

Organic Reaction Mechanisms I (Fall 2012)--David Van Vranken/UC Irvine

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source: UCIrvineOCW      上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI Chem 201 Organic Reaction Mechanisms I (Fall 2012)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_201_o...
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: Advanced treatment of basic mechanistic principles of modern organic chemistry. Topics include molecular orbital theory, orbital symmetry control of organic reactions, aromaticity, carbonium ion chemistry, free radical chemistry, the chemistry of carbenes and carbanions, photochemistry, electrophilic substitutions, aromatic chemistry.
Organic Reaction Mechanisms I (Chem 201) is part of OpenChem:http://ocw.uci.edu/collections/open_c...
This video is part of a 20-lecture graduate-level course titled "Organic Reaction Mechanisms I" taught at UC Irvine by Professor David Van Vranken.

UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 01. Arrow Pushing. Part 1. 30:30
Lecture 01. Arrow Pushing. Part 2 51:44
Lecture 02. Molecular Orbital Theory (Pt. 1). 55:38
Lecture 02. Molecular Orbital Theory (Pt. 2) & Energy. 50:39
Lecture 03. Molecular Orbital Theory (Pt. 3) & Energy Pt. 2 52:18
Lecture 04. Selectivity. 47:46
Lecture 05. Carbocations 52:22
Lec. 06. Carbocation Stabilization by Vicinal Sigma Bonds. 55:21
Lecture 07. Neighboring Groups. 48:27
Lecture 07. Neighboring Groups Pt. II & Lec. 8. Solvation 35:11
Lecture 09. Addition to Sigma Star (σ*) 26:13
Lecture 09. Pt 2. Addition to Sigma Star (σ*) 49:46
Lec 09. Pt. 3. & Lec. 10. Migratory Displacements 51:01
Lecture 11. Eliminations 52:15
Lec. 11. Eliminations (Pt. II) & Lec. 12. Addition to π* 49:19
Lecture 12. (Pt. II) Addition to Pi Star (π*) 48:30
Lecture 13. (Pt. III) Addition to Pi Star (π*) 55:12
Lecture 14. Anions. 49:08
Lec. 14. Pt. 2. Anions (Pt. II) & Alkali Organometallics 50:52
Lecture 14. Alkali Organometallics (Pt. II) 50:16
Lec 14. Alkali Organometallics (Pt. III) & Lec 15. 47:57
Lecture 15. Addition of E+ to C=C 51:10
Lec. 15. Addition of E+ to C=C (Pt. II) & Lec 16. C-C Bonds 51:21
Lecture 17. Enols, Enamines, and Enolates 48:12
Lecture 19. Sulfur Chemistry 52:07
Lecture 20. Phosphorus Chemistry 48:25

Organic Reaction Mechanisms II (Winter 2014)--David Van Vranken

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source: UCIrvineOCW        上次更新日期:2015年1月26日
UCI Chem 202 Organic Reaction Mechanisms II (Winter 2014)
View the complete course: http://ocw.uci.edu/courses/chem_202_o...
License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA
Terms of Use: http://ocw.uci.edu/info.
More courses at http://ocw.uci.edu
Description: Topics include more in-depth treatment of mechanistic concepts, kinetics, conformational analysis, computational methods, stereoelectronics, and both solution and enzymatic catalysis.
Organic Reaction Mechanisms II (Chem 202) is part of OpenChem:http://ocw.uci.edu/collections/open_c...
These videos are part of a 23-lecture graduate-level course titled "Organic Reaction Mechanisms II" taught at UC Irvine by Professor David Van Vranken.

UC Irvine OpenCourseWare 0:22
Lecture 01. Introduction 38:24
Lecture 02: Review of Orbitals 53:30
Lecture 03. The Shape of Frontier Molecular Orbitals 52:45
Lecture 04. Nucleophilic Sigma Bonds. 55:06
Lecture 05. Nucleophilic Sigma Bonds, Part 2 55:28
Lecture 06. The Organic Chemistry of Phosphorus 55:28
Lecture 07. Phosphorus Chemistry 47:56
Lecture 08. The Organic Chemistry of Sulfur 42:01
Lecture 09. Pericyclic Reactions 58:03
Lecture 10. Pericyclic Reactions, Part 2 54:17
Lecture 11. Cycloaddition 51:34
Lecture 12. Ene Reactions 44:17
Lecture 13. Electrocyclic Reactions 52:14
Lecture 14. Sigmatropic Reaction 55:56
Lecture 15. Sigmatropic Rearrangments, Part 2 35:16
Lecture 16. Kinetics and Rate Equations 50:58
Lecture 17. Kinetics and Rate Equations, Part 2 52:37
Lecture 18. Thermodynamic vs Kinetic Control 52:50
Lecture 19. Selectivity 53:01
Lecture 20. Transition State Theory & Half-Lives 43:10
Lecture 21. Kinetic Isotope Effects 51:49
Lecture 22. Radical Structure & Reactivity 54:16
Lecture 23. Radical Reactions 36:27

