# automatic playing for the 43 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2015年5月11日
Physics 8B, 001 - Spring 2015
2015-01-21 52:08
2015-01-23 53:11
2015-01-26 53:15
2015-01-28 54:26
2015-01-30 50:27
2015-02-02 51:59
2015-02-04 50:21
2015-02-06 51:09
2015-02-09 50:58
2015-02-11 47:49
2015-02-13 53:41
2015-02-18 50:23
2015-02-20 | First 11 minutes of video not available 48:33
2015-02-23 | Video not available from 00:41:00 to 00:46:10 49:43
2015-02-25 48:52
2015-02-27 51:45
2015-03-02 50:59
2015-03-04 54:23
2015-03-06 | Last minute of lecture not available 53:25
2015-03-09 | Last minute of lecture not available 53:32
2015-03-11 41:18
2015-03-13 48:42
2015-03-16 51:31
2015-03-18 48:26
2015-03-20 | Last minute of lecture not available 53:29
2015-03-30 50:00
2015-04-01 51:16
2015-04-03 | Last minute of lecture not available 51:53
2015-04-06 44:08
2015-04-08 | Last 4 minutes of video not available 50:16
2015-04-10 | Last 8 minutes of video not available 48:57
2015-04-13 50:12
2015-04-15 | Video not available 52:40
2015-04-17 | Last 27 minutes of audio not available 54:30
2015-04-20 | Last minute of lecture not available 53:59
2015-04-22 47:14
2015-04-24 53:46
2015-04-27 | Last 3 minutes of audio not available 47:44
2015-04-29 53:01
2015-05-01 52:21
2015-05-04: No Audio 42:57
2015-05-06 53:11
2015-05-08 49:48
1. Clicking ▼&► to (un)fold the tree menu may facilitate locating what you want to find. 2. Videos embedded here do not necessarily represent my viewpoints or preferences. 3. This is just one of my several websites. Please click the category-tags below these two lines to go to each independent website.
Public Health: Statistical Analysis of Categorical Data (Spring 2015) - Nicholas P. Jewell / UCBerkeley
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2015年5月8日
Public Health 241, 001 - Spring 2015
2015-01-21 42:49
2015-01-23 48:53
2015-01-26 47:47
2015-01-28 48:53
2015-01-30 51:16
2015-02-02 47:29
2015-02-04 49:25
2015-02-06 47:59
2015-02-09 51:28
2015-02-11 49:08
2015-02-13 39:30
2015-02-18 47:50
2015-02-20 51:19
2015-02-23 47:58
2015-02-25 36:54
2015-02-27 42:37
2015-03-02 47:02
2015-03-04 48:04
2015-03-09 44:09
2015-03-06 46:50
2015-03-11 45:54
2015-03-13 43:01
2015-03-18 46:45
2015-03-20 42:15
2015-03-30 45:00
2015-04-01 46:06
2015-04-03 49:24
2015-04-06 49:03
2015-04-08 47:33
2015-04-10 45:23
2015-04-13 47:34
2015-04-15 48:53
2015-04-17 44:22
2015-04-22 48:30
2015-04-24 49:25
2015-04-27 44:11
2015-04-29 48:46
2015-05-01 45:42
2015-05-04 53:08
2015-05-06 46:10
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2015年5月8日
Public Health 241, 001 - Spring 2015
2015-01-21 42:49
2015-01-23 48:53
2015-01-26 47:47
2015-01-28 48:53
2015-01-30 51:16
2015-02-02 47:29
2015-02-04 49:25
2015-02-06 47:59
2015-02-09 51:28
2015-02-11 49:08
2015-02-13 39:30
2015-02-18 47:50
2015-02-20 51:19
2015-02-23 47:58
2015-02-25 36:54
2015-02-27 42:37
2015-03-02 47:02
2015-03-04 48:04
2015-03-09 44:09
2015-03-06 46:50
2015-03-11 45:54
2015-03-13 43:01
2015-03-18 46:45
2015-03-20 42:15
2015-03-30 45:00
2015-04-01 46:06
2015-04-03 49:24
2015-04-06 49:03
2015-04-08 47:33
2015-04-10 45:23
2015-04-13 47:34
2015-04-15 48:53
2015-04-17 44:22
2015-04-22 48:30
2015-04-24 49:25
2015-04-27 44:11
2015-04-29 48:46
2015-05-01 45:42
2015-05-04 53:08
2015-05-06 46:10
Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory (Spring 2015) - Umesh Vazirani / UCBerkeley
