

管理理論與實務討論-2014學年度--蕭嬋 / 交大

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source: nctuocw    本課程是由交通大學管理科學系提供。
本學期“管理理論與實務” 將以Heart CreAction Entrepreneurship (HCE) 為主軸—其主旨乃是邀請一系列創業者做自己真心熱愛的事業,同時又能創造商業價值,並獲得良好營收成效,以這樣的精神鼓勵同學能­夠活出真正的自己,追尋心中的熱愛,並體現商業核心價值,並同時獲利營收,讓HCE精神的創業家理念策略與商業模式可以激勵與啓­發年輕人,讓這個世界因為創業家所創辦的公司更為美好。管理理論與實務課程希望能藉由HCE管理實務的教育,和同學所學習的管理­理論相輔相成,以提升同學實踐商業知識能力,擴展對商業實務運作瞭解。本學期邀請各個領域之新興企業創辦人介紹其創業歷程,或是­企業資深經理人分享其經營理念心得,鼓勵即將畢業的學生不僅只有就業這條出路,亦可將創業納為目標,一起為台灣經濟注入心活力與­新活力。
授權條款:Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0
更多課程:  http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/

Lec01 演講主題:網路創業,創意無限,之初創投結合網路商機與實體產業 1:24:53
Lec02 演講主題:天使與創投資金,協助新創事業圓夢 1:08:25
Lec03 演講主題:亞洲最大設計商品購物城,販賣文創商品與設計師夢想 1:17:33
Lec04 演講主題:科技,生活,輕鬆連結,完整且優質的的儲存產業方案 1:13:57
Lec05 演講主題:國際網路綠色社會企業,環保居家日常生活用品 1:24:23
Lec06 演講主題:農企產業的鳳梨酥國際化與精緻化 1:04:23

Surviving the 21st Century by Professor Noam Chomsky

source: DurhamUniversity      2014年5月28日
Professor Noam Chomsky Institute Professor & Professor of Linguistics (Emeritus), Massachusetts Institute of Technology addressed this question of global significance in a special Durham Castle Lecture on 22nd May.

Energy Seminar (Stanford University)

# automatic playing for the 71 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)

source: Stanford    Last updated on 2014年9月25日
The Energy Seminar is produced by the Woods and Precourt Institutes and is comprised of an interdisciplinary series of talks primarily by Stanford experts on a broad range of energy topics.

Scenarios of the Global Climate Energy System 58:33
Wind, Water and Sunlight 58:04
Low-Energy Building: European Design and Control 55:59
California's Low-Carbon Fuel Standard 55:03
Japan and the Future of Nuclear Energy 1:10:44
The Status of Concentrating Solar Power Development 59:14
Stanford's Energy Story: Present and Future 1:11:56
Transportation and Climate Change 1:04:44
Global Cookstove Problems 59:58
Renewable Power Entrepreneurship 55:32
Canada's Oil Sands, Warts and All 1:00:14
Energy Lessons from the Heartland 37:12
Solar Geoengineering to Manage Climate 1:02:15
Cap and Trade in California 57:47
The Gulf Oil Spill: Where Did All the Oil Go? 57:24
New York and Climate Change 1:02:33
AB32 and Proposition 23 1:02:58
Precourt Institute for Energy at Stanford: The Grand Challenge 58:10
The Energy Innovation Ecosystem 1:09:56
Climate Change and Global Prosperity 49:58
Does Biochar Deliver Carbon-Negative Energy? 59:30
Nuclear Regulation in Our Era 58:40
Global Transition to Electric Vehicles 54:52
Nuclear Power: How, Why, Barriers 58:09
Making Large Scale Solar Work 1:02:46
Fuels from Sunlight Using Nano-Materials 1:02:22
Consumer Responses to Electric Vehicles 1:02:56
The Way Forward with Electric Drive 1:16:40
The Future of EVs 55:40
China's Influence on Solar Energy 46:49
COP15 and the Stanford Student Experience 56:57
The Energy Challenge and the Case for Fusion 1:02:19
Controlling Climate Change After Copenhagen 54:49
More Than 50% Wind on the Grid 55:41
Transmission Siting Issues 57:26
U.S. Shale Gas 1:02:44
Demystifying and De-Jargoning the Smart Grid 1:00:50
Global Climate Architectural Policy 55:49
Communicating Climate Science in a Changing Media Landscape 1:01:57
Solar Energy at Scale 58:59
Solar Cell Technology in 2009 and Beyond 1:03:42
Solar Photovoltaic Installation and Financing 51:12
Economic Analysis of the Solar Industry 50:26
Sustainable Energy Systems: Scale, Tradeoffs, and Co-Benefits 1:03:53
U.S. Energy Future: Transportation Fuels 1:12:12
Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Oil Substitutes 55:40
Carbon Sequestration & Natural Gas Extraction 53:52
LIFE: Laser Initial Fusion Energy System 55:29
Adaptation to Climate Change 52:31
Benefits of a Restructured Electric Industry 1:03:41
Killers Apps for the Smart Grid 49:34
Renewable Energy and the Economy 59:35
Global Coal Market 52:27
Nuclear Sustainability and Climate Change 54:11
Sequestering CO2 in the Built Environment 58:37
A Pathway for Widespread Geothermal Energy 58:17
Smart Grids & Decarbonizing the Power Sector 44:54
Renewable Ocean Energy Conversion Systems 56:12
Sustainable Aviation 56:48
New Ways for Regulating Greenhouse Gases 56:26
The Real Story on Fuel Economy 1:01:26
Solar Thermal Power 58:27
Nanomaterials for Batteries & Energy Storage 52:31
Marine Energy Technology: Waves and Currents 1:00:00
William McDonough on Eco-Friendly Design 1:11:56
Advanced Molecular Photovoltaics 54:47
Equitable Climate Solutions: Stephen Pacala 58:51
The Future of Oil 1:03:53
Evaluating Energy Solutions to Climate Change 58:52
Overcoming the Resource Curse 53:39
The New Geopolitics of Energy 58:08