化學(二)-2014學年度--李大偉 / 交大

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source: nctuocw        2015年10月6日
授權條款:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0

9-1 純物質的相平衡 -- 利用ΔG =0 建立相平衡界線的模型 (1/2) 1:25:28
9-1 純物質的相平衡 -- 利用ΔG =0 建立相平衡界線的模型 (2/2) 38:35
9-2 影響溶解平衡的因素 -- 分子間作用力、溫度及壓力 1:01:30
9-3 影響混合液體蒸汽壓的因素 -- 分子間作用力、溫度及壓力 1:21:36
9-4 依數性質 1:28:30
10-1 化學反應的平衡與自由能的變化 (1/2) 1:19:41
10-1 化學反應的平衡與自由能的變化 (2/2) 35:05
10-2 化學平衡常數的計算 56:13
10-3 勒沙特列原理 1:18:40
13-1 自由能、電能與回顧氧化還原反應的平衡 1:39:48
13-2 電池的電動勢、自由能與能斯特方程式 (1/2) 1:22:55
13-2 電池的電動勢、自由能與能斯特方程式 (2/2) 1:45:09
13-3 電池與電解 1:32:09
14-1 反應速率與反應定律式 (1/2) 1:30:52
14-1 反應速率與反應定律式 (2/2) 1:24:15
14-2 速率常數與動力學模型 1:16:23
14-3 反應速率與反應機構 1:48:04
14-4 觸媒 50:00
15-1 簡介過度金屬元素的特性 53:19
15-2 錯化合物的基本性質與其分子結構 (1/2) 47:51
15-2 錯化合物的基本性質與其分子結構 (2/2) 1:13:19
15-3 錯化合物的光性與磁性-- 晶場理論與配位場理論 (1/2) 1:11:03
15-3 錯化合物的光性與磁性-- 晶場理論與配位場理論 (2/2) 1:09:33
15-4 錯化合物的化性及其應用 15:48
16-1 脂肪族碳氫化合物 (1/2) 43:54
16-1 脂肪族碳氫化合物 (2/2) 1:31:14
16-2 芳香族碳氫化合物 35:04
16-3 常見的官能基 1:16:59
16-4 簡介高分子聚合物 36:21
16-5 簡介生物體中常見的高分子 45:35

Thomas Russo: "Global Value Investing" | Talks at Google

source: Talks at Google       2015年10月7日
“I consider myself to be a farmer—not a hunter. And I think most people on Wall Street are hunters. They like to fell big beasts and I’m very comfortable planting a few rows and just tending to them carefully.” - Thomas Russo

About the Talk
Mr. Russo looks forward to describing how that in his pursuit of long-term tax-deferred investment returns that he has favored investments in businesses whose global brands are well-position companies for reinvestment of mature market free cash flow into developing and emerging markets. Mr. Russo’s businesses accordingly possess the “capacity to reinvest” and managements who have the “capacity to suffer” when investments properly intended for longest term increase in intrinsic value on a per share basis burden as they often do, reported earnings in the near term.
This tradeoff between near-term pain and long-term gain is at the heart of his investments when properly executed, the benefit for taxable investors is the ability to build portfolio companies whose return are long term and tax deferred.

About the Speaker
Mr. Thomas A. Russo is the Managing Member of Gardner Russo & Gardner LLC, where he oversees $10 billion of “global value” equity investments invested through Semper Vic Partnerships as well as separately managed accounts. Mr. Russo is a Graduate of Dartmouth College (BA, 1977), and a Graduate of Stanford Business and Law Schools (MBA/JD, 1984). Memberships include Dean’s Advisory Council for Stanford Law School, Dartmouth College’s President’s Leadership Council, Heilbrunn Center for Graham & Dodd Investing (Columbia), Facing History and Ourselves, Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States, Storm King Art Center.

Vampires: Folklore, fantasy and fact - Michael Molina

source: TED-Ed      2013年10月29日
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/vampires-fo...
The myth of the bloodsucking vampire has stalked humans from ancient Mesopotamia to 18th-century Eastern Europe, but it has differed in the terrifying details. So, how did we arrive at the popular image we know, love and fear today? And what truly makes a vampire...a vampire? Michael Molina digs up the science and the superstition.
Lesson by Michael Molina, animation by The Moving Company Animation Studio.