# click the upper-left icon to select videos from the playlist
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2015年5月8日
Computer Science 70, 001 - Spring 2015
2015-01-20 1:20:47
2015-01-22 1:19:42
2015-01-27 1:18:57
2015-01-29 1:17:55
2015-02-03 1:19:18
2015-02-05 1:19:05
2015-02-10 1:20:54
2015-02-12 1:11:34
2015-02-19 1:19:33
2015-02-24 1:19:14
2015-02-26 1:18:04
2015-03-03 1:19:36
2015-03-05 1:15:21
2015-03-10 1:14:10
2015-03-12 1:19:23
2015-03-17 1:20:00
2015-03-19 1:21:49
2015-04-02 1:22:12
2015-04-07 1:21:44
2015-04-09 1:20:05
2015-04-14 1:20:53
2015-04-16 1:20:24
2015-04-21 59:40
2015-04-23 1:16:45
2015-04-28 1:19:30
2015-04-30 59:26
2015-05-05 1:53:44
2015-05-07 1:48:40
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2015年5月8日
Computer Science 70, 001 - Spring 2015
2015-01-20 1:20:47
2015-01-22 1:19:42
2015-01-27 1:18:57
2015-01-29 1:17:55
2015-02-03 1:19:18
2015-02-05 1:19:05
2015-02-10 1:20:54
2015-02-12 1:11:34
2015-02-19 1:19:33
2015-02-24 1:19:14
2015-02-26 1:18:04
2015-03-03 1:19:36
2015-03-05 1:15:21
2015-03-10 1:14:10
2015-03-12 1:19:23
2015-03-17 1:20:00
2015-03-19 1:21:49
2015-04-02 1:22:12
2015-04-07 1:21:44
2015-04-09 1:20:05
2015-04-14 1:20:53
2015-04-16 1:20:24
2015-04-21 59:40
2015-04-23 1:16:45
2015-04-28 1:19:30
2015-04-30 59:26
2015-05-05 1:53:44
2015-05-07 1:48:40
Freedom of Speech and the Press (Spring 2015) - William B Turner / UCBerkeley
# automatic playing for the 27 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2015年5月5日
Media Studies 104A, 001 - Spring 2015
2015-01-20 1:19:28
2015-01-22 1:14:49
2015-01-27 1:03:58
2015-01-29 1:08:03
2015-02-03 1:09:23
2015-02-05 54:14
2015-02-10 1:11:25
2015-02-12 1:17:35
2015-02-17 1:09:17
2015-02-19 1:12:11
2015-02-24 1:18:31
2015-02-26 1:02:09
2015-03-03 1:10:04
2015-03-12 1:08:33
2015-03-17 1:14:08
2015-03-19 1:12:58
2015-03-31 1:09:47
2015-04-02 1:14:58
2015-04-07 1:12:29
2015-04-09 1:13:37
2015-04-14 1:13:23
2015-04-16 1:14:05
2015-04-21 1:12:14
2015-04-23 1:04:16
2015-04-28 1:06:48
2015-04-30 51:02
2015-05-05 1:06:51
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2015年5月5日
Media Studies 104A, 001 - Spring 2015
2015-01-20 1:19:28
2015-01-22 1:14:49
2015-01-27 1:03:58
2015-01-29 1:08:03
2015-02-03 1:09:23
2015-02-05 54:14
2015-02-10 1:11:25
2015-02-12 1:17:35
2015-02-17 1:09:17
2015-02-19 1:12:11
2015-02-24 1:18:31
2015-02-26 1:02:09
2015-03-03 1:10:04
2015-03-12 1:08:33
2015-03-17 1:14:08
2015-03-19 1:12:58
2015-03-31 1:09:47
2015-04-02 1:14:58
2015-04-07 1:12:29
2015-04-09 1:13:37
2015-04-14 1:13:23
2015-04-16 1:14:05
2015-04-21 1:12:14
2015-04-23 1:04:16
2015-04-28 1:06:48
2015-04-30 51:02
2015-05-05 1:06:51
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (Spring 2015) - Maximilian Auffhammer / UCBerkeley
# automatic playing for the 25 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2015年5月11日
International and Area Studies 106, 001 - Spring 2015
2015-01-20 | FIRST 15 M OF AUDIO NOT 1:19:32
2015-01-22 1:01:17
2015-01-27 1:19:19
2015-01-29 1:17:13
2015-02-03 1:17:30
2015-02-05 1:17:34
2015-02-10 1:19:09
2015-02-12 1:11:12
2015-02-17 1:20:12
2015-02-19 1:18:12
2015-03-05 1:17:40
2015-03-10 1:10:37
2015-03-12 1:16:50
2015-03-17 1:15:48
2015-03-19 1:18:11
2015-03-31 1:18:07
2015-04-02 1:17:41
2015-04-07 1:15:13
2015-04-14 1:17:21
2015-04-16 |NO AUDIO FROM 6MINS TO 51 MINS 1:13:32
