻現實主義》(2/2) 1:00:38
Lec11 人文經典閱讀(一)「後殖民主義」介紹;《女性主義/後殖民主義》 (1/3) 36:01
Lec13 人文經典閱讀(一)「後殖民主義」介紹;《女性主義/後殖民主義》 (2/3) 1:32:22
Lec14 人文經典閱讀(一)「後殖民主義」介紹;《女性主義/後殖民主義》 (3/3) 1:32:53
Lec15 人文經典閱讀(一)《解構閱讀法》(《經典解碼》叢書第8冊) 51:04

Ben Terrett on Design and the Internet

source: The RSA      2015年10月16日
To celebrate the launch of the 2015/16 RSA Student Design Award briefs, designer Ben Terrett talks about how design is changing the world, and how the internet is changing design. Watch the full replay here:https://youtu.be/_20Xik6JijQ
RSA Spotlights – taking you straight to the heart of the event, highlighting our favourite moments and key talking points.
In this excerpt from the event 'From Persuasion to Usability: Design Meets the Internet', award-winning designer Ben Terrett talks about how design is changing the world (a bit) and how the internet is changing design (a lot), as well as design in the Cabinet Office working across government on GOV.UK, which won Design of the Year and a D&AD Black Pencil.

Follow the RSA on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RSAEvents
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Listen to RSA podcasts: https://www.mixcloud.com/RSA/
See RSA Events behind the scenes: https://instagram.com/rsa_events/

Fred Wilson | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google       2015年10月16日
A conversation with Google's Craig Nevill-Manning about where the NYC tech ecosystem is heading.
Fred discusses his views on what makes NYC a unique and fertile ground for tech innovation. He also talks about what he's done to bootstrap several major initiatives that expand access to Computer Science education in NYC public schools.
On Sept 16, 2015, a week after the taping, Fred's foundation CSNYC and the NYC Mayor's Office announced Computer Science For All, a 10-year, $80 million plan to bring computer science education to every single student in New York City public schools. Learn more: http://www.csnyc.org/computer-science...
Fred Wilson is a managing partner at Union Square Ventures and chairman of CSNYC (NYC Foundation for Computer Science Education)

Alain Badiou. What Is Love. Sexuality and Desire. 2008. (1-12)

source: European Graduate School      2008年9月20日
http://www.egs.edu/ Alain Badiou speaking about love, what is love, the arena of the two, sensation, desire, sexuality, sexual connection, inexistence, lack, compensation, supplement, order of beeing, nature, order of the event, love is an approach, being and the encounter, individual, other, Jacques Lacan. Public open video lecture for the faculty and students of the European Graduate School, Media and Communication Studies Department Program, EGS, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, 2008. Alain Badiou.

Alain Badiou. Democracy as a Condition for Philosophy. 2006

source: European Graduate School        2007年3月15日
http://www.egs.edu/ Is democracy a condition for philosophy? This is one of the main pillars of Alain Badiou's philosophy. This clip features the last minutes of his talk at public open lecture for the students of the European Graduate School EGS, Media and Communication Studies department program, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, 2006

Alain Badiou. Destruction, Negation, Subtraction. 2007 (1-10)

source: European Graduate School       2007年9月5日
http://www.egs.edu/ Alain Badiou, Avital Ronnell talking about the process of negation, objectivity, creation, affirmation, subtraction and destruction as well as literature, poetry, music, Schoenberg, tonality, musical discourse, evolution, revolution, politics, and marxist ideology. Public open video lecture for the faculty and students of the European Graduate School, Media Studies Department Program, EGS, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, 2007. Alain Badiou, born 1937, in Rabat, Morocco is a prominent French Left-wing philosopher, former chair of Philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure ENS. Alain Badiou, Ph.D: Plato and Rene Descartes Chair at EGS, born in Rabat, Morocco in 1937, Alain Badiou was a student at the école Normale Supérieure in the 1950s. He taught at the University of Paris VIII (Vincennes-Saint Denis) from 1969 until 1999, when he returned to ENS as the Chair of the philosophy department. He continues to teach a popular seminar at the Collège International de Philosophie, on topics ranging from the great antiphilosophers Saint-Paul, Paul the Apostle, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Jacques Lacan to the major conceptual innovations of the twentieth century. Much of Badiou's life has been shaped by his dedication to the consequences of the May 1968 revolt in Paris. Long a leading member of Union des jeunesses communistes de France (marxistes-léninistes), he remains with Sylvain Lazarus and Natacha Michel at the centre of L'Organisation Politique, a post-party organization concerned with direct popular intervention in a wide range of issues including immigration, labor, and housing. He is the author of several successful novels and plays as well as more than a dozen philosophical works.