2015-04-21 1:18:40
2015-04-23 1:17:19
2015-04-28 1:15:11
2015-04-30 1:14:02
2015-05-07 1:03:27
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2015年5月11日
International and Area Studies 106, 001 - Spring 2015
2015-01-20 | FIRST 15 M OF AUDIO NOT 1:19:32
2015-01-22 1:01:17
2015-01-27 1:19:19
2015-01-29 1:17:13
2015-02-03 1:17:30
2015-02-05 1:17:34
2015-02-10 1:19:09
2015-02-12 1:11:12
2015-02-17 1:20:12
2015-02-19 1:18:12
2015-03-05 1:17:40
2015-03-10 1:10:37
2015-03-12 1:16:50
2015-03-17 1:15:48
2015-03-19 1:18:11
2015-03-31 1:18:07
2015-04-02 1:17:41
2015-04-07 1:15:13
2015-04-14 1:17:21
2015-04-16 |NO AUDIO FROM 6MINS TO 51 MINS 1:13:32
2015-04-21 1:18:40
2015-04-23 1:17:19
2015-04-28 1:15:11
2015-04-30 1:14:02
2015-05-07 1:03:27
American Economic History (Spring 2015) - Martha Olney / UCBerkeley
# automatic playing for the 28 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2015年5月8日
Economics 113, 001 - Spring 2015
2015-01-20 1:21:25
2015-01-22 1:19:29
2015-01-27 1:19:50
2015-01-29 1:20:07
2015-02-03 1:21:24
2015-02-05 1:19:38
2015-02-10 1:19:14
2015-02-12 1:20:24
2015-02-17 1:17:26
2015-02-19 1:21:57
2015-02-24 1:18:40
2015-02-26 1:19:51
2015-03-03 1:20:34
2015-03-05 1:20:50
2015-03-12 1:18:56
2015-03-17 1:21:53
2015-03-19 1:21:43
2015-03-31 1:21:04
2015-04-02 1:18:42
2015-04-07 1:19:33
2015-04-09 1:20:22
2015-04-14 1:18:47
2015-04-16 1:20:25
2015-04-21 1:19:36
2015-04-23 1:18:03
2015-04-28 1:21:26
2015-04-30 1:09:42
2015-05-07 1:23:19
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2015年5月8日
Economics 113, 001 - Spring 2015
2015-01-20 1:21:25
2015-01-22 1:19:29
2015-01-27 1:19:50
2015-01-29 1:20:07
2015-02-03 1:21:24
2015-02-05 1:19:38
2015-02-10 1:19:14
2015-02-12 1:20:24
2015-02-17 1:17:26
2015-02-19 1:21:57
2015-02-24 1:18:40
2015-02-26 1:19:51
2015-03-03 1:20:34
2015-03-05 1:20:50
2015-03-12 1:18:56
2015-03-17 1:21:53
2015-03-19 1:21:43
2015-03-31 1:21:04
2015-04-02 1:18:42
2015-04-07 1:19:33
2015-04-09 1:20:22
2015-04-14 1:18:47
2015-04-16 1:20:25
2015-04-21 1:19:36
2015-04-23 1:18:03
2015-04-28 1:21:26
2015-04-30 1:09:42
2015-05-07 1:23:19
Food and the Environment (Spring 2015) - Nathan F. Sayre / UCBerkeley)
# automatic playing for the 25 videos (click the up-left corner for the list)
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2015年5月5日
Geography 130, 001 - Spring 2015
2015-01-20 1:05:18
2015-01-22 1:18:16
2015-01-27 1:19:52
2015-01-29 1:18:44
2015-02-12 1:19:38
2015-02-17 1:19:20
2015-02-19 1:18:51
2015-02-24 1:18:50
2015-02-26 1:13:37
2015-03-03 1:17:23
2015-03-05 1:19:32
2015-03-10 1:17:10
2015-03-12 1:18:52
2015-03-17 1:19:23
2015-03-19 1:20:06
2015-03-31 1:17:19
2015-04-02 1:14:12
2015-04-07 1:19:20
2015-04-09 1:14:54
2015-04-14 1:17:11
2015-04-16 1:19:23
2015-04-23 1:19:06
2015-04-28 1:17:43
2015-04-30 46:04
2015-05-05 1:21:36
source: UCBerkeley Last updated on 2015年5月5日
Geography 130, 001 - Spring 2015
2015-01-20 1:05:18
2015-01-22 1:18:16
2015-01-27 1:19:52
2015-01-29 1:18:44
2015-02-12 1:19:38
2015-02-17 1:19:20
2015-02-19 1:18:51
2015-02-24 1:18:50
2015-02-26 1:13:37
2015-03-03 1:17:23
2015-03-05 1:19:32
2015-03-10 1:17:10
2015-03-12 1:18:52
2015-03-17 1:19:23
2015-03-19 1:20:06
2015-03-31 1:17:19
2015-04-02 1:14:12
2015-04-07 1:19:20
2015-04-09 1:14:54
2015-04-14 1:17:11
2015-04-16 1:19:23
2015-04-23 1:19:06
2015-04-28 1:17:43
2015-04-30 46:04
2015-05-05 1:21:36