He is the author of Philosophy, Le concept de modèle 1969, Théorie du sujet 1982, Peut-on penser la politique? 1985, L'Être et l'Événement 1988, Manifeste pour la philosophie 1989, Le nombre et les nombres 1990, Conditions 1992, L'Éthique 1993, 2005, Deleuze 1997, Saint Paul. La fondation de l'universalisme 1997, 2002, Abrégé de métapolitique 1998, Court traité d'ontologie provisoire 1998, Petit manuel d'inesthétique 1998, D'un désastre obscur 1998, Logiques des mondes. L'être et l'événement, 2. 2006. Badiou wrote several dramas, critical or political essays including Rhapsodie pour le théâtre 1990, Beckett, l'increvable désir 1995, Le Siècle 2005; Literature and drama:Almagestes 1964, Portulans 1967, L'Écharpe rouge 1979, Ahmed le subtil 1994, Ahmed Philosophe, followed by Ahmed se fâche 1995, Les Citrouilles, a comedy 1996, Calme bloc ici-bas 1997; Théorie de la contradiction 1975, De l'idéologie, with F. Balmès 1976, Le Noyau rationnel de la dialectique hégelienne, with L. Mossot and J. Bellassen 1977, Circonstances 1 2003, Circonstances 2 2004, Circonstances 3 2005.

Several articles and essays have been translated into English: Art as a Place for Politics Video Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, 11/16, 2006, Truth Procedure in Politics Video Abreu Gallery, New York, 2006, Truth Procedure in Art Video Tilton Gallery, New York, 11/17, 2006, Jacques Lacan's Seminar On Anxiety Video The Drawing Center, New York, 2006,The Contemporary Figure of the Soldier in Politics and Poetry, UCLA, Destruction, Negation, Subtraction Art Center College of Design Pasadena,The Uses of the Word Jew, The Adventure of French Philosophy, Behind the Scarfed Law, There is Fear On the French headscarf ban, Bodies, Languages Truths, The Cultural Revolution: The Last Revolution, Democratic Materialism and the Materialist Dialectic, The Desire for Philosophy and the Contemporary World, Destruction, Negation, Subtraction on Pier Paolo Pasolini, Eight Theses on the Universal, An Essential Philosophical Thesis: It Is Right to Rebel against the Reactionaries, The Event in Deleuze, Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art, The Formulas of L'Etourdit, The Factory as Event Site, Further Selections from Théorie du sujet on the Cultural Revolution, Highly Speculative Reasoning on the Concept of Democracy from Metapolitics, Lacan and the Pre-Socratics, A Musical Variant of the Metaphysics of the Subject, Number and Numbers, On the European Constitution, On the Truth-Process, One Divides into Two On Lenin, Philosophical Considerations of the Very Singular Custom of Voting, Philosophy as Creative Repetition, Philosophy and Politics, The Political as a Truth Procedure from Metapolitics, Politics: a Non-expressive Dialectics, The Scene of Two English translation from De l'amour, Selections from Théorie du sujet on the Cultural Revolution, The Subject of Art Deitch Projects, New York, 1 April 2005, The Triumphant Restoration, What Happens On Beckett, What is to be Thought What is to be Done On the 2002 French elections; written by Badiou Sylvain Lazarus and Natasha Michel, A Musical Variant of the Metaphysics of the Subject, The Event in Deleuze, What is a Philosophical Institution, What is Love.

Alain Badiou. Democracy, Politics and Philosophy 2006 (1-5)

source: European Graduate School       2007年5月12日
http://www.egs.edu/ Alain Badiou on the relation of Democracy, Politics, Theory and Philosophy. Public open video lecture for the faculty and students of the European Graduate School, Media Studies Department Program, EGS, Saas-Fee, Switzerland, Europe, 2006.

Clinical and Translational Research Preparatory I (Fall 2012)--Oladele Ogunstein & Shahram Lotipour / UC Irvine

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: UCIrvineOCW        上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI PubHlth 194: Clinical and Translational Research Preparatory I (Fall 2012)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/pubhlth_19...
License: Creative Commons CC-BY-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: Provides training for students with an interest in clinical and translational research in the health care setting. Cultivates skills for study design, research literature review, ethics, responsible conduct of research, and cultural competence while emphasizing professionalism and personal responsibility

UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lec 1: Introduction 45:41
Lec. 2: Bedside to Population Research 46:26
Lec. 3. Bench to Bedside Research 1:15:10
Lec. 5. Introduction to the IRB, Informed Consent. 46:24
Lec 6: Human Subjects, Barriers to Research 37:39
Lec 7: Ethics of Clinical Research 54:25
Lec 8: Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD) 1:19:57

Public Health: Graduate Seminars (2013 - 2015)--UC Irvine

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: UCIrvineOCW      上次更新日期:2015年5月6日
For more information and access to courses, lectures, and teaching material, please visit the official UC Irvine OpenCourseWare website at: http://ocw.uci.edu

UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Hepatitis A: A National Outbreak in 2013 56:26
Public Health Seminar. Structural Considerations in Social Epidemiologic Analysis. 1:07:53
Public Health Seminar. One Health in Action: Examples from the Los Angeles County Veterinary. 48:36
Public Health Seminar. Social Support Networks and Health Behaviors Among Latinos. 50:11
Public Health Seminar. From Health Persona to Societal Health. 51:30
Public Health Seminar. HPV Vaccine Implementation in Developing Countries. 1:07:30
Public Health Seminar. Human Testing: Investigative journalism downwind of heavy industry 51:03
Public Health Seminar. Climate Change. 51:28
Public Health Seminar. A Tale of Two Cities: Genomics Epidemiological in Southeast Asia 59:03
Consequences of withdrawal: Free contraceptives and birth rates in the Philippines 57:07
Public Health Seminar. Public Health 2030: A Scenario Exploration, Clem Bezold, Ph.D. 54:17
The Development Origins of Human Health and Disease Risk: Concepts and Recent Findings 1:11:15
Public Health Seminar California Safter Consumer Products Regulation Dallas M. Cowan, Ph.D. 59:37
Collaborative Search in Electronic Health Records: Khai Zheng, Ph.D. 1:06:10
No Butts About it: Rectal Microbicides and HIV Prevention for Anal Intercourse 1:01:03
Breathing New Life into DNA Microarrays: Peter Noble 1:03:08
"Reflect, Reinvent, Adapt: An Approach to Teaching and Learning in Public Health" by Mirhya 59:59
Public Health in Action: From the Classroom to the Field 48:15
Innovation and Investment in Earthquake Safety: A Roundtable Discussion 1:58:22
Urban Mining and Disease Burden 1:16:22
The Color Code: A Revolutionary Eating Plan for Optimum Health 1:06:30
Environment and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Disorders 49:22
Public Health Seminar. EBOLA: Six Weeks in West Africa 56:26
Public Health Seminar. STREET2HOME: Continuum of Care for Medically Vulnerable Homeless 1:11:14
Public Health Seminar. Global Health: An Infectious Disease Focused Response 1:02:32
Project Tycho: Data for Health 1:00:04
Public Health Seminar. Communicating Public Health Messages in the Age of Choice 1:01:34
Public Health Seminar. Racial and Gender Differences...Food Insecurity and Type 2 Diabetes 42:01
Public Health Seminar. The National Center for Health Statistics: Research Data Center 48:20
Public Health Seminar. What Levels of Vaccination are Necessary for Measles Control? 58:33
Inexpensive, Point-of-Care, Molecular Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases 1:06:11
UCI Public Health Special Forum: Faculty Mental Health 2:01:24

Public Health: Collections--UC Irvine

# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist

source: UCIrvineOCW         上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
For more information and access to courses, lectures, and teaching material, please visit the official UC Irvine OpenCourseWare website at: http://www.ocw.uci.edu

UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Sora Park Tanjasiri: Research In The Community 2:29:49
Mary Anne Foo: Cultural Competency, Awareness & Sensitivity 2:13:30
Manisha Shah: A Randomized Evaluation of a Large-Scale Sanitation Program in Indonesia 1:03:00
Segundo Leon: The Impact of Global Health Diagnostics Initiatives in Peru 41:03
Raya Muttarak: Does the Financial Crisis Have a Role on Smoking Behavior? 45:26
Jacqueline Tran: Community Health Workshop Series- Building Successful Partnerships 2:29:53
Ndola Prata: Financing and Distribution Strategies to Increase Access to Contraceptives 42:18
Lianne Urada: HIV Prevention Interventions with Female Sex Workers in The Philippines 25:41
Program Evaluation 3:01:58
Reproductive Choices & Challenges for PLHIV: Client & Provider Perspectives from South Africa 46:22
Aligning Public Health Prevention Research & Theory with Actual Prevention Practice 55:19
PubHlth1: Principles of Public Health. Lec. 7 1:12:28
Pain Management In Pediatric Oncology Patients 50:40
The Health Consequences of Asian Immigrant Integration 1:21:28
Multilevel Latent Class Regression of Stages of Change for Multiple Health Behaviors 50:52
Designing Electronic Medical Record System to Support Clinical Work Practices 47:50
Future Humanitarian Crises: Challenges for Practice, Policy & Public Health 1:24:22
Obesity Paradox and Reverse Epidemiology: The Role of Nutritional Status 56:57
HIV Prevention Trials Network  57:02
Virtual Global Health: Computational Modeling and Simulation 1:08:31
Public Health 195W Practicum. Lecture 9. 1:21:09
Public Health Seminar. Structural Considerations in Social Epidemiologic Analysis. 1:07:53
Public Health Seminar. Social Support Networks and Health Behaviors Among Latinos. 